ImageByteOrder(3X11) XLIB FUNCTIONS ImageByteOrder(3X11)NAME
ImageByteOrder, BitmapBitOrder, BitmapPad, BitmapUnit,
DisplayHeight, DisplayHeightMM, DisplayWidth, Display-
WidthMM, XListPixmapFormats, XPixmapFormatValues - image
format functions and macros
XPixmapFormatValues *XListPixmapFormats(display,
Display *display;
int *count_return;
DisplayHeight(display, screen_number)
DisplayHeightMM(display, screen_number)
DisplayWidth(display, screen_number)
DisplayWidthMM(display, screen_number)
display Specifies the connection to the X server.
Returns the number of pixmap formats that are
supported by the display.
Specifies the appropriate screen number on the
host server.
The XListPixmapFormats function returns an array of
XPixmapFormatValues structures that describe the types of
Z format images supported by the specified display. If
insufficient memory is available, XListPixmapFormats
returns NULL. To free the allocated storage for the
XPixmapFormatValues structures, use XFree.
The ImageByteOrder macro specifies the required byte order
for images for each scanline unit in XY format (bitmap) or
for each pixel value in Z format.
The BitmapBitOrder macro returns LSBFirst or MSBFirst to
indicate whether the leftmost bit in the bitmap as dis-
played on the screen is the least or most significant bit
X Version 11 Release 6.4 1
ImageByteOrder(3X11) XLIB FUNCTIONS ImageByteOrder(3X11)
in the unit.
The BitmapPad macro returns the number of bits that each
scanline must be padded.
The BitmapUnit macro returns the size of a bitmap's scan-
line unit in bits.
The DisplayHeight macro returns the height of the speci-
fied screen in pixels.
The DisplayHeightMM macro returns the height of the speci-
fied screen in millimeters.
The DisplayWidth macro returns the width of the screen in
The DisplayWidthMM macro returns the width of the speci-
fied screen in millimeters.
The XPixmapFormatValues structure provides an interface to
the pixmap format information that is returned at the time
of a connection setup. It contains:
typedef struct {
int depth;
int bits_per_pixel;
int scanline_pad;
} XPixmapFormatValues;
SEE ALSOAllPlanes(3X11), BlackPixelOfScreen(3X11), IsCur-
sorKey(3X11), XFree(3X11)
Xlib - C Language X Interface
X Version 11 Release 6.4 2