XSynchronize(3X11) XLIB FUNCTIONS XSynchronize(3X11)NAME
XSynchronize, XSetAfterFunction - enable or disable syn-
int (*XSynchronize(display, onoff))()
Display *display;
Bool onoff;
int (*XSetAfterFunction(display, procedure))()
Display *display;
int (*procedure)();
display Specifies the connection to the X server.
procedure Specifies the procedure to be called.
onoff Specifies a Boolean value that indicates whether
to enable or disable synchronization.
The XSynchronize function returns the previous after func-
tion. If onoff is True, XSynchronize turns on synchronous
behavior. If onoff is False, XSynchronize turns off syn-
chronous behavior.
The specified procedure is called with only a display
pointer. XSetAfterFunction returns the previous after
SEE ALSOXSetErrorHandler(3X11)
Xlib - C Language X Interface
X Version 11 Release 6.4 1