XSetStipple man page on BSDi

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XSetTile(3X11)		XLIB FUNCTIONS	   XSetTile(3X11)

       XSetTile, XSetStipple, XSetTSOrigin - GC convenience rou-

       XSetTile(display, gc, tile)
	     Display *display;
	     GC gc;
	     Pixmap tile;

       XSetStipple(display, gc, stipple)
	     Display *display;
	     GC gc;
	     Pixmap stipple;

       XSetTSOrigin(display, gc, ts_x_origin, ts_y_origin)
	     Display *display;
	     GC gc;
	     int ts_x_origin, ts_y_origin;

       display	Specifies the connection to the X server.

       gc	Specifies the GC.

       stipple	Specifies the stipple you want to set for the
		 specified GC.

       tile	Specifies the fill tile you want to set for the
		 specified GC.

		 Specify the x and y coordinates of the tile and
		 stipple origin.

       The XSetTile function sets the fill tile in the specified
       GC.  The tile and GC must have the same depth, or a Bad-
       Match error results.

       XSetTile can generate BadAlloc, BadGC, BadMatch, and Bad-
       Pixmap errors.

       The XSetStipple function sets the stipple in the specified
       GC.  The stipple must have a depth of one, or a BadMatch
       error results.

       XSetStipple can generate BadAlloc, BadGC, BadMatch, and
       BadPixmap errors.

       The XSetTSOrigin function sets the tile/stipple origin in
       the specified GC.  When graphics requests call for tiling
       or stippling, the parent's origin will be interpreted

X Version 11		Release 6.4				1

XSetTile(3X11)		XLIB FUNCTIONS	   XSetTile(3X11)

       relative to whatever destination drawable is specified in
       the graphics request.

       XSetTSOrigin can generate BadAlloc and BadGC errors.

       BadAlloc The server failed to allocate the requested
		 resource or server memory.

       BadGC	A value for a GContext argument does not name a
		 defined GContext.

       BadMatch Some argument or pair of arguments has the cor-
		 rect type and range but fails to match in some
		 other way required by the request.

       BadPixmap A value for a Pixmap argument does not name a
		 defined Pixmap.

       XCreateGC(3X11), XQueryBestSize(3X11), XSetArcMode(3X11),
       XSetClipOrigin(3X11), XSetFillStyle(3X11), XSetFont(3X11),
       XSetLineAttributes(3X11), XSetState(3X11)
       Xlib - C Language X Interface

X Version 11		Release 6.4				2


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