XIconifyWindow man page on BSDi

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XIconifyWindow(3X11)	XLIB FUNCTIONS	   XIconifyWindow(3X11)

       XIconifyWindow, XWithdrawWindow, XReconfigureWMWindow -
       manipulate top-level windows

       Status XIconifyWindow(display, w, screen_number)
	     Display *display;
	     Window w;
	     int screen_number;

       Status XWithdrawWindow(display, w, screen_number)
	     Display *display;
	     Window w;
	     int screen_number;

       Status XReconfigureWMWindow(display, w, screen_number,
       value_mask, values)
	     Display *display;
	     Window w;
	     int screen_number;
	     unsigned int value_mask;
	     XWindowChanges *values;

       display	Specifies the connection to the X server.

		 Specifies the appropriate screen number on the
		 host server.

		 Specifies which values are to be set using
		 information in the values structure.  This mask
		 is the bitwise inclusive OR of the valid config-
		 ure window values bits.

       values	Specifies the XWindowChanges structure.

       w	 Specifies the window.

       The XIconifyWindow function sends a WM_CHANGE_STATE
       ClientMessage event with a format of 32 and a first data
       element of IconicState (as described in section 4.1.4 of
       the Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual) and a
       window of w to the root window of the specified screen
       with an event mask set to SubstructureNotifyMask|
       SubstructureRedirectMask.  Window managers may elect to
       receive this message and if the window is in its normal
       state, may treat it as a request to change the window's
       state from normal to iconic.  If the WM_CHANGE_STATE prop-
       erty cannot be interned, XIconifyWindow does not send a
       message and returns a zero status.  It returns a nonzero
       status if the client message is sent successfully;

X Version 11		Release 6.4				1

XIconifyWindow(3X11)	XLIB FUNCTIONS	   XIconifyWindow(3X11)

       otherwise, it returns a zero status.

       The XWithdrawWindow function unmaps the specified window
       and sends a synthetic UnmapNotify event to the root window
       of the specified screen. Window managers may elect to
       receive this message and may treat it as a request to
       change the window's state to withdrawn.	When a window is
       in the withdrawn state, neither its normal nor its iconic
       representations is visible.  It returns a nonzero status
       if the UnmapNotify event is successfully sent; otherwise,
       it returns a zero status.

       XWithdrawWindow can generate a BadWindow error.

       The XReconfigureWMWindow function issues a ConfigureWindow
       request on the specified top-level window.  If the stack-
       ing mode is changed and the request fails with a BadMatch
       error, the error is trapped by Xlib and a synthetic Con-
       figureRequestEvent containing the same configuration
       parameters is sent to the root of the specified window.
       Window managers may elect to receive this event and treat
       it as a request to reconfigure the indicated window.  It
       returns a nonzero status if the request or event is suc-
       cessfully sent; otherwise, it returns a zero status.

       XReconfigureWMWindow can generate BadValue and BadWindow

       BadValue Some numeric value falls outside the range of
		 values accepted by the request.  Unless a spe-
		 cific range is specified for an argument, the
		 full range defined by the argument's type is
		 accepted.  Any argument defined as a set of
		 alternatives can generate this error.

       BadWindow A value for a Window argument does not name a
		 defined Window.

       XChangeWindowAttributes(3X11), XConfigureWindow(3X11),
       XCreateWindow(3X11), XDestroyWindow(3X11), XRaiseWin-
       dow(3X11), XMapWindow(3X11), XUnmapWindow(3X11)
       Xlib - C Language X Interface

X Version 11		Release 6.4				2


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