XStoreColors man page on BSDi

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XStoreColors(3X11)	XLIB FUNCTIONS	     XStoreColors(3X11)

       XStoreColors, XStoreColor, XStoreNamedColor - set colors

       XStoreColors(display, colormap, color, ncolors)
	     Display *display;
	     Colormap colormap;
	     XColor color[];
	     int ncolors;

       XStoreColor(display, colormap, color)
	     Display *display;
	     Colormap colormap;
	     XColor *color;

       XStoreNamedColor(display, colormap, color, pixel, flags)
	     Display *display;
	     Colormap colormap;
	     char *color;
	     unsigned long pixel;
	     int flags;

       color	Specifies the pixel and RGB values or the color
		 name string (for example, red).

       color	Specifies an array of color definition struc-
		 tures to be stored.

       colormap Specifies the colormap.

       display	Specifies the connection to the X server.

       flags	Specifies which red, green, and blue components
		 are set.

       ncolors	Specifies the number of XColor structures in the
		 color definition array.

       pixel	Specifies the entry in the colormap.

       The XStoreColors function changes the colormap entries of
       the pixel values specified in the pixel members of the
       XColor structures.  You specify which color components are
       to be changed by setting DoRed, DoGreen, and/or DoBlue in
       the flags member of the XColor structures.  If the col-
       ormap is an installed map for its screen, the changes are
       visible immediately.  XStoreColors changes the specified
       pixels if they are allocated writable in the colormap by
       any client, even if one or more pixels generates an error.
       If a specified pixel is not a valid index into the col-
       ormap, a BadValue error results. If a specified pixel
       either is unallocated or is allocated read-only, a

X Version 11		Release 6.4				1

XStoreColors(3X11)	XLIB FUNCTIONS	     XStoreColors(3X11)

       BadAccess error results. If more than one pixel is in
       error, the one that gets reported is arbitrary.

       XStoreColors can generate BadAccess, BadColor, and Bad-
       Value errors.

       The XStoreColor function changes the colormap entry of the
       pixel value specified in the pixel member of the XColor
       structure.  You specified this value in the pixel member
       of the XColor structure. This pixel value must be a
       read/write cell and a valid index into the colormap.  If a
       specified pixel is not a valid index into the colormap, a
       BadValue error results.	XStoreColor also changes the red,
       green, and/or blue color components.  You specify which
       color components are to be changed by setting DoRed,
       DoGreen, and/or DoBlue in the flags member of the XColor
       structure.  If the colormap is an installed map for its
       screen, the changes are visible immediately.

       XStoreColor can generate BadAccess, BadColor, and BadValue

       The XStoreNamedColor function looks up the named color
       with respect to the screen associated with the colormap
       and stores the result in the specified colormap. The
       pixel argument determines the entry in the colormap.  The
       flags argument determines which of the red, green, and
       blue components are set. You can set this member to the
       bitwise inclusive OR of the bits DoRed, DoGreen, and
       DoBlue.	If the color name is not in the Host Portable
       Character Encoding, the result is implementation-depen-
       dent.  Use of uppercase or lowercase does not matter.  If
       the specified pixel is not a valid index into the col-
       ormap, a BadValue error results. If the specified pixel
       either is unallocated or is allocated read-only, a BadAc-
       cess error results.

       XStoreNamedColor can generate BadAccess, BadColor,
       BadName, and BadValue errors.

       BadAccess A client attempted to free a color map entry
		 that it did not already allocate.

       BadAccess A client attempted to store into a read-only
		 color map entry.

       BadColor A value for a Colormap argument does not name a
		 defined Colormap.

       BadName	A font or color of the specified name does not

       BadValue Some numeric value falls outside the range of

X Version 11		Release 6.4				2

XStoreColors(3X11)	XLIB FUNCTIONS	     XStoreColors(3X11)

		 values accepted by the request.  Unless a spe-
		 cific range is specified for an argument, the
		 full range defined by the argument's type is
		 accepted.  Any argument defined as a set of
		 alternatives can generate this error.

       XAllocColor(3X11), XCreateColormap(3X11), XQuery-
       Xlib - C Language X Interface

X Version 11		Release 6.4				3


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