XCreateIC man page on BSDi

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XCreateIC(3X11)		XLIB FUNCTIONS	  XCreateIC(3X11)

       XCreateIC, XDestroyIC, XIMOfIC - create, destroy, and
       obtain the input method of an input context

       XIC XCreateIC(im, ...)
	     XIM im;

       void XDestroyIC(ic)
	     XIC ic;

       XIM XIMOfIC(ic)
	     XIC ic;

       ic	Specifies the input context.

       im	Specifies the input method.

       ...	Specifies the variable length argument list to
		 set XIC values.

       The XCreateIC function creates a context within the speci-
       fied input method.

       Some of the arguments are mandatory at creation time, and
       the input context will not be created if those arguments
       are not provided.  The mandatory arguments are the input
       style and the set of text callbacks (if the input style
       selected requires callbacks).  All other input context
       values can be set later.

       XCreateIC returns a NULL value if no input context could
       be created.  A NULL value could be returned for any of the
       following reasons:

       o    A required argument was not set.

       o    A read-only argument was set (for example,

       o    The argument name is not recognized.

       o    The input method encountered an input method imple-
	    mentation-dependent error.

       The XCreateIC can generate BadAtom, BadColor, BadPixmap,
       and BadWindow errors.

       XDestroyIC destroys the specified input context.

       The XIMOfIC function returns the input method associated
       with the specified input context.

X Version 11		Release 6.4				1

XCreateIC(3X11)		XLIB FUNCTIONS	  XCreateIC(3X11)

       BadAtom	A value for an Atom argument does not name a
		 defined Atom.

       BadColor A value for a Colormap argument does not name a
		 defined Colormap.

       BadPixmap A value for a Pixmap argument does not name a
		 defined Pixmap.

       BadWindow A value for a Window argument does not name a
		 defined Window.

       XOpenIM(3X11), XSetICFocus(3X11), XSetICValues(3X11),
       Xlib - C Language X Interface

X Version 11		Release 6.4				2


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