XFontSetExtents man page on BSDi

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XFontSetExtents(3X11)	XLIB FUNCTIONS	  XFontSetExtents(3X11)

       XFontSetExtents - XFontSetExtents structure

       The XFontSetExtents structure contains:

       typedef struct {
	    XRectangle max_ink_extent;/* over all drawable characters */
	    XRectangle max_logical_extent;/* over all drawable characters */
       } XFontSetExtents;

       The XRectangle structures used to return font set metrics
       are the usual Xlib screen-oriented rectangles with x, y
       giving the upper left corner, and width and height always

       The max_ink_extent member gives the maximum extent, over
       all drawable characters, of the rectangles that bound the
       character glyph image drawn in the foreground color, rela-
       tive to a constant origin.  See XmbTextExtents and XwcTex-
       tExtents for detailed semantics.

       The max_logical_extent member gives the maximum extent,
       over all drawable characters, of the rectangles that spec-
       ify minimum spacing to other graphical features, relative
       to a constant origin.  Other graphical features drawn by
       the client, for example, a border surrounding the text,
       should not intersect this rectangle.  The max_logi-
       cal_extent member should be used to compute minimum inter-
       line spacing and the minimum area that must be allowed in
       a text field to draw a given number of arbitrary charac-

       Due to context-dependent rendering, appending a given
       character to a string may change the string's extent by an
       amount other than that character's individual extent.

       XCreateFontSet(3X11), XExtentsOfFontSet(3X11), XFontsOf-
       Xlib - C Language X Interface

X Version 11		Release 6.4				1


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