XTranslateCoordinates man page on BSDi

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XTranslateCoordinates(3X11XLIB FUNCTIOXTranslateCoordinates(3X11)

       XTranslateCoordinates - translate window coordinates

       Bool XTranslateCoordinates(display, src_w, dest_w, src_x,
       src_y, dest_x_return,
				   dest_y_return, child_return)
	     Display *display;
	     Window src_w, dest_w;
	     int src_x, src_y;
	     int *dest_x_return, *dest_y_return;
	     Window *child_return;

		 Returns the child if the coordinates are con-
		 tained in a mapped child of the destination win-

       dest_w	Specifies the destination window.

		 Return the x and y coordinates within the desti-
		 nation window.

       display	Specifies the connection to the X server.

       src_w	Specifies the source window.

       src_y	Specify the x and y coordinates within the
		 source window.

       If XTranslateCoordinates returns True, it takes the src_x
       and src_y coordinates relative to the source window's ori-
       gin and returns these coordinates to dest_x_return and
       dest_y_return relative to the destination window's origin.
       If XTranslateCoordinates returns False, src_w and dest_w
       are on different screens, and dest_x_return and
       dest_y_return are zero.	If the coordinates are contained
       in a mapped child of dest_w, that child is returned to
       child_return.  Otherwise, child_return is set to None.

       XTranslateCoordinates can generate a BadWindow error.

       BadWindow A value for a Window argument does not name a
		 defined Window.

       Xlib - C Language X Interface

X Version 11		Release 6.4				1


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