STPHY man page on BSDi

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STPHY(4)		    BSD Programmer's Manual		      STPHY(4)

     STPHY - Physical layer (PHY) driver on 3C905C ASIC

     stphy* at eb? phy ?

     The stphy driver supports the PHYceiver built into the 3C905C ASIC for
     10baseT and 100baseTX Ethernet. This device driver is called upon by net-
     work device drivers; no direct administrative control is provided.

     The ifconfig(8) command in conjunction with the device driver making us-
     ing of this drivers services provides an administrative interface that
     allows various physical level parameters (such as duplex, speed, and
     loopback) to be controlled.

     The 3C905C supports NWay automatic speed and duplex negotiation as well
     as automatic speed detection for hubs that do not support the NWay FLP
     protocol (both methods are defined by the IEEE 802.3u standard).

     ifconfig(8),  eb(4)

4th Berkeley Distribution	  Mar 6, 2001				     1

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