man page search on Hurd

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[ (1)                - check file types and compare values
2to3(1)             - Python2 to Python3 converter
2to3-2.7(1)         - Python2 to Python3 converter
a2disconf(8)        - enable or disable an apache2 configuration file
a2dismod(8)         - enable or disable an apache2 module
a2dissite(8)        - enable or disable an apache2 site / virtual host
a2enconf(8)         - enable or disable an apache2 configuration file
a2enmod(8)          - enable or disable an apache2 module
a2ensite(8)         - enable or disable an apache2 site / virtual host
a2p(1)              - Awk to Perl translator
a2query(1)          - retrieve runtime configuration from a local Apache 2 HTTP server
a64l(3)             - convert between long and base-64
abort(3)            - cause abnormal process termination
abs(3)              - compute the absolute value of an integer
accept(2)           - accept a connection on a socket
accept4(2)          - accept a connection on a socket
access(2)           - check real user's permissions for a file
access(5)           - Postfix SMTP server access table
access.conf(5)      - the login access control table file
accessdb(8)         - dumps the content of a man-db database in a human readable format
acct(2)             - switch process accounting on or off
acct(5)             - process accounting file
aclocal-1.9(1)      - automatically generate aclocal.m4 from
aclocal(1)          - automatically generate aclocal.m4 from
acos(3)             - arc cosine function
acosf(3)            - arc cosine function
acosh(3)            - inverse hyperbolic cosine function
acoshf(3)           - inverse hyperbolic cosine function
acoshl(3)           - inverse hyperbolic cosine function
acosl(3)            - arc cosine function
addgnupghome(8)     - Create .gnupg home directories
addgroup(8)         - add a user or group to the system
add_key(2)          - add a key to the kernel's key management facility
addmntent(3)        - get filesystem descriptor file entry
addr2line(1)        - convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
addseverity(3)      - introduce new severity classes
add-shell(8)        - add shells to the list of valid login shells
adduser(8)          - add a user or group to the system
adduser.conf(5)     - configuration file for adduser(8) and addgroup(8) .
adjtime(3)          - correct the time to synchronize the system clock
adjtimex(2)         - tune kernel clock
afs_syscall(2)      - unimplemented system calls
__after_morecore_hook(3) - malloc debugging variables
agetty(8)           - alternative Linux getty
aio(7)              - POSIX asynchronous I/O overview
aio_cancel(3)       - cancel an outstanding asynchronous I/O request
aio_error(3)        - get error status of asynchronous I/O operation
aio_fsync(3)        - asynchronous file synchronization
aio_init(3)         - asynchronous I/O initialization
aio_read(3)         - asynchronous read
aio_return(3)       - get return status of asynchronous I/O operation
aio_suspend(3)      - wait for asynchronous I/O operation or timeout
aio_write(3)        - asynchronous write
alarm(2)            - set an alarm clock for delivery of a signal
Algorithm::Diff(3pm) - Compute `intelligent' differences between two files / lists
Algorithm::DiffOld(3pm) - Compute `intelligent' differences between two files / lists but use the old (<=0.59) interface.
Algorithm::Diff::XS(3pm) - Algorithm::Diff with XS core loop
Algorithm::Merge(3pm) - Three-way merge and diff
aliases(5)          - Postfix local alias database format
aligned_alloc(3)    - allocate aligned memory
alloca(3)           - allocate memory that is automatically freed
alloc_hugepages(2)  - allocate or free huge pages
AllPlanes(3)        - Display macros and functions
alphasort(3)        - scan a directory for matching entries
alpine(1)           - an Alternatively Licensed Program for Internet News and Email
alpinef(1)          - an Alternatively Licensed Program for Internet News and Email
american(5)         - flag format for English ispell dictionaries
american-english(5) - a list of English words
anvil(8postfix)     - Postfix session count and request rate control
apache2(8)          - Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol Server
apache2ctl(8)       - Apache HTTP server control interface
apachectl(8)        - Apache HTTP server control interface
applygnupgdefaults(8) - Run gpgconf - apply-defaults for all users.
appres(1)           - list X application resource database
apropos(1)          - search the manual page names and descriptions
apt(8)              - Advanced Package Tool
apt-cache(8)        - query the APT cache
apt-cdrom(8)        - APT CD-ROM management utility
apt.conf(5)         - Configuration file for APT
apt-config(8)       - APT Configuration Query program
apt-extracttemplates(1) - Utility to extract debconf config and templates from Debian packages
apt-ftparchive(1)   - Utility to generate index files
apt-get(8)          - APT package handling utility - - command-line interface
aptitude(8)         - high-level interface to the package manager
aptitude-create-state-bundle(1) - bundle the current aptitude state
aptitude-curses(8)  - high-level interface to the package manager
aptitude-run-state-bundle(1) - unpack an aptitude state bundle and invoke aptitude on it
apt-key(8)          - APT key management utility
apt-listchanges(1)  - Show new changelog entries from Debian package archives
apt-mark(8)         - mark/unmark a package as being automatically-installed
apt_preferences(5)  - Preference control file for APT
apt-secure(8)       - Archive authentication support for APT
apt-sortpkgs(1)     - Utility to sort package index files
ar(1)               - create, modify, and extract from archives
arch(1)             - print machine hardware name (same as uname -m)
arch_prctl(2)       - set architecture-specific thread state
argz(3)             - functions to handle an argz list
argz_add(3)         - functions to handle an argz list
argz_add_sep(3)     - functions to handle an argz list
argz_append(3)      - functions to handle an argz list
argz_count(3)       - functions to handle an argz list
argz_create(3)      - functions to handle an argz list
argz_create_sep(3)  - functions to handle an argz list
argz_delete(3)      - functions to handle an argz list
argz_extract(3)     - functions to handle an argz list
argz_insert(3)      - functions to handle an argz list
argz_next(3)        - functions to handle an argz list
argz_replace(3)     - functions to handle an argz list
argz_stringify(3)   - functions to handle an argz list
arm_fadvise(2)      - predeclare an access pattern for file data
arm_fadvise64_64(2) - predeclare an access pattern for file data
armscii-8(7)        - Armenian character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
arm_sync_file_range(2) - sync a file segment with disk
arp(7)              - Linux ARP kernel module.
as(1)               - the portable GNU assembler.
ascii(7)            - ASCII character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
asctime(3)          - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
asctime_r(3)        - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
asin(3)             - arc sine function
asinf(3)            - arc sine function
asinh(3)            - inverse hyperbolic sine function
asinhf(3)           - inverse hyperbolic sine function
asinhl(3)           - inverse hyperbolic sine function
asinl(3)            - arc sine function
ASN1_generate_nconf(3ssl) - ASN1 generation functions
ASN1_generate_v3(3ssl) - ASN1 generation functions
ASN1_OBJECT_free(3ssl) - object allocation functions
ASN1_OBJECT_new(3ssl) - object allocation functions
asn1parse(1ssl)     - ASN.1 parsing tool
ASN1_STRING_cmp(3ssl) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_data(3ssl) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_dup(3ssl) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_free(3ssl) - ASN1_STRING allocation functions
ASN1_STRING_length(3ssl) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_length_set(3ssl) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_new(3ssl) - ASN1_STRING allocation functions
ASN1_STRING_print_ex(3ssl) - ASN1_STRING output routines.
ASN1_STRING_print_ex_fp(3ssl) - ASN1_STRING output routines.
ASN1_STRING_set(3ssl) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_type(3ssl) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_type_new(3ssl) - ASN1_STRING allocation functions
aspell-autobuildhash(8) - Autobuilding aspell hash files for some dicts
asprintf(3)         - print to allocated string
assert(3)           - abort the program if assertion is false
assert_perror(3)    - test errnum and abort
at(1)               - queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution
at.allow(5)         - determine who can submit jobs via at or batch
atan2(3)            - arc tangent function of two variables
atan2f(3)           - arc tangent function of two variables
atan2l(3)           - arc tangent function of two variables
atan(3)             - arc tangent function
atanf(3)            - arc tangent function
atanh(3)            - inverse hyperbolic tangent function
atanhf(3)           - inverse hyperbolic tangent function
atanhl(3)           - inverse hyperbolic tangent function
atanl(3)            - arc tangent function
atd(8)              - run jobs queued for later execution
at.deny(5)          - determine who can submit jobs via at or batch
atexit(3)           - register a function to be called at normal process termination
atof(3)             - convert a string to a double
atoi(3)             - convert a string to an integer
atol(3)             - convert a string to an integer
atoll(3)            - convert a string to an integer
atoq(3)             - convert a string to an integer
atq(1)              - queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution
atrm(1)             - queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution
auth_destroy(3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
Authen::SASL(3pm)   - SASL Authentication framework
Authen::SASL::Perl(3pm) - - Perl implementation of the SASL Authentication framework
Authen::SASL::Perl::ANONYMOUS(3pm) - Anonymous Authentication class
Authen::SASL::Perl::CRAM_MD5(3pm) - CRAM MD5 Authentication class
Authen::SASL::Perl::DIGEST_MD5(3pm) - Digest MD5 Authentication class
Authen::SASL::Perl::EXTERNAL(3pm) - External Authentication class
Authen::SASL::Perl::GSSAPI(3pm) - GSSAPI(Kerberosv5) Authentication class
Authen::SASL::Perl::LOGIN(3pm) - Login Authentication class
Authen::SASL::Perl::PLAIN(3pm) - Plain Login Authentication class
authnone_create(3)  - library routines for remote procedure calls
authorized_keys(5)  - OpenSSH SSH daemon
authunix_create(3)  - library routines for remote procedure calls
authunix_create_default(3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
autoconf(1)         - Generate configuration scripts
autoheader(1)       - Create a template header for configure
autom4te(1)         - Generate files and scripts thanks to M4
automake-1.9(1)     - automatically create's from's
automake(1)         - automatically create's from's
autoreconf(1)       - Update generated configuration files
autoscan(1)         - Generate a preliminary
autoupdate(1)       - Update a to a newer Autoconf
awk(1)              - pattern scanning and text processing language
backtrace(3)        - support for application self-debugging
backtrace_symbols(3) - support for application self-debugging
backtrace_symbols_fd(3) - support for application self-debugging
badblocks(8)        - search a device for bad blocks
base64(1)           - base64 encode/decode data and print to standard output
basename(1)         - strip directory and suffix from filenames
basename(3)         - parse pathname components
bash(1)             - GNU Bourne-Again SHell
bashbug(1)          - report a bug in bash
bash-builtins(7)    - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
batch(1)            - queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution
bc(1)               - An arbitrary precision calculator language
bcmp(3)             - compare byte sequences
bcopy(3)            - copy byte sequence
bdflush(2)          - start, flush, or tune buffer-dirty-flush daemon
be16toh(3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byte order
be32toh(3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byte order
be64toh(3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byte order
berkeley_db5.1_svc(1) - Berkeley DB RPC server
berkeley_db6.0_svc(1) - Berkeley DB RPC server
BF_cbc_encrypt(3ssl) - Blowfish encryption
BF_cfb64_encrypt(3ssl) - Blowfish encryption
BF_decrypt(3ssl)    - Blowfish encryption
BF_ecb_encrypt(3ssl) - Blowfish encryption
BF_encrypt(3ssl)    - Blowfish encryption
BF_ofb64_encrypt(3ssl) - Blowfish encryption
BF_options(3ssl)    - Blowfish encryption
BF_set_key(3ssl)    - Blowfish encryption
bind(2)             - bind a name to a socket
bindresvport(3)     - bind a socket to a privileged IP port
bindtextdomain(3)   - set directory containing message catalogs
bind_textdomain_codeset(3) - set encoding of message translations
bio(3ssl)           - I/O abstraction
BIO_append_filename(3ssl) - FILE bio
BIO_callback_ctrl(3ssl) - BIO control operations
BIO_ctrl(3ssl)      - BIO control operations
BIO_ctrl_get_read_request(3ssl) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_ctrl_get_write_guarantee(3ssl) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_ctrl_pending(3ssl) - BIO control operations
BIO_ctrl_reset_read_request(3ssl) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_ctrl_wpending(3ssl) - BIO control operations
BIO_debug_callback(3ssl) - BIO callback functions
BIO_destroy_bio_pair(3ssl) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_do_accept(3ssl) - accept BIO
BIO_do_connect(3ssl) - connect BIO
BIO_eof(3ssl)       - BIO control operations
BIO_f_base64(3ssl)  - base64 BIO filter
BIO_f_buffer(3ssl)  - buffering BIO
BIO_f_cipher(3ssl)  - cipher BIO filter
BIO_find_type(3ssl) - BIO chain traversal
BIO_flush(3ssl)     - BIO control operations
BIO_f_md(3ssl)      - message digest BIO filter
BIO_f_null(3ssl)    - null filter
BIO_free(3ssl)      - BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_free_all(3ssl)  - BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_f_ssl(3ssl)     - SSL BIO
BIO_get_accept_port(3ssl) - accept BIO
BIO_get_bind_mode(3ssl) - accept BIO
BIO_get_callback(3ssl) - BIO callback functions
BIO_get_callback_arg(3ssl) - BIO callback functions
BIO_get_cipher_ctx(3ssl) - cipher BIO filter
BIO_get_cipher_status(3ssl) - cipher BIO filter
BIO_get_close(3ssl) - BIO control operations
BIO_get_conn_hostname(3ssl) - connect BIO
BIO_get_conn_int_port(3ssl) - connect BIO
BIO_get_conn_ip(3ssl) - connect BIO
BIO_get_conn_port(3ssl) - connect BIO
BIO_get_fd(3ssl)    - file descriptor BIO
BIO_get_fp(3ssl)    - FILE bio
BIO_get_info_callback(3ssl) - BIO control operations
BIO_get_md(3ssl)    - message digest BIO filter
BIO_get_md_ctx(3ssl) - message digest BIO filter
BIO_get_mem_data(3ssl) - memory BIO
BIO_get_mem_ptr(3ssl) - memory BIO
BIO_get_num_renegotiates(3ssl) - SSL BIO
BIO_get_read_request(3ssl) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_get_retry_BIO(3ssl) - BIO retry functions
BIO_get_retry_reason(3ssl) - BIO retry functions
BIO_gets(3ssl)      - BIO I/O functions
BIO_get_ssl(3ssl)   - SSL BIO
BIO_get_write_buf_size(3ssl) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_get_write_guarantee(3ssl) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_int_ctrl(3ssl)  - BIO control operations
BIO_make_bio_pair(3ssl) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_new(3ssl)       - BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_new_bio_pair(3ssl) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_new_buffer_ssl_connect(3ssl) - SSL BIO
BIO_new_CMS(3ssl)   - CMS streaming filter BIO
BIO_new_fd(3ssl)    - file descriptor BIO
BIO_new_file(3ssl)  - FILE bio
BIO_new_fp(3ssl)    - FILE bio
BIO_new_mem_buf(3ssl) - memory BIO
BIO_new_socket(3ssl) - socket BIO
BIO_new_ssl(3ssl)   - SSL BIO
BIO_new_ssl_connect(3ssl) - SSL BIO
BIO_next(3ssl)      - BIO chain traversal
BIO_pending(3ssl)   - BIO control operations
BIO_pop(3ssl)       - add and remove BIOs from a chain.
BIO_ptr_ctrl(3ssl)  - BIO control operations
BIO_push(3ssl)      - add and remove BIOs from a chain.
BIO_puts(3ssl)      - BIO I/O functions
BIO_read(3ssl)      - BIO I/O functions
BIO_read_filename(3ssl) - FILE bio
BIO_reset(3ssl)     - BIO control operations
BIO_retry_type(3ssl) - BIO retry functions
BIO_rw_filename(3ssl) - FILE bio
BIO_s_accept(3ssl)  - accept BIO
BIO_s_bio(3ssl)     - BIO pair BIO
BIO_s_connect(3ssl) - connect BIO
biosdecode(8)       - BIOS information decoder
BIO_seek(3ssl)      - BIO control operations
BIO_set(3ssl)       - BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_set_accept_bios(3ssl) - accept BIO
BIO_set_accept_port(3ssl) - accept BIO
BIO_set_bind_mode(3ssl) - accept BIO
BIO_set_callback(3ssl) - BIO callback functions
BIO_set_callback_arg(3ssl) - BIO callback functions
BIO_set_cipher(3ssl) - cipher BIO filter
BIO_set_close(3ssl) - BIO control operations
BIO_set_conn_hostname(3ssl) - connect BIO
BIO_set_conn_int_port(3ssl) - connect BIO
BIO_set_conn_ip(3ssl) - connect BIO
BIO_set_conn_port(3ssl) - connect BIO
BIO_set_fd(3ssl)    - file descriptor BIO
BIO_set_fp(3ssl)    - FILE bio
BIO_set_info_callback(3ssl) - BIO control operations
BIO_set_md(3ssl)    - message digest BIO filter
BIO_set_mem_buf(3ssl) - memory BIO
BIO_set_mem_eof_return(3ssl) - memory BIO
BIO_set_nbio(3ssl)  - connect BIO
BIO_set_nbio_accept(3ssl) - accept BIO
BIO_set_ssl(3ssl)   - SSL BIO
BIO_set_ssl_mode(3ssl) - SSL BIO
BIO_set_ssl_renegotiate_bytes(3ssl) - SSL BIO
BIO_set_ssl_renegotiate_timeout(3ssl) - SSL BIO
BIO_set_write_buf_size(3ssl) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_s_fd(3ssl)      - file descriptor BIO
BIO_s_file(3ssl)    - FILE bio
BIO_should_io_special(3ssl) - BIO retry functions
BIO_should_read(3ssl) - BIO retry functions
BIO_should_retry(3ssl) - BIO retry functions
BIO_should_write(3ssl) - BIO retry functions
BIO_shutdown_wr(3ssl) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_s_mem(3ssl)     - memory BIO
BIO_s_null(3ssl)    - null data sink
BIO_ssl_copy_session_id(3ssl) - SSL BIO
BIO_ssl_shutdown(3ssl) - SSL BIO
BIO_s_socket(3ssl)  - socket BIO
BIO_tell(3ssl)      - BIO control operations
BIO_vfree(3ssl)     - BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_wpending(3ssl)  - BIO control operations
BIO_write(3ssl)     - BIO I/O functions
BIO_write_filename(3ssl) - FILE bio
bison(1)            - GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement)
bison.yacc(1)       - GNU Project parser generator
BitmapBitOrder(3)   - image format functions and macros
BitmapPad(3)        - image format functions and macros
BitmapUnit(3)       - image format functions and macros
BlackPixel(3)       - Display macros and functions
BlackPixelOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
blkid(8)            - locate/print block device attributes
blowfish(3ssl)      - Blowfish encryption
bn(3ssl)            - multiprecision integer arithmetics
BN_add(3ssl)        - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_add_word(3ssl)   - arithmetic functions on BIGNUMs with integers
bn_add_words(3ssl)  - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_bin2bn(3ssl)     - format conversions
BN_BLINDING_convert(3ssl) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_convert_ex(3ssl) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_create_param(3ssl) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_free(3ssl) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_get_flags(3ssl) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_get_thread_id(3ssl) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_invert(3ssl) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_invert_ex(3ssl) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_new(3ssl) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_set_flags(3ssl) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_set_thread_id(3ssl) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_update(3ssl) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_bn2bin(3ssl)     - format conversions
BN_bn2dec(3ssl)     - format conversions
BN_bn2hex(3ssl)     - format conversions
BN_bn2mpi(3ssl)     - format conversions
bn_check_top(3ssl)  - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_clear(3ssl)      - allocate and free BIGNUMs
BN_clear_bit(3ssl)  - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_clear_free(3ssl) - allocate and free BIGNUMs
BN_cmp(3ssl)        - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
bn_cmp_words(3ssl)  - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_copy(3ssl)       - copy BIGNUMs
BN_CTX_end(3ssl)    - use temporary BIGNUM variables
BN_CTX_free(3ssl)   - allocate and free BN_CTX structures
BN_CTX_get(3ssl)    - use temporary BIGNUM variables
BN_CTX_init(3ssl)   - allocate and free BN_CTX structures
BN_CTX_new(3ssl)    - allocate and free BN_CTX structures
BN_CTX_start(3ssl)  - use temporary BIGNUM variables
BN_dec2bn(3ssl)     - format conversions
BN_div(3ssl)        - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_div_recp(3ssl)   - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_div_word(3ssl)   - arithmetic functions on BIGNUMs with integers
bn_div_words(3ssl)  - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_dump(3ssl)       - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_dup(3ssl)        - copy BIGNUMs
BN_exp(3ssl)        - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
bn_expand2(3ssl)    - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_expand(3ssl)     - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_fix_top(3ssl)    - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_free(3ssl)       - allocate and free BIGNUMs
BN_from_montgomery(3ssl) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_gcd(3ssl)        - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_generate_prime(3ssl) - generate primes and test for primality
BN_get_word(3ssl)   - BIGNUM assignment operations
BN_hex2bn(3ssl)     - format conversions
BN_init(3ssl)       - allocate and free BIGNUMs
bn_internal(3ssl)   - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_is_bit_set(3ssl) - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_is_odd(3ssl)     - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_is_one(3ssl)     - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_is_prime(3ssl)   - generate primes and test for primality
BN_is_prime_fasttest(3ssl) - generate primes and test for primality
BN_is_word(3ssl)    - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_is_zero(3ssl)    - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_lshift1(3ssl)    - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_lshift(3ssl)     - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mask_bits(3ssl)  - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod(3ssl)        - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_add(3ssl)    - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_exp(3ssl)    - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_inverse(3ssl) - compute inverse modulo n
BN_mod_mul(3ssl)    - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_mul_montgomery(3ssl) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_mod_mul_reciprocal(3ssl) - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_mod_sqr(3ssl)    - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_sub(3ssl)    - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_word(3ssl)   - arithmetic functions on BIGNUMs with integers
BN_MONT_CTX_copy(3ssl) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_MONT_CTX_free(3ssl) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_MONT_CTX_init(3ssl) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_MONT_CTX_new(3ssl) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_MONT_CTX_set(3ssl) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_mpi2bn(3ssl)     - format conversions
BN_mul(3ssl)        - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
bn_mul_add_words(3ssl) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_comba4(3ssl) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_comba8(3ssl) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_high(3ssl)   - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_low_normal(3ssl) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_low_recursive(3ssl) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_normal(3ssl) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_part_recursive(3ssl) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_recursive(3ssl) - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_mul_word(3ssl)   - arithmetic functions on BIGNUMs with integers
bn_mul_words(3ssl)  - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_new(3ssl)        - allocate and free BIGNUMs
BN_nnmod(3ssl)      - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_num_bits(3ssl)   - get BIGNUM size
BN_num_bits_word(3ssl) - get BIGNUM size
BN_num_bytes(3ssl)  - get BIGNUM size
BN_one(3ssl)        - BIGNUM assignment operations
bn_print(3ssl)      - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_print(3ssl)      - format conversions
BN_print_fp(3ssl)   - format conversions
BN_pseudo_rand(3ssl) - generate pseudo-random number
BN_rand(3ssl)       - generate pseudo-random number
BN_RECP_CTX_free(3ssl) - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_RECP_CTX_init(3ssl) - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_RECP_CTX_new(3ssl) - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_RECP_CTX_set(3ssl) - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_rshift1(3ssl)    - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_rshift(3ssl)     - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_set_bit(3ssl)    - bit operations on BIGNUMs
bn_set_high(3ssl)   - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_set_low(3ssl)    - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_set_max(3ssl)    - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_set_word(3ssl)   - BIGNUM assignment operations
BN_sqr(3ssl)        - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
bn_sqr_comba4(3ssl) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_sqr_comba8(3ssl) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_sqr_normal(3ssl) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_sqr_recursive(3ssl) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_sqr_words(3ssl)  - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_sub(3ssl)        - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_sub_word(3ssl)   - arithmetic functions on BIGNUMs with integers
bn_sub_words(3ssl)  - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_swap(3ssl)       - exchange BIGNUMs
BN_to_montgomery(3ssl) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_ucmp(3ssl)       - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_value_one(3ssl)  - BIGNUM assignment operations
bn_wexpand(3ssl)    - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_zero(3ssl)       - BIGNUM assignment operations
body_checks(5)      - Postfix built-in content inspection
boot(7)             - general description of boot sequence
bootparam(7)        - introduction to boot time parameters of the Linux kernel
bounce(5)           - Postfix bounce message template format
bounce(8postfix)    - Postfix delivery status reports
break(2)            - unimplemented system calls
british(5)          - flag format for English ispell dictionaries
brk(2)              - change data segment size
bsd-csh(1)          - a shell (command interpreter) with C-like syntax
bsd-from(1)         - print names of those who have sent mail
bsd-mailx(1)        - send and receive mail
bsd_signal(3)       - signal handling with BSD semantics
bsd-write(1)        - send a message to another user
bsearch(3)          - binary search of a sorted array
bstring(3)          - byte string operations
btowc(3)            - convert single byte to wide character
btree(3)            - btree database access method
buffer(3ssl)        - simple character arrays structure
BUF_MEM_free(3ssl)  - simple character arrays structure
BUF_MEM_grow(3ssl)  - simple character arrays structure
BUF_MEM_new(3ssl)   - simple character arrays structure
BUF_strdup(3ssl)    - simple character arrays structure
buildhash(1)        - Interactive spelling checking
builtins(7)         - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
Bundle::DBI(3pm)    - A bundle to install DBI and required modules.
bunzip2(1)          - a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.6
byteorder(3)        - convert values between host and network byte order
bzcat(1)            - decompresses files to stdout
bzcmp(1)            - compare bzip2 compressed files
bzdiff(1)           - compare bzip2 compressed files
bzegrep(1)          - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression
bzero(3)            - write zero-valued bytes
bzexe(1)            - compress executable files in place
bzfgrep(1)          - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression
bzgrep(1)           - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression
bzip2(1)            - a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.6
bzip2recover(1)     - recovers data from damaged bzip2 files
bzless(1)           - file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compressed text
bzmore(1)           - file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compressed text
c2ph(1)             - Dump C structures as generated from "cc - g - S" stabs
c89(1)              - ANSI(1989) C compiler
c89-gcc(1)          - ANSI(1989) C compiler
c99(1)              - ANSI(1999) C compiler
c99-gcc(1)          - ANSI(1999) C compiler
ca(1ssl)            - sample minimal CA application
cabs(3)             - absolute value of a complex number
cabsf(3)            - absolute value of a complex number
cabsl(3)            - absolute value of a complex number
cacheflush(2)       - flush contents of instruction and/or data cache
cacos(3)            - complex arc cosine
cacosf(3)           - complex arc cosine
cacosh(3)           - complex arc hyperbolic cosine
cacoshf(3)          - complex arc hyperbolic cosine
cacoshl(3)          - complex arc hyperbolic cosine
cacosl(3)           - complex arc cosine
cal(1)              - displays a calendar and the date of Easter
calendar(1)         - reminder service
calloc(3)           - allocate and free dynamic memory
callrpc(3)          - library routines for remote procedure calls
canonical(5)        - Postfix canonical table format
canonicalize_file_name(3) - return the canonicalized absolute pathname
capabilities(7)     - overview of Linux capabilities
capget(2)           - set/get capabilities of thread(s)         - friendlier interface for OpenSSL certificate programs
capset(2)           - set/get capabilities of thread(s)
captoinfo(1)        - convert a termcap description into a terminfo description
carg(3)             - calculate the complex argument
cargf(3)            - calculate the complex argument
cargl(3)            - calculate the complex argument
casin(3)            - complex arc sine
casinf(3)           - complex arc sine
casinh(3)           - complex arc sine hyperbolic
casinhf(3)          - complex arc sine hyperbolic
casinhl(3)          - complex arc sine hyperbolic
casinl(3)           - complex arc sine
cat(1)              - concatenate files and print on the standard output
catan(3)            - complex arc tangents
catanf(3)           - complex arc tangents
catanh(3)           - complex arc tangents hyperbolic
catanhf(3)          - complex arc tangents hyperbolic
catanhl(3)          - complex arc tangents hyperbolic
catanl(3)           - complex arc tangents
catchsegv(1)        - Catch segmentation faults in programs
catclose(3)         - open/close a message catalog
catgets(3)          - get message from a message catalog
catman(8)           - create or update the pre-formatted manual pages
catopen(3)          - open/close a message catalog
cbc_crypt(3)        - fast DES encryption
cbrt(3)             - cube root function
cbrtf(3)            - cube root function
cbrtl(3)            - cube root function
cciss(4)            - HP Smart Array block driver
ccos(3)             - complex cosine function
ccosf(3)            - complex cosine function
ccosh(3)            - complex hyperbolic cosine
ccoshf(3)           - complex hyperbolic cosine
ccoshl(3)           - complex hyperbolic cosine
ccosl(3)            - complex cosine function
ceil(3)             - ceiling function: smallest integral value not less than argument
ceilf(3)            - ceiling function: smallest integral value not less than argument
ceill(3)            - ceiling function: smallest integral value not less than argument
CellsOfScreen(3)    - screen information functions and macros
cerf(3)             - complex error function
cerfc(3)            - complex error function
cerfcf(3)           - complex error function
cerfcl(3)           - complex error function
cerff(3)            - complex error function
cerfl(3)            - complex error function
cexp2(3)            - base-2 exponent of a complex number
cexp2f(3)           - base-2 exponent of a complex number
cexp2l(3)           - base-2 exponent of a complex number
cexp(3)             - complex exponential function
cexpf(3)            - complex exponential function
cexpl(3)            - complex exponential function
cfdisk(8)           - display or manipulate disk partition table
cfgetispeed(3)      - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
cfgetospeed(3)      - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
c++filt(1)          - Demangle C++ and Java symbols.
cfmakeraw(3)        - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
cfree(3)            - free allocated memory
cfsetispeed(3)      - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
cfsetospeed(3)      - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
cfsetspeed(3)       - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
chage(1)            - change user password expiry information
chardet(1)          - universal character encoding detector
charmap(5)          - character symbols to define character encodings
charsets(7)         - programmer's view of character sets and internationalization
chattr(1)           - change file attributes on a Linux file system
chcon(1)            - change file security context
chdir(2)            - change working directory
chfn(1)             - change real user name and information
chgpasswd(8)        - update group passwords in batch mode
chgrp(1)            - change group ownership
chkdupexe(1)        - find duplicate executables
chmod(1)            - change file mode bits
chmod(2)            - change permissions of a file
chown(1)            - change file owner and group
chown(2)            - change ownership of a file
chown32(2)          - change ownership of a file
chpasswd(8)         - update passwords in batch mode
chroot(2)           - change root directory
chroot(8)           - run command or interactive shell with special root directory
chrt(1)             - manipulate the real-time attributes of a process
chsh(1)             - change login shell
cidr_table(5)       - format of Postfix CIDR tables
cimag(3)            - get imaginary part of a complex number
cimagf(3)           - get imaginary part of a complex number
cimagl(3)           - get imaginary part of a complex number
ciphers(1ssl)       - SSL cipher display and cipher list tool.
CIRCLEQ_ENTRY(3)    - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
CIRCLEQ_HEAD(3)     - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
CIRCLEQ_INIT(3)     - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
CIRCLEQ_INSERT_AFTER(3) - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
CIRCLEQ_INSERT_BEFORE(3) - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
CIRCLEQ_INSERT_HEAD(3) - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
CIRCLEQ_INSERT_TAIL(3) - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
CIRCLEQ_REMOVE(3)   - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
cksum(1)            - checksum and count the bytes in a file
Class::ISA(3pm)     - report the search path for a class's ISA tree
cleanup(8postfix)   - canonicalize and enqueue Postfix message
clear(1)            - clear the terminal screen
clearenv(3)         - clear the environment
clearerr(3)         - check and reset stream status
clearerr_unlocked(3) - nonlocking stdio functions
ClientWhitePointOfCCC(3) - Color Conversion Context macros
clnt_broadcast(3)   - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_call(3)        - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_control(3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_create(3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_destroy(3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_freeres(3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_geterr(3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_pcreateerror(3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_perrno(3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_perror(3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
clntraw_create(3)   - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_spcreateerror(3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_sperrno(3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_sperror(3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnttcp_create(3)   - library routines for remote procedure calls
clntudp_bufcreate(3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
clntudp_create(3)   - library routines for remote procedure calls
clock(3)            - determine processor time
clock_getcpuclockid(3) - obtain ID of a process CPU-time clock
clock_getres(2)     - clock and time functions
clock_getres(3)     - clock and time functions
clock_gettime(2)    - clock and time functions
clock_gettime(3)    - clock and time functions
clock_nanosleep(2)  - high-resolution sleep with specifiable clock
clock_settime(2)    - clock and time functions
clock_settime(3)    - clock and time functions
clog10(3)           - base-10 logarithm of a complex number
clog10f(3)          - base-10 logarithm of a complex number
clog10l(3)          - base-10 logarithm of a complex number
clog2(3)            - base-2 logarithm of a complex number
clog2f(3)           - base-2 logarithm of a complex number
clog2l(3)           - base-2 logarithm of a complex number
clog(3)             - natural logarithm of a complex number
clogf(3)            - natural logarithm of a complex number
clogl(3)            - natural logarithm of a complex number
__clone2(2)         - create a child process
clone2(2)           - create a child process
clone(2)            - create a child process
close(2)            - close a file descriptor
closedir(3)         - close a directory
closelog(3)         - send messages to the system logger
cmp(1)              - compare two files byte by byte
cms(1ssl)           - CMS utility
CMS_add0_cert(3ssl) - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_add0_crl(3ssl)  - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_add0_recipient_key(3ssl) - add recipients to a CMS enveloped data structure
CMS_add1_cert(3ssl) - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_add1_ReceiptRequest(3ssl) - CMS signed receipt request functions.
CMS_add1_recipient_cert(3ssl) - add recipients to a CMS enveloped data structure
CMS_compress(3ssl)  - create a CMS CompressedData structure
CMS_decrypt(3ssl)   - decrypt content from a CMS envelopedData structure
CMS_encrypt(3ssl)   - create a CMS envelopedData structure
CMS_final(3ssl)     - finalise a CMS_ContentInfo structure
cmsg(3)             - access ancillary data
CMSG_ALIGN(3)       - access ancillary data
CMS_get0_eContentType(3ssl) - get and set CMS content types
CMS_get0_RecipientInfos(3ssl) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_get0_SignerInfos(3ssl) - CMS signedData signer functions.
CMS_get0_type(3ssl) - get and set CMS content types
CMS_get1_certs(3ssl) - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_get1_crls(3ssl) - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_get1_ReceiptRequest(3ssl) - CMS signed receipt request functions.
CMSG_FIRSTHDR(3)    - access ancillary data
CMSG_NXTHDR(3)      - access ancillary data
CMSG_SPACE(3)       - access ancillary data
CMS_ReceiptRequest_create0(3ssl) - CMS signed receipt request functions.
CMS_ReceiptRequest_get0_values(3ssl) - CMS signed receipt request functions.
CMS_RecipientInfo_decrypt(3ssl) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_RecipientInfo_kekri_get0_id(3ssl) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_RecipientInfo_kekri_id_cmp(3ssl) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_RecipientInfo_ktri_cert_cmp(3ssl) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_RecipientInfo_ktri_get0_signer_id(3ssl) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_RecipientInfo_set0_key(3ssl) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_RecipientInfo_set0_pkey(3ssl) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_RecipientInfo_type(3ssl) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_set1_eContentType(3ssl) - get and set CMS content types
CMS_set1_signer_certs(3ssl) - CMS signedData signer functions.
CMS_sign(3ssl)      - create a CMS SignedData structure
CMS_sign_add1_signer(3ssl) - add a signer to a CMS_ContentInfo signed data structure.
CMS_SignerInfo_cert_cmp(3ssl) - CMS signedData signer functions.
CMS_SignerInfo_get0_signer_id(3ssl) - CMS signedData signer functions.
CMS_SignerInfo_sign(3ssl) - add a signer to a CMS_ContentInfo signed data structure.
CMS_sign_receipt(3ssl) - create a CMS signed receipt
CMS_uncompress(3ssl) - uncompress a CMS CompressedData structure
CMS_verify(3ssl)    - verify a CMS SignedData structure
CMS_verify_receipt(3ssl) - verify a CMS signed receipt
cobc(1)             - COBOL compiler
cobcrun(1)          - COBOL compiler
col(1)              - filter reverse line feeds from input
colcrt(1)           - filter nroff output for CRT previewing
colrm(1)            - remove columns from a file
column(1)           - columnate lists
com_err(3)          - common error display routine
comm(1)             - compare two sorted files line by line
compile_et(1)       - error table compiler
complex(7)          - basics of complex mathematics
compose(1)          - execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
Compose(3)          - X client mappings for multi-key input sequences
Compose(5)          - X client mappings for multi-key input sequences
config(5ssl)        - OpenSSL CONF library configuration files
config_data(1)      - Query or change configuration of Perl modules
config.guess(1)     - guess the build system triplet
config.sub(1)       - validate and canonicalize a configuration triplet
CONF_modules_finish(3ssl) - OpenSSL configuration cleanup functions
CONF_modules_free(3ssl) - OpenSSL configuration cleanup functions
CONF_modules_load(3ssl) - OpenSSL configuration functions
CONF_modules_load_file(3ssl) - OpenSSL configuration functions
CONF_modules_unload(3ssl) - OpenSSL configuration cleanup functions
confstr(3)          - get configuration dependent string variables
conj(3)             - calculate the complex conjugate
conjf(3)            - calculate the complex conjugate
conjl(3)            - calculate the complex conjugate
connect(2)          - initiate a connection on a socket
ConnectionNumber(3) - Display macros and functions
console_codes(4)    - Linux console escape and control sequences
console_ioctl(4)    - ioctls for console terminal and virtual consoles
copysign(3)         - copy sign of a number
copysignf(3)        - copy sign of a number
copysignl(3)        - copy sign of a number
core(5)             - core dump file
corelist(1)         - a commandline frontend to Module::CoreList
cos(3)              - cosine function
cosf(3)             - cosine function
cosh(3)             - hyperbolic cosine function
coshf(3)            - hyperbolic cosine function
coshl(3)            - hyperbolic cosine function
cosl(3)             - cosine function
cp1251(7)           - CP 1251 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
cp(1)               - copy files and directories
cpan(1)             - easily interact with CPAN from the command line
cpan2dist(1)        - The CPANPLUS distribution creator
cpanp(1)            - The CPANPLUS launcher
cpgr(8)             - copy with locking the given file to the password or group file
cpio(1)             - copy files to and from archives
cpow(3)             - complex power function
cpowf(3)            - complex power function
cpowl(3)            - complex power function
cppw(8)             - copy with locking the given file to the password or group file
cproj(3)            - project into Riemann Sphere
cprojf(3)           - project into Riemann Sphere
cprojl(3)           - project into Riemann Sphere
CPU_ALLOC(3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(3)   - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_AND(3)          - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_AND_S(3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_CLR(3)          - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_CLR_S(3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_COUNT(3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_COUNT_S(3)      - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_EQUAL(3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_EQUAL_S(3)      - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_FREE(3)         - macros for manipulating CPU sets
cpuid(4)            - x86 CPUID access device
CPU_ISSET(3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ISSET_S(3)      - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_OR(3)           - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_OR_S(3)         - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_SET(3)          - macros for manipulating CPU sets
cpuset(7)           - confine processes to processor and memory node subsets
CPU_SET_S(3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_XOR(3)          - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_XOR_S(3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ZERO(3)         - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ZERO_S(3)       - macros for manipulating CPU sets
creal(3)            - get real part of a complex number
crealf(3)           - get real part of a complex number
creall(3)           - get real part of a complex number
creat(2)            - open and possibly create a file or device
create_module(2)    - create a loadable module entry
credentials(7)      - process identifiers
c_rehash(1ssl)      - Create symbolic links to files named by the hash values
crl(1ssl)           - CRL utility
crl2pkcs7(1ssl)     - Create a PKCS#7 structure from a CRL and certificates.
cron(8)             - daemon to execute scheduled commands (Vixie Cron)
crontab(1)          - maintain crontab files for individual users (Vixie Cron)
crontab(5)          - tables for driving cron
crypt(3)            - password and data encryption
crypto(3ssl)        - OpenSSL cryptographic library
CRYPTO_destroy_dynlockid(3ssl) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_get_ex_data(3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
CRYPTO_get_new_dynlockid(3ssl) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_lock(3ssl)   - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_num_locks(3ssl) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_set_dynlock_create_callback(3ssl) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_set_dynlock_destroy_callback(3ssl) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_set_dynlock_lock_callback(3ssl) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_set_ex_data(3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(3ssl) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_THREADID_cmp(3ssl) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_THREADID_cpy(3ssl) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_THREADID_current(3ssl) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_THREADID_get_callback(3ssl) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_THREADID_hash(3ssl) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_THREADID_set_callback(3ssl) - OpenSSL thread support
crypt_r(3)          - password and data encryption
csh(1)              - a shell (command interpreter) with C-like syntax
csin(3)             - complex sine function
csinf(3)            - complex sine function
csinh(3)            - complex hyperbolic sine
csinhf(3)           - complex hyperbolic sine
csinhl(3)           - complex hyperbolic sine
csinl(3)            - complex sine function
csplit(1)           - split a file into sections determined by context lines
csqrt(3)            - complex square root
csqrtf(3)           - complex square root
csqrtl(3)           - complex square root
ctan(3)             - complex tangent function
ctanf(3)            - complex tangent function
ctanh(3)            - complex hyperbolic tangent
ctanhf(3)           - complex hyperbolic tangent
ctanhl(3)           - complex hyperbolic tangent
ctanl(3)            - complex tangent function
ctermid(3)          - get controlling terminal name
ctime(3)            - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
ctime_r(3)          - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
cuserid(3)          - get username
cut(1)              - remove sections from each line of files
d2i_509_CRL_fp(3ssl) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_ASN1_OBJECT(3ssl) - ASN1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER functions
d2i_DHparams(3ssl)  - PKCS#3 DH parameter functions.
d2i_DSAPrivateKey(3ssl) - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
d2i_DSA_PUBKEY(3ssl) - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
d2i_DSAPublicKey(3ssl) - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
d2i_DSA_SIG(3ssl)   - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
d2i_Netscape_RSA(3ssl) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
d2i_PKCS8PrivateKey(3ssl) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
d2i_PKCS8PrivateKey_bio(3ssl) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
d2i_PKCS8PrivateKey_fp(3ssl) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
d2i_RSAPrivateKey(3ssl) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
d2i_RSA_PUBKEY(3ssl) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
d2i_RSAPublicKey(3ssl) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
d2i_SSL_SESSION(3ssl) - convert SSL_SESSION object from/to ASN1 representation
d2i_X509(3ssl)      - X509 encode and decode functions
d2i_X509_ALGOR(3ssl) - AlgorithmIdentifier functions.
d2i_X509_bio(3ssl)  - X509 encode and decode functions
d2i_X509_CRL(3ssl)  - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_CRL_bio(3ssl) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_fp(3ssl)   - X509 encode and decode functions
d2i_X509_NAME(3ssl) - X509_NAME encoding functions
d2i_X509_REQ(3ssl)  - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_REQ_bio(3ssl) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_REQ_fp(3ssl) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_SIG(3ssl)  - DigestInfo functions.
daemon(3)           - run in the background
dash(1)             - command interpreter(shell)
date(1)             - print or set the system date and time
Date::Format(3pm)   - Date formating subroutines
Date::Language(3pm) - Language specific date formating and parsing
Date::Language::Bulgarian(3pm) - localization for Date::Format
Date::Language::Hungarian(3pm) - Magyar format for Date::Format
Date::Parse(3pm)    - Parse date strings into time values
daylight(3)         - initialize time conversion information
db(3)               - database access methods
db5.1_archive(1)    - Find unused log files for archiving purposes
db5.1_checkpoint(1) - Periodically checkpoint transactions
db5.1_codegen(1)    - generate application code for Berkeley DB
db5.1_deadlock(1)   - Detect and abort deadlocks
db5.1_dump(1)       - Write database to flat-text format
db5.1_hotbackup(1)  - Create "hot backup" or "hot failover" snapshots
db5.1_load(1)       - Load data from standard input
db5.1_printlog(1)   - Dumps Berkeley DB log files in a human-readable format
db5.1_recover(1)    - Restore the database to a consistent state
db5.1_stat(1)       - Display statistics for Berkeley DB environments
db5.1_upgrade(1)    - Upgrade the Berkeley DB version to the current release version.
db5.1_verify(1)     - Verifies the structure databases
db6.0_archive(1)    - Find unused log files for archiving purposes
db6.0_checkpoint(1) - Periodically checkpoint transactions
db6.0_codegen(1)    - generate application code for Berkeley DB
db6.0_deadlock(1)   - Detect and abort deadlocks
db6.0_dump(1)       - Write database to flat-text format
db6.0_hotbackup(1)  - Create "hot backup" or "hot failover" snapshots
db6.0_load(1)       - Load data from standard input
db6.0_printlog(1)   - Dumps Berkeley DB log files in a human-readable format
db6.0_recover(1)    - Restore the database to a consistent state
db6.0_stat(1)       - Display statistics for Berkeley DB environments
db6.0_upgrade(1)    - Upgrade the Berkeley DB version to the current release version.
db6.0_verify(1)     - Verifies the structure databases
DBD::DBM(3pm)       - a DBI driver for DBM & MLDBM files
DBD::File(3pm)      - Base class for writing file based DBI drivers
DBD::File::Developers(3pm) - Developers documentation for DBD::File
DBD::File::HowTo(3pm) - Guide to create DBD::File based driver
DBD::File::Roadmap(3pm) - Planned Enhancements for DBD::File and pure Perl DBD's
DBD::Gofer(3pm)     - A stateless-proxy driver for communicating with a remote DBI
DBD::Gofer::Policy::Base(3pm) - Base class for DBD::Gofer policies
DBD::Gofer::Policy::classic(3pm) - The 'classic' policy for DBD::Gofer
DBD::Gofer::Policy::pedantic(3pm) - The 'pedantic' policy for DBD::Gofer
DBD::Gofer::Policy::rush(3pm) - The 'rush' policy for DBD::Gofer
DBD::Gofer::Transport::Base(3pm) - base class for DBD::Gofer client transports
DBD::Gofer::Transport::corostream(3pm) - Async DBD::Gofer stream transport using Coro and AnyEvent
DBD::Gofer::Transport::null(3pm) - DBD::Gofer client transport for testing
DBD::Gofer::Transport::pipeone(3pm) - DBD::Gofer client transport for testing
DBD::Gofer::Transport::stream(3pm) - DBD::Gofer transport for stdio streaming
DBD::mysql(3pm)     - MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface(DBI)
DBD::Proxy(3pm)     - A proxy driver for the DBI
DBD::README(3pm)    - MySQL database driver for Perl DBI
DBD::Sponge(3pm)    - Create a DBI statement handle from Perl data
DBE(3)              - Double Buffer Extension
DBI(3pm)            - Database independent interface for Perl
DBI::Const::GetInfo::ANSI(3pm) - ISO/IEC SQL/CLI Constants for GetInfo
DBI::Const::GetInfo::ODBC(3pm) - ODBC Constants for GetInfo
DBI::Const::GetInfoReturn(3pm) - Data and functions for describing GetInfo results
DBI::Const::GetInfoType(3pm) - Data describing GetInfo type codes
DBI::DBD(3pm)       - Perl DBI Database Driver Writer's Guide
DBI::DBD::Metadata(3pm) - Generate the code and data for some DBI metadata methods
DBI::DBD::SqlEngine(3pm) - Base class for DBI drivers without their own SQL engine
DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::Developers(3pm) - Developers documentation for DBI::DBD::SqlEngine
DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::HowTo(3pm) - Guide to create DBI::DBD::SqlEngine based driver
DBI::FAQ(3pm)       - - The Frequently Asked Questions for the Perl5 Database Interface
DBI::Gofer::Execute(3pm) - Executes Gofer requests and returns Gofer responses
DBI::Gofer::Request(3pm) - Encapsulate a request from DBD::Gofer to DBI::Gofer::Execute
DBI::Gofer::Response(3pm) - Encapsulate a response from DBI::Gofer::Execute to DBD::Gofer
DBI::Gofer::Serializer::Base(3pm) - base class for Gofer serialization
DBI::Gofer::Serializer::DataDumper(3pm) - Gofer serialization using DataDumper
DBI::Gofer::Serializer::Storable(3pm) - Gofer serialization using Storable
DBI::Gofer::Transport::Base(3pm) - Base class for Gofer transports
DBI::Gofer::Transport::pipeone(3pm) - DBD::Gofer server-side transport for pipeone
DBI::Gofer::Transport::stream(3pm) - DBD::Gofer server-side transport for stream
dbilogstrip(1p)     - filter to normalize DBI trace logs for diff'ing
dbiprof(1p)         - command-line client for DBI::ProfileData
DBI::Profile(3pm)   - Performance profiling and benchmarking for the DBI
DBI::ProfileData(3pm) - manipulate DBI::ProfileDumper data dumps
DBI::ProfileDumper(3pm) - profile DBI usage and output data to a file
DBI::ProfileDumper::Apache(3pm) - capture DBI profiling data from Apache/mod_perl
DBI::ProfileSubs(3pm) - Subroutines for dynamic profile Path
dbiproxy(1p)        - A proxy server for the DBD::Proxy driver
DBI::ProxyServer(3pm) - a server for the DBD::Proxy driver
DBI::PurePerl(3pm)  - - a DBI emulation using pure perl (no C/XS compilation required)
DBI::SQL::Nano(3pm) - a very tiny SQL engine
DBI::Util::CacheMemory(3pm) - a very fast but very minimal subset of Cache::Memory
DBI::W32ODBC(3pm)   - An experimental DBI emulation layer for Win32::ODBC
dbopen(3)           - database access methods
dbus-cleanup-sockets(1) - clean up leftover sockets in a directory
dbus-daemon(1)      - Message bus daemon
dbus-monitor(1)     - debug probe to print message bus messages
dbus-run-session(1) - start a process as a new D-Bus session
dbus-send(1)        - Send a message to a message bus
dbus-uuidgen(1)     - Utility to generate UUIDs
dc(1)               - an arbitrary precision calculator
dcgettext(3)        - translate message
dcngettext(3)       - translate message and choose plural form
dd(1)               - convert and copy a file
ddate(1)            - convert Gregorian dates to Discordian dates
ddp(7)              - Linux AppleTalk protocol implementation
deb(5)              - Debian binary package format
debconf(1)          - run a debconf-using program
debconf-apt-progress(1) - install packages using debconf to display a progress bar
debconf-communicate(1) - communicate with debconf
debconf-copydb(1)   - copy a debconf database
debconf-escape(1)   - helper when working with debconf's escape capability
debconf-set-selections(1) - insert new values into the debconf database
debconf-show(1)     - query the debconf database
deb-control(5)      - Debian packages' master control file format
deb-extra-override(5) - Debian archive extra override file
Debian::DictionariesCommon(3pm) - dictionaries-common library
DebianNet(3pm)      - create, remove, enable or disable entry in /etc/inetd.conf
deb-old(5)          - old style Debian binary package format
deb-origin(5)       - Vendor-specific information files
deb-override(5)     - Debian archive override file
deb-shlibs(5)       - Debian shared library information file
deb-split(5)        - Debian multi-part binary package format
deb-src-control(5)  - Debian source packages' master control file format
deb-substvars(5)    - Debian source substitution variables
deb-symbols(5)      - Debian's extended shared library information file
deb-systemd-helper(1p) - subset of systemctl for machines not running systemd
deb-systemd-invoke(1p) - wrapper around systemctl, respecting policy-rc.d
deb-triggers(5)     - package triggers
debugfs(8)          - ext2/ext3/ext4 file system debugger
deb-version(5)      - Debian package version number format
DefaultColormap(3)  - Display macros and functions
DefaultColormapOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
DefaultDepth(3)     - Display macros and functions
DefaultDepthOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
DefaultGC(3)        - Display macros and functions
DefaultGCOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
DefaultRootWindow(3) - Display macros and functions
DefaultScreen(3)    - Display macros and functions
DefaultScreenOfDisplay(3) - Display macros and functions
DefaultVisual(3)    - Display macros and functions
DefaultVisualOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
defer(8postfix)     - Postfix delivery status reports
DefHash(3pm)        - Define things according to a specification, using hashes
defmt-c(1)          - a sample ispell deformatter for C, C++, and shell sources
defmt-sh(1)         - a sample ispell deformatter for C, C++, and shell sources
delete_module(2)    - unload a kernel module
delgroup(8)         - remove a user or group from the system
deluser(8)          - remove a user or group from the system
deluser.conf(5)     - configuration file for deluser(8) and delgroup(8) .
des(3ssl)           - DES encryption
DES_cbc_cksum(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_cfb64_encrypt(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_cfb_encrypt(3ssl) - DES encryption
des_crypt(3)        - fast DES encryption
DES_crypt(3ssl)     - DES encryption
DES_ecb2_encrypt(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_ecb3_encrypt(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_ecb_encrypt(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_ede2_cbc_encrypt(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_ede2_cfb64_encrypt(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_ede2_ofb64_encrypt(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_ede3_cbcm_encrypt(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_ede3_cfb64_encrypt(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_ede3_ofb64_encrypt(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_enc_read(3ssl)  - DES encryption
DES_enc_write(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_FAILED(3)       - fast DES encryption
DES_fcrypt(3ssl)    - DES encryption
DES_is_weak_key(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_key_sched(3ssl) - DES encryption
des_modes(7ssl)     - the variants of DES and other crypto algorithms of OpenSSL
DES_ncbc_encrypt(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_ofb64_encrypt(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_ofb_encrypt(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_pcbc_encrypt(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_quad_cksum(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_random_key(3ssl) - DES encryption
des_read_2passwords(3ssl) - Compatibility user interface functions
des_read_password(3ssl) - Compatibility user interface functions
des_read_pw(3ssl)   - Compatibility user interface functions
des_read_pw_string(3ssl) - Compatibility user interface functions
DES_set_key(3ssl)   - DES encryption
DES_set_key_checked(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_set_key_unchecked(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_set_odd_parity(3ssl) - DES encryption
des_setparity(3)    - fast DES encryption
DES_string_to_2keys(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_string_to_key(3ssl) - DES encryption
DES_xcbc_encrypt(3ssl) - DES encryption
df(1)               - report file system disk space usage
dgettext(3)         - translate message
dgst(1ssl)          - message digests
dh(3ssl)            - Diffie-Hellman key agreement
dh_autotools-dev_restoreconfig(1) - restore config.sub and config.guess
dh_autotools-dev_updateconfig(1) - update config.sub and config.guess
dh_bash-completion(1) - install bash completions for package
DH_check(3ssl)      - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters
dhclient(8)         - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client
dhclient.conf(5)    - DHCP client configuration file
dhclient.leases(5)  - DHCP client lease database
dhclient-script(8)  - DHCP client network configuration script
DH_compute_key(3ssl) - perform Diffie-Hellman key exchange
dhcp-eval(5)        - ISC DHCP conditional evaluation
dhcp-options(5)     - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol options
DH_free(3ssl)       - allocate and free DH objects
DH_generate_key(3ssl) - perform Diffie-Hellman key exchange
DH_generate_parameters(3ssl) - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters
DH_get_default_method(3ssl) - select DH method
DH_get_ex_data(3ssl) - add application specific data to DH structures
DH_get_ex_new_index(3ssl) - add application specific data to DH structures
dh_installxmlcatalogs(1) - install and register XML catalog files
DH_new(3ssl)        - allocate and free DH objects
DH_new_method(3ssl) - select DH method
DH_OpenSSL(3ssl)    - select DH method
dhparam(1ssl)       - DH parameter manipulation and generation
DHparams_print(3ssl) - print cryptographic parameters
DHparams_print_fp(3ssl) - print cryptographic parameters
dh_perl_dbi(1)      - add dependencies required for DBI modules
dh_pysupport(1)     - use the python-support framework to handle Python modules
dh_python2(1)       - calculates Python dependencies, adds maintainer scripts to byte compile files, etc.
DH_set_default_method(3ssl) - select DH method
DH_set_ex_data(3ssl) - add application specific data to DH structures
DH_set_method(3ssl) - select DH method
DH_size(3ssl)       - get Diffie-Hellman prime size
diff(1)             - compare files line by line
diff3(1)            - compare three files line by line
difftime(3)         - calculate time difference
dig(1)              - DNS lookup utility
dir(1)              - list directory contents
dircolors(1)        - color setup for ls
dir_colors(5)       - configuration file for dircolors(1)
dirfd(3)            - get directory stream file descriptor
dirname(1)          - strip last component from file name
dirname(3)          - parse pathname components
discard(8postfix)   - Postfix discard mail delivery agent
DisplayCells(3)     - Display macros and functions
DisplayHeight(3)    - image format functions and macros
DisplayHeightMM(3)  - image format functions and macros
DisplayOfCCC(3)     - Color Conversion Context macros
DisplayOfScreen(3)  - screen information functions and macros
DisplayPlanes(3)    - Display macros and functions
DisplayString(3)    - Display macros and functions
DisplayWidth(3)     - image format functions and macros
DisplayWidthMM(3)   - image format functions and macros
div(3)              - compute quotient and remainder of an integer division
dladdr(3)           - programming interface to dynamic linking loader
dlclose(3)          - programming interface to dynamic linking loader
dlerror(3)          - programming interface to dynamic linking loader
dl_iterate_phdr(3)  - walk through list of shared objects
dlltool(1)          - Create files needed to build and use DLLs.
dlopen(3)           - programming interface to dynamic linking loader
dlsym(3)            - programming interface to dynamic linking loader
dlvsym(3)           - programming interface to dynamic linking loader
dmidecode(8)        - DMI table decoder
dn_comp(3)          - resolver routines
dn_expand(3)        - resolver routines
dngettext(3)        - translate message and choose plural form
dnsblog(8postfix)   - Postfix DNS white/blacklist logger
dnsdomainname(1)    - show the system's DNS domain name
DoesBackingStore(3) - screen information functions and macros
DoesSaveUnders(3)   - screen information functions and macros
domainname(1)       - show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
dotlockfile(1)      - Utility to manage lockfiles
dpkg(1)             - package manager for Debian
dpkg-architecture(1) - set and determine the architecture for package building
Dpkg::BuildEnv(3)   - track build environment
dpkg-buildflags(1)  - returns build flags to use during package build
Dpkg::BuildFlags(3) - query build flags
Dpkg::BuildOptions(3) - parse and update build options
dpkg-buildpackage(1) - build binary or source packages from sources
Dpkg::BuildProfiles(3) - handle build profiles
dpkg.cfg(5)         - dpkg configuration file
Dpkg::Changelog(3)  - base class to implement a changelog parser
Dpkg::Changelog::Debian(3) - parse Debian changelogs
Dpkg::Changelog::Entry(3) - represents a changelog entry
Dpkg::Changelog::Entry::Debian(3) - represents a Debian changelog entry
Dpkg::Changelog::Parse(3) - generic changelog parser for dpkg-parsechangelog
dpkg-checkbuilddeps(1) - check build dependencies and conflicts
Dpkg::Checksums(3)  - generate and manipulate file checksums
Dpkg::Compression(3) - simple database of available compression methods
Dpkg::Compression::FileHandle(3) - object dealing transparently with file compression
Dpkg::Compression::Process(3) - run compression/decompression processes
Dpkg::Conf(3)       - parse dpkg configuration files
Dpkg::Control(3)    - parse and manipulate official control-like information
Dpkg::Control::Changelog(3) - represent info fields output by dpkg-parsechangelog
Dpkg::Control::Fields(3) - manage (list of official) control fields
Dpkg::Control::FieldsCore(3) - manage (list of official) control fields
Dpkg::Control::Hash(3) - parse and manipulate a block of RFC822-like fields
Dpkg::Control::HashCore(3) - parse and manipulate a block of RFC822-like fields
Dpkg::Control::Info(3) - parse files like debian/control
Dpkg::Control::Types(3) - export CTRL_* constants
dpkg-deb(1)         - Debian package archive (.deb) manipulation tool
Dpkg::Deps(3)       - parse and manipulate dependencies of Debian packages
dpkg-distaddfile(1) - add entries to debian/files
dpkg-divert(8)      - override a package's version of a file
Dpkg::Exit(3)       - program exit handlers
dpkg-genchanges(1)  - generate Debian .changes files
dpkg-gencontrol(1)  - generate Debian control files
dpkg-gensymbols(1)  - generate symbols files (shared library dependency information)
Dpkg::Index(3)      - generic index of control information
Dpkg::Interface::Storable(3) - common methods related to object serialization
Dpkg::IPC(3)        - helper functions for IPC
dpkg-maintscript-helper(1) - works around known dpkg limitations in maintainer scripts
dpkg-mergechangelogs(1) - 3-way merge of debian/changelog files
dpkg-name(1)        - rename Debian packages to full package names
dpkg-parsechangelog(1) - parse Debian changelog files
Dpkg::Path(3)       - some common path handling functions
dpkg-preconfigure(8) - let packages ask questions prior to their installation
dpkg-query(1)       - a tool to query the dpkg database
dpkg-reconfigure(8) - reconfigure an already installed package
dpkg-scanpackages(1) - create Packages index files
dpkg-scansources(1) - create Sources index files
dpkg-shlibdeps(1)   - generate shared library substvar dependencies
dpkg-source(1)      - Debian source package (.dsc) manipulation tool
Dpkg::Source::Package(3) - manipulate Debian source packages
dpkg-split(1)       - Debian package archive split/join tool
dpkg-statoverride(8) - override ownership and mode of files
Dpkg::Substvars(3)  - handle variable substitution in strings
dpkg-trigger(1)     - a package trigger utility
dpkg-vendor(1)      - queries information about distribution vendors
Dpkg::Vendor(3)     - get access to some vendor specific information
Dpkg::Vendor::Debian(3) - Debian vendor object
Dpkg::Vendor::Default(3) - default vendor object
Dpkg::Vendor::Ubuntu(3) - Ubuntu vendor object
Dpkg::Version(3)    - handling and comparing dpkg-style version numbers
DPMSCapable(3)      - returns the DPMS capability of the X server
DPMSDisable(3)      - disables DPMS on the specified display
DPMSEnable(3)       - enables DPMS on the specified display
DPMSForceLevel(3)   - forces a DPMS capable display into the specified power level
DPMSGetTimeouts(3)  - retrieves the timeout values used by the X server for DPMS timings
DPMSGetVersion(3)   - returns the version of the DPMS extension implemented by the X server
DPMSInfo(3)         - returns information about the current DPMS state
DPMSQueryExtension(3) - queries the X server to determine the availability of the DPMS Extension
DPMSSetTimeouts(3)  - permits applications to set the timeout values used by the X server for DPMS timings
dprintf(3)          - print to a file descriptor
drand48(3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
drand48_r(3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers reentrantly
drem(3)             - floating-point remainder function
dremf(3)            - floating-point remainder function
dreml(3)            - floating-point remainder function
dsa(1ssl)           - DSA key processing
dsa(3ssl)           - Digital Signature Algorithm
DSA_do_sign(3ssl)   - raw DSA signature operations
DSA_do_verify(3ssl) - raw DSA signature operations
DSA_dup_DH(3ssl)    - create a DH structure out of DSA structure
DSA_free(3ssl)      - allocate and free DSA objects
DSA_generate_key(3ssl) - generate DSA key pair
DSA_generate_parameters(3ssl) - generate DSA parameters
DSA_get_default_method(3ssl) - select DSA method
DSA_get_ex_data(3ssl) - add application specific data to DSA structures
DSA_get_ex_new_index(3ssl) - add application specific data to DSA structures
DSA_new(3ssl)       - allocate and free DSA objects
DSA_new_method(3ssl) - select DSA method
DSA_OpenSSL(3ssl)   - select DSA method
dsaparam(1ssl)      - DSA parameter manipulation and generation
DSAparams_print(3ssl) - print cryptographic parameters
DSAparams_print_fp(3ssl) - print cryptographic parameters
DSA_print(3ssl)     - print cryptographic parameters
DSA_print_fp(3ssl)  - print cryptographic parameters
DSA_set_default_method(3ssl) - select DSA method
DSA_set_ex_data(3ssl) - add application specific data to DSA structures
DSA_set_method(3ssl) - select DSA method
DSA_SIG_free(3ssl)  - allocate and free DSA signature objects
DSA_sign(3ssl)      - DSA signatures
DSA_SIG_new(3ssl)   - allocate and free DSA signature objects
DSA_sign_setup(3ssl) - DSA signatures
DSA_size(3ssl)      - get DSA signature size
DSA_verify(3ssl)    - DSA signatures
dselect(1)          - Debian package management frontend
dselect.cfg(5)      - dselect configuration file
dsp56k(4)           - DSP56001 interface device
du(1)               - estimate file space usage
dumpe2fs(8)         - dump ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem information
dup2(2)             - duplicate a file descriptor
dup(2)              - duplicate a file descriptor
dup3(2)             - duplicate a file descriptor
dysize(3)           - get number of days for a given year
e2freefrag(8)       - report free space fragmentation information
e2fsck(8)           - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
e2fsck.conf(5)      - Configuration file for e2fsck
e2image(8)          - Save critical ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem metadata to a file
e2label(8)          - Change the label on an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
e2undo(8)           - Replay an undo log for an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
eaccess(3)          - check effective user's permissions for a file
ec(1ssl)            - EC key processing
ecb_crypt(3)        - fast DES encryption
ecdsa(3ssl)         - Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
echo(1)             - display a line of text
ecparam(1ssl)       - EC parameter manipulation and generation
ecvt(3)             - convert a floating-point number to a string
ecvt_r(3)           - convert a floating-point number to a string
edata(3)            - end of program segments
edit(1)             - execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
editor(1)           - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
editres(1)          - a dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit applications
egrep(1)            - print lines matching a pattern
elf(5)              - format of Executable and Linking Format(ELF) files
elfedit(1)          - Update the ELF header of ELF files.
enc(1ssl)           - symmetric cipher routines
enc2xs(1)           - - Perl Encode Module Generator
Encode::Locale(3pm) - Determine the locale encoding
encrypt(3)          - encrypt 64-bit messages
encrypt_r(3)        - encrypt 64-bit messages
end(3)              - end of program segments
endaliasent(3)      - read an alias entry
endfsent(3)         - handle fstab entries
endgrent(3)         - get group file entry
endhostent(3)       - get network host entry
endian(3)           - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byte order
endmntent(3)        - get filesystem descriptor file entry
endnetent(3)        - get network entry
endnetgrent(3)      - handle network group entries
endprotoent(3)      - get protocol entry
endpwent(3)         - get password file entry
endrpcent(3)        - get RPC entry
endservent(3)       - get service entry
endspent(3)         - get shadow password file entry
endttyent(3)        - get ttys file entry
endusershell(3)     - get permitted user shells
endutent(3)         - access utmp file entries
endutxent(3)        - access utmp file entries
engine(3ssl)        - ENGINE cryptographic module support
english(5)          - flag format for English ispell dictionaries
env(1)              - run a program in a modified environment
environ(7)          - user environment
envsubst(1)         - substitutes environment variables in shell format strings
envz(3)             - environment string support
envz_add(3)         - environment string support
envz_entry(3)       - environment string support
envz_get(3)         - environment string support
envz_merge(3)       - environment string support
envz_remove(3)      - environment string support
envz_strip(3)       - environment string support
epoll(7)            - I/O event notification facility
epoll_create1(2)    - open an epoll file descriptor
epoll_create(2)     - open an epoll file descriptor
epoll_ctl(2)        - control interface for an epoll descriptor
epoll_pwait(2)      - wait for an I/O event on an epoll file descriptor
epoll_wait(2)       - wait for an I/O event on an epoll file descriptor
eqn(1)              - format equations for troff or MathML
erand48(3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
erand48_r(3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers reentrantly
erf(3)              - error function
erfc(3)             - complementary error function
erfcf(3)            - complementary error function
erfcl(3)            - complementary error function
erff(3)             - error function
erfl(3)             - error function
err(3)              - formatted error messages
err(3ssl)           - error codes
ERR_add_error_data(3ssl) - record an error
ERR_clear_error(3ssl) - clear the error queue
ERR_error_string(3ssl) - obtain human-readable error message
ERR_error_string_n(3ssl) - obtain human-readable error message
ERR_free_strings(3ssl) - load and free error strings
ERR_func_error_string(3ssl) - obtain human-readable error message
ERR_get_error(3ssl) - obtain error code and data
ERR_get_error_line(3ssl) - obtain error code and data
ERR_get_error_line_data(3ssl) - obtain error code and data
ERR_GET_FUNC(3ssl)  - get library, function and reason code
ERR_GET_LIB(3ssl)   - get library, function and reason code
ERR_get_next_error_library(3ssl) - load arbitrary error strings
ERR_GET_REASON(3ssl) - get library, function and reason code
ERR_lib_error_string(3ssl) - obtain human-readable error message
ERR_load_crypto_strings(3ssl) - load and free error strings
ERR_load_strings(3ssl) - load arbitrary error strings
ERR_load_UI_strings(3ssl) - New User Interface
errno(3)            - number of last error
error(3)            - glibc error reporting functions
Error(3pm)          - Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
error(8postfix)     - Postfix error/retry mail delivery agent
error_at_line(3)    - glibc error reporting functions
error_message_count(3) - glibc error reporting functions
error_one_per_line(3) - glibc error reporting functions
error_print_progname(3) - glibc error reporting functions
Error::Simple(3pm)  - the simple error sub-class of Error
ERR_PACK(3ssl)      - load arbitrary error strings
ERR_peek_error(3ssl) - obtain error code and data
ERR_peek_error_line(3ssl) - obtain error code and data
ERR_peek_error_line_data(3ssl) - obtain error code and data
ERR_peek_last_error(3ssl) - obtain error code and data
ERR_peek_last_error_line(3ssl) - obtain error code and data
ERR_peek_last_error_line_data(3ssl) - obtain error code and data
ERR_pop_to_mark(3ssl) - set marks and pop errors until mark
ERR_print_errors(3ssl) - print error messages
ERR_print_errors_fp(3ssl) - print error messages
ERR_put_error(3ssl) - record an error
ERR_reason_error_string(3ssl) - obtain human-readable error message
ERR_remove_state(3ssl) - free a thread's error queue
ERR_set_mark(3ssl)  - set marks and pop errors until mark
errstr(1ssl)        - lookup error codes
errx(3)             - formatted error messages
etext(3)            - end of program segments
ether_aton(3)       - Ethernet address manipulation routines
ether_aton_r(3)     - Ethernet address manipulation routines
ether_hostton(3)    - Ethernet address manipulation routines
ether_line(3)       - Ethernet address manipulation routines
ether_ntoa(3)       - Ethernet address manipulation routines
ether_ntoa_r(3)     - Ethernet address manipulation routines
ether_ntohost(3)    - Ethernet address manipulation routines
euidaccess(3)       - check effective user's permissions for a file
eventfd2(2)         - create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd(2)          - create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd_read(3)     - create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd_write(3)    - create a file descriptor for event notification
EventMaskOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
eview(1)            - easy Vim, edit a file with Vim and setup for modeless editing
evim(1)             - easy Vim, edit a file with Vim and setup for modeless editing
evp(3ssl)           - high-level cryptographic functions
EVP_BytesToKey(3ssl) - password based encryption routine
EVP_CIPHER_asn1_to_param(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_block_size(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cipher(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_flags(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_get_app_data(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_key_length(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_mode(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_nid(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_app_data(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_type(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherFinal(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherFinal_ex(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_flags(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherInit(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherInit_ex(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_key_length(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_mode(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_nid(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_param_to_asn1(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_type(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherUpdate(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_DecryptFinal(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_DecryptInit(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_DecryptInit_ex(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_DecryptUpdate(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_DigestFinal_ex(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_DigestInit(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_DigestInit_ex(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_DigestSignFinal(3ssl) - EVP signing functions
EVP_DigestSignInit(3ssl) - EVP signing functions
EVP_DigestSignUpdate(3ssl) - EVP signing functions
EVP_DigestUpdate(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_DigestVerifyFinal(3ssl) - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_DigestVerifyInit(3ssl) - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_DigestVerifyUpdate(3ssl) - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_dss1(3ssl)      - EVP digest routines
EVP_dss(3ssl)       - EVP digest routines
EVP_EncryptFinal(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_EncryptInit(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_EncryptInit_ex(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_EncryptUpdate(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_get_cipherbyname(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_get_cipherbynid(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_get_cipherbyobj(3ssl) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_get_digestbyname(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_get_digestbynid(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_get_digestbyobj(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_md2(3ssl)       - EVP digest routines
EVP_md5(3ssl)       - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_block_size(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_mdc2(3ssl)      - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_block_size(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_copy(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_copy_ex(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_create(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_init(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_md(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_size(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_type(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_md_null(3ssl)   - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_pkey_type(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_size(3ssl)   - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_type(3ssl)   - EVP digest routines
EVP_OpenFinal(3ssl) - EVP envelope decryption
EVP_OpenInit(3ssl)  - EVP envelope decryption
EVP_OpenUpdate(3ssl) - EVP envelope decryption
EVP_PKEVP_PKEY_CTX_set_app_data(3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_assign_DH(3ssl) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_assign_DSA(3ssl) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_assign_EC_KEY(3ssl) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(3ssl) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_cmp(3ssl)  - public key parameter and comparison functions
EVP_PKEY_cmp_parameters(3ssl) - public key parameter and comparison functions
EVP_PKEY_copy_parameters(3ssl) - public key parameter and comparison functions
EVP_PKEY_ctrl(3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations
EVP_PKEY_ctrl_str(3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations
EVP_PKEY_CTX_ctrl(3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations
EVP_PKEY_CTX_dup(3ssl) - public key algorithm context functions.
EVP_PKEY_CTX_free(3ssl) - public key algorithm context functions.
EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_app_data(3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_cb(3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_keygen_info(3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_CTX_new(3ssl) - public key algorithm context functions.
EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id(3ssl) - public key algorithm context functions.
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_cb(3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_decrypt(3ssl) - decrypt using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_decrypt_init(3ssl) - decrypt using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_derive(3ssl) - derive public key algorithm shared secret.
EVP_PKEY_derive_init(3ssl) - derive public key algorithm shared secret.
EVP_PKEY_derive_set_peer(3ssl) - derive public key algorithm shared secret.
EVP_PKEY_encrypt(3ssl) - encrypt using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_encrypt_init(3ssl) - encrypt using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_free(3ssl) - private key allocation functions.
EVP_PKEY_get1_DH(3ssl) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_get1_DSA(3ssl) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY(3ssl) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(3ssl) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_get_default_digest(3ssl) - get default signature digest
EVP_PKEY_get_default_digest_nid(3ssl) - get default signature digest
EVP_PKEY_keygen(3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_keygen_init(3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_missing_parameters(3ssl) - public key parameter and comparison functions
EVP_PKEY_new(3ssl)  - private key allocation functions.
EVP_PKEY_paramgen(3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_paramgen_init(3ssl) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_print_params(3ssl) - public key algorithm printing routines.
EVP_PKEY_print_private(3ssl) - public key algorithm printing routines.
EVP_PKEY_print_public(3ssl) - public key algorithm printing routines.
EVP_PKEY_set1_DH(3ssl) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_set1_DSA(3ssl) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_set1_EC_KEY(3ssl) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA(3ssl) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_sign(3ssl) - sign using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_sign_init(3ssl) - sign using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_type(3ssl) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_verify(3ssl) - signature verification using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_verify_init(3ssl) - signature verification using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_verify_recover(3ssl) - recover signature using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_verify_recover_init(3ssl) - recover signature using a public key algorithm
EVP_ripemd160(3ssl) - EVP digest routines
EVP_SealFinal(3ssl) - EVP envelope encryption
EVP_SealInit(3ssl)  - EVP envelope encryption
EVP_SealUpdate(3ssl) - EVP envelope encryption
EVP_sha1(3ssl)      - EVP digest routines
EVP_sha224(3ssl)    - EVP digest routines
EVP_sha256(3ssl)    - EVP digest routines
EVP_sha384(3ssl)    - EVP digest routines
EVP_sha(3ssl)       - EVP digest routines
EVP_sha512(3ssl)    - EVP digest routines
EVP_SignFinal(3ssl) - EVP signing functions
EVP_SignInit(3ssl)  - EVP signing functions
EVP_SignUpdate(3ssl) - EVP signing functions
EVP_VerifyFinal(3ssl) - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_VerifyInit(3ssl) - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_VerifyUpdate(3ssl) - EVP signature verification functions
ex(1)               - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
exec(3)             - execute a file
execl(3)            - execute a file
execle(3)           - execute a file
execlp(3)           - execute a file
execv(3)            - execute a file
execve(2)           - execute program
execvp(3)           - execute a file
execvpe(3)          - execute a file
_exit(2)            - terminate the calling process
exit(2)             - terminate the calling process
_Exit(2)            - terminate the calling process
exit(3)             - cause normal process termination
exit_group(2)       - exit all threads in a process
exp10(3)            - base-10 exponential function
exp10f(3)           - base-10 exponential function
exp10l(3)           - base-10 exponential function
exp2(3)             - base-2 exponential function
exp2f(3)            - base-2 exponential function
exp2l(3)            - base-2 exponential function
exp(3)              - base-e exponential function
expand(1)           - convert tabs to spaces
expf(3)             - base-e exponential function
expiry(1)           - check and enforce password expiration policy
expl(3)             - base-e exponential function
expm1(3)            - exponential minus 1
expm1f(3)           - exponential minus 1
expm1l(3)           - exponential minus 1
Exporter::Lite(3pm) - Lightweight exporting of variables
expr(1)             - evaluate expressions
ext2(5)             - the second extended file system
ext3(5)             - the second extended file system
ext4(5)             - the fourth extended file system
fabs(3)             - absolute value of floating-point number
fabsf(3)            - absolute value of floating-point number
fabsl(3)            - absolute value of floating-point number
faccessat(2)        - check user's permissions of a file relative to a directory file descriptor
factor(1)           - factor numbers
fadvise64(2)        - predeclare an access pattern for file data
fadvise64_64(2)     - predeclare an access pattern for file data
faked(1)            - daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of files manipulated by fakeroot processes.
faked-sysv(1)       - daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of files manipulated by fakeroot processes.
faked-tcp(1)        - daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of files manipulated by fakeroot processes.
fakeroot(1)         - run a command in an environment faking root privileges for file manipulation
fakeroot-sysv(1)    - run a command in an environment faking root privileges for file manipulation
fakeroot-tcp(1)     - run a command in an environment faking root privileges for file manipulation
fallocate(2)        - manipulate file space
false(1)            - do nothing, unsuccessfully
fattach(2)          - unimplemented system calls
__fbufsize(3)       - interfaces to stdio FILE structure
FcAtomicCreate(3)   - create an FcAtomic object
FcAtomicDeleteNew(3) - delete new file
FcAtomicDestroy(3)  - destroy an FcAtomic object
FcAtomicLock(3)     - lock a file
FcAtomicNewFile(3)  - return new temporary file name
FcAtomicOrigFile(3) - return original file name
FcAtomicReplaceOrig(3) - replace original with new
FcAtomicUnlock(3)   - unlock a file
FcBlanksAdd(3)      - Add a character to an FcBlanks
FcBlanksCreate(3)   - Create an FcBlanks
FcBlanksDestroy(3)  - Destroy and FcBlanks
FcBlanksIsMember(3) - Query membership in an FcBlanks
fc-cache(1)         - build font information cache files
FcCacheCopySet(3)   - Returns a copy of the fontset from cache
FcCacheCreateTagFile(3) - Create CACHEDIR.TAG at cache directory.
FcCacheDir(3)       - Return directory of cache
FcCacheNumFont(3)   - Returns the number of fonts in cache.
FcCacheNumSubdir(3) - Return the number of subdirectories in cache.
FcCacheSubdir(3)    - Return the i'th subdirectory.
fc-cat(1)           - read font information cache files
FcCharSetAddChar(3) - Add a character to a charset
FcCharSetCopy(3)    - Copy a charset
FcCharSetCount(3)   - Count entries in a charset
FcCharSetCoverage(3) - DEPRECATED return coverage for a Unicode page
FcCharSetCreate(3)  - Create an empty character set
FcCharSetDelChar(3) - Add a character to a charset
FcCharSetDestroy(3) - Destroy a character set
FcCharSetEqual(3)   - Compare two charsets
FcCharSetFirstPage(3) - Start enumerating charset contents
FcCharSetHasChar(3) - Check a charset for a char
FcCharSetIntersect(3) - Intersect charsets
FcCharSetIntersectCount(3) - Intersect and count charsets
FcCharSetIsSubset(3) - Test for charset inclusion
FcCharSetMerge(3)   - Merge charsets
FcCharSetNew(3)     - DEPRECATED alias for FcCharSetCreate
FcCharSetNextPage(3) - Continue enumerating charset contents
FcCharSetSubtract(3) - Subtract charsets
FcCharSetSubtractCount(3) - Subtract and count charsets
FcCharSetUnion(3)   - Add charsets
FcConfigAppFontAddDir(3) - Add fonts from directory to font database
FcConfigAppFontAddFile(3) - Add font file to font database
FcConfigAppFontClear(3) - Remove all app fonts from font database
FcConfigBuildFonts(3) - Build font database
FcConfigCreate(3)   - Create a configuration
FcConfigDestroy(3)  - Destroy a configuration
FcConfigEnableHome(3) - controls use of the home directory.
FcConfigFilename(3) - Find a config file
FcConfigGetBlanks(3) - Get config blanks
FcConfigGetCache(3) - DEPRECATED used to return per-user cache filename
FcConfigGetCacheDirs(3) - return the list of directories searched for cache files
FcConfigGetConfigDirs(3) - Get config directories
FcConfigGetConfigFiles(3) - Get config files
FcConfigGetCurrent(3) - Return current configuration
FcConfigGetFontDirs(3) - Get font directories
FcConfigGetFonts(3) - Get config font set
FcConfigGetRescanInterval(3) - Get config rescan interval
FcConfigGetSysRoot(3) - Obtain the system root directory
FcConfigHome(3)     - return the current home directory.
FcConfigParseAndLoad(3) - load a configuration file
FcConfigReference(3) - Increment config reference count
FcConfigSetCurrent(3) - Set configuration as default
FcConfigSetRescanInterval(3) - Set config rescan interval
FcConfigSetSysRoot(3) - Set the system root directory
FcConfigSubstitute(3) - Execute substitutions
FcConfigSubstituteWithPat(3) - Execute substitutions
FcConfigUptoDate(3) - Check timestamps on config files
FcDefaultSubstitute(3) - Perform default substitutions in a pattern
FcDirCacheClean(3)  - This tries to clean up the cache directory of cache_dir.This returns FcTrue if the operation is successfully complete. otherwise FcFalse.
FcDirCacheLoad(3)   - load a directory cache
FcDirCacheLoadFile(3) - load a cache file
FcDirCacheRead(3)   - read or construct a directory cache
FcDirCacheUnlink(3) - Remove all caches related to dir
FcDirCacheUnload(3) - unload a cache file
FcDirCacheValid(3)  - check directory cache
FcDirSave(3)        - DEPRECATED: formerly used to save a directory cache
FcDirScan(3)        - scan a font directory without caching it
FcFileIsDir(3)      - check whether a file is a directory
FcFileScan(3)       - scan a font file
FcFini(3)           - finalize fontconfig library
FcFontList(3)       - List fonts
FcFontMatch(3)      - Return best font
FcFontRenderPrepare(3) - Prepare pattern for loading font file
FcFontSetAdd(3)     - Add to a font set
FcFontSetCreate(3)  - Create a font set
FcFontSetDestroy(3) - Destroy a font set
FcFontSetList(3)    - List fonts from a set of font sets
FcFontSetMatch(3)   - Return the best font from a set of font sets
FcFontSetPrint(3)   - Print a set of patterns to stdout
FcFontSetSort(3)    - Add to a font set
FcFontSetSortDestroy(3) - DEPRECATED destroy a font set
FcFontSort(3)       - Return list of matching fonts
FcFreeTypeCharIndex(3) - map Unicode to glyph id
FcFreeTypeCharSet(3) - compute Unicode coverage
FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing(3) - compute Unicode coverage and spacing type
FcFreeTypeQuery(3)  - compute pattern from font file (and index)
FcFreeTypeQueryFace(3) - compute pattern from FT_Face
FcGetDefaultLangs(3) - Get the default languages list
FcGetLangs(3)       - Get list of languages
FcGetVersion(3)     - library version number
fchdir(2)           - change working directory
fchmod(2)           - change permissions of a file
fchmodat(2)         - change permissions of a file relative to a directory file descriptor
fchown(2)           - change ownership of a file
fchown32(2)         - change ownership of a file
fchownat(2)         - change ownership of a file relative to a directory file descriptor
FcInit(3)           - initialize fontconfig library
FcInitBringUptoDate(3) - reload configuration files if needed
FcInitLoadConfig(3) - load configuration
FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts(3) - load configuration and font data
FcInitReinitialize(3) - re-initialize library
FcIsLower(3)        - check for lower case ASCII character
FcIsUpper(3)        - check for upper case ASCII character
FcLangGetCharSet(3) - Get character map for a language
FcLangNormalize(3)  - Normalize the language string
FcLangSetAdd(3)     - add a language to a langset
FcLangSetCompare(3) - compare language sets
FcLangSetContains(3) - check langset subset relation
FcLangSetCopy(3)    - copy a langset object
FcLangSetCreate(3)  - create a langset object
FcLangSetDel(3)     - delete a language from a langset
FcLangSetDestroy(3) - destroy a langset object
FcLangSetEqual(3)   - test for matching langsets
FcLangSetHash(3)    - return a hash value for a langset
FcLangSetHasLang(3) - test langset for language support
FcLangSetSubtract(3) - Subtract langsets
FcLangSetUnion(3)   - Add langsets
fc-list(1)          - list available fonts
fclose(3)           - close a stream
fcloseall(3)        - close all open streams
fc-match(1)         - match available fonts
FcMatrixCopy(3)     - Copy a matrix
FcMatrixEqual(3)    - Compare two matrices
FcMatrixInit(3)     - initialize an FcMatrix structure
FcMatrixMultiply(3) - Multiply matrices
FcMatrixRotate(3)   - Rotate a matrix
FcMatrixScale(3)    - Scale a matrix
FcMatrixShear(3)    - Shear a matrix
FcNameConstant(3)   - Get the value for a symbolic constant
FcNameGetConstant(3) - Lookup symbolic constant
FcNameGetObjectType(3) - Lookup an object type
FcNameParse(3)      - Parse a pattern string
FcNameRegisterConstants(3) - Register symbolic constants
FcNameRegisterObjectTypes(3) - Register object types
FcNameUnparse(3)    - Convert a pattern back into a string that can be parsed
FcNameUnregisterConstants(3) - Unregister symbolic constants
FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes(3) - Unregister object types
fcntl(2)            - manipulate file descriptor
fcntl64(2)          - manipulate file descriptor
FcObjectSetAdd(3)   - Add to an object set
FcObjectSetBuild(3) - Build object set from args
FcObjectSetCreate(3) - Create an object set
FcObjectSetDestroy(3) - Destroy an object set
fc-pattern(1)       - parse and show pattern
FcPatternAdd(3)     - Add a value to a pattern
FcPatternAdd-Type(3) - Add a typed value to a pattern
FcPatternAddWeak(3) - Add a value to a pattern with weak binding
FcPatternBuild(3)   - Create patterns from arguments
FcPatternCreate(3)  - Create a pattern
FcPatternDel(3)     - Delete a property from a pattern
FcPatternDestroy(3) - Destroy a pattern
FcPatternDuplicate(3) - Copy a pattern
FcPatternEqual(3)   - Compare patterns
FcPatternEqualSubset(3) - Compare portions of patterns
FcPatternFilter(3)  - Filter the objects of pattern
FcPatternFormat(3)  - Format a pattern into a string according to a format specifier
FcPatternGet(3)     - Return a value from a pattern
FcPatternGet-Type(3) - Return a typed value from a pattern
FcPatternHash(3)    - Compute a pattern hash value
FcPatternPrint(3)   - Print a pattern for debugging
FcPatternReference(3) - Increment pattern reference count
FcPatternRemove(3)  - Remove one object of the specified type from the pattern
fc-query(1)         - query font files
fc-scan(1)          - scan font files or directories
FcStrBasename(3)    - last component of filename
FcStrCmp(3)         - compare UTF-8 strings
FcStrCmpIgnoreCase(3) - compare UTF-8 strings ignoring case
FcStrCopy(3)        - duplicate a string
FcStrCopyFilename(3) - create a complete path from a filename
FcStrDirname(3)     - directory part of filename
FcStrDowncase(3)    - create a lower case translation of a string
FcStrFree(3)        - free a string
FcStrListCreate(3)  - create a string iterator
FcStrListDone(3)    - destroy a string iterator
FcStrListFirst(3)   - get first string in iteration
FcStrListNext(3)    - get next string in iteration
FcStrPlus(3)        - concatenate two strings
FcStrSetAdd(3)      - add to a string set
FcStrSetAddFilename(3) - add a filename to a string set
FcStrSetCreate(3)   - create a string set
FcStrSetDel(3)      - delete from a string set
FcStrSetDestroy(3)  - destroy a string set
FcStrSetEqual(3)    - check sets for equality
FcStrSetMember(3)   - check set for membership
FcStrStr(3)         - locate UTF-8 substring
FcStrStrIgnoreCase(3) - locate UTF-8 substring ignoring ASCII case
FcToLower(3)        - convert upper case ASCII to lower case
FcUcs4ToUtf8(3)     - convert UCS4 to UTF-8
FcUtf16Len(3)       - count UTF-16 encoded chars
FcUtf16ToUcs4(3)    - convert UTF-16 to UCS4
FcUtf8Len(3)        - count UTF-8 encoded chars
FcUtf8ToUcs4(3)     - convert UTF-8 to UCS4
fc-validate(1)      - validate font files
FcValueDestroy(3)   - Free a value
FcValueEqual(3)     - Test two values for equality
FcValuePrint(3)     - Print a value to stdout
FcValueSave(3)      - Copy a value
fcvt(3)             - convert a floating-point number to a string
fcvt_r(3)           - convert a floating-point number to a string
fdatasync(2)        - synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device
FD_CLR(3)           - synchronous I/O multiplexing
fdetach(2)          - unimplemented system calls
fdim(3)             - positive difference
fdimf(3)            - positive difference
fdiml(3)            - positive difference
fdisk(8)            - manipulate disk partition table
FD_ISSET(3)         - synchronous I/O multiplexing
fdopen(3)           - stream open functions
fdopendir(3)        - open a directory
FD_SET(3)           - synchronous I/O multiplexing
FD_ZERO(3)          - synchronous I/O multiplexing
feature_test_macros(7) - feature test macros
feclearexcept(3)    - floating-point rounding and exception handling
fedisableexcept(3)  - floating-point rounding and exception handling
feenableexcept(3)   - floating-point rounding and exception handling
fegetenv(3)         - floating-point rounding and exception handling
fegetexcept(3)      - floating-point rounding and exception handling
fegetexceptflag(3)  - floating-point rounding and exception handling
fegetround(3)       - floating-point rounding and exception handling
feholdexcept(3)     - floating-point rounding and exception handling
fenv(3)             - floating-point rounding and exception handling
feof(3)             - check and reset stream status
feof_unlocked(3)    - nonlocking stdio functions
feraiseexcept(3)    - floating-point rounding and exception handling
ferror(3)           - check and reset stream status
ferror_unlocked(3)  - nonlocking stdio functions
fesetenv(3)         - floating-point rounding and exception handling
fesetexceptflag(3)  - floating-point rounding and exception handling
fesetround(3)       - floating-point rounding and exception handling
fetestexcept(3)     - floating-point rounding and exception handling
feupdateenv(3)      - floating-point rounding and exception handling
fexecve(3)          - execute program specified via file descriptor
fflush(3)           - flush a stream
fflush_unlocked(3)  - nonlocking stdio functions
ffs(3)              - find first bit set in a word
ffsl(3)             - find first bit set in a word
ffsll(3)            - find first bit set in a word
fgetc(3)            - input of characters and strings
fgetc_unlocked(3)   - nonlocking stdio functions
fgetgrent(3)        - get group file entry
fgetgrent_r(3)      - get group file entry reentrantly
fgetpos(3)          - reposition a stream
fgetpwent(3)        - get password file entry
fgetpwent_r(3)      - get passwd file entry reentrantly
fgets(3)            - input of characters and strings
fgetspent(3)        - get shadow password file entry
fgetspent_r(3)      - get shadow password file entry
fgets_unlocked(3)   - nonlocking stdio functions
fgetwc(3)           - read a wide character from a FILE stream
fgetwc_unlocked(3)  - nonlocking stdio functions
fgetws(3)           - read a wide-character string from a FILE stream
fgetws_unlocked(3)  - nonlocking stdio functions
fgrep(1)            - print lines matching a pattern
fifo(7)             - first-in first-out special file, named pipe
file(1)             - determine file type
File::Copy::Recursive(3pm) - Perl extension for recursively copying files and directories
File::FcntlLock(3pm) - File locking with fcntl(2)
filefrag(8)         - report on file fragmentation
File::Listing(3pm)  - parse directory listing
fileno(3)           - check and reset stream status
fileno_unlocked(3)  - nonlocking stdio functions
filesystems(5)      - Linux filesystem types: minix, ext, ext2, ext3, ext4, Reiserfs, XFS, JFS, xia, msdos, umsdos, vfat, ntfs, proc, nfs, iso9660, hpfs, sysv, smb, ncpfs
find(1)             - search for files in a directory hierarchy
find2perl(1)        - translate find command lines to Perl code
findaffix(1)        - Interactive spelling checking
findfs(8)           - find a filesystem by label or UUID
finger(1)           - user information lookup program
finite(3)           - BSD floating-point classification functions
finitef(3)          - BSD floating-point classification functions
finitel(3)          - BSD floating-point classification functions
finit_module(2)     - load a kernel module
__flbf(3)           - interfaces to stdio FILE structure
flock(1)            - manage locks from shell scripts
flock(2)            - apply or remove an advisory lock on an open file
flockfile(3)        - lock FILE for stdio
floor(3)            - largest integral value not greater than argument
floorf(3)           - largest integral value not greater than argument
floorl(3)           - largest integral value not greater than argument
flush(8postfix)     - Postfix fast flush server
_flushlbf(3)        - interfaces to stdio FILE structure
fma(3)              - floating-point multiply and add
fmaf(3)             - floating-point multiply and add
fmal(3)             - floating-point multiply and add
fmax(3)             - determine maximum of two floating-point numbers
fmaxf(3)            - determine maximum of two floating-point numbers
fmaxl(3)            - determine maximum of two floating-point numbers
fmemopen(3)         - open memory as stream
fmin(3)             - determine minimum of two floating-point numbers
fminf(3)            - determine minimum of two floating-point numbers
fminl(3)            - determine minimum of two floating-point numbers
fmod(3)             - floating-point remainder function
fmodf(3)            - floating-point remainder function
fmodl(3)            - floating-point remainder function
fmt(1)              - simple optimal text formatter
fmtmsg(3)           - print formatted error messages
fnmatch(3)          - match filename or pathname
fold(1)             - wrap each input line to fit in specified width
Font::AFM(3pm)      - Interface to Adobe Font Metrics files
fonts-conf(5)       - Font configuration files
fopen(3)            - stream open functions
fopencookie(3)      - opening a custom stream
fork(2)             - create a child process
forkpty(3)          - terminal utility functions
formail(1)          - mail(re)formatter
fpathconf(3)        - get configuration values for files
fpclassify(3)       - floating-point classification macros
__fpending(3)       - interfaces to stdio FILE structure
fprintf(3)          - formatted output conversion
__fpurge(3)         - purge a stream
fpurge(3)           - purge a stream
fputc(3)            - output of characters and strings
fputc_unlocked(3)   - nonlocking stdio functions
fputs(3)            - output of characters and strings
fputs_unlocked(3)   - nonlocking stdio functions
fputwc(3)           - write a wide character to a FILE stream
fputwc_unlocked(3)  - nonlocking stdio functions
fputws(3)           - write a wide-character string to a FILE stream
fputws_unlocked(3)  - nonlocking stdio functions
fread(3)            - binary stream input/output
__freadable(3)      - interfaces to stdio FILE structure
__freading(3)       - interfaces to stdio FILE structure
fread_unlocked(3)   - nonlocking stdio functions
free(1)             - Display amount of free and used memory in the system
free(3)             - allocate and free dynamic memory
freeaddrinfo(3)     - network address and service translation
__free_hook(3)      - malloc debugging variables
freehostent(3)      - get network hostnames and addresses
free_hugepages(2)   - allocate or free huge pages
freeifaddrs(3)      - get interface addresses
freetype-config(1)  - show information about installed freetype2 libraries
freopen(3)          - stream open functions
frexp(3)            - convert floating-point number to fractional and integral components
frexpf(3)           - convert floating-point number to fractional and integral components
frexpl(3)           - convert floating-point number to fractional and integral components
from(1)             - print names of those who have sent mail
fs(5)               - Linux filesystem types: minix, ext, ext2, ext3, ext4, Reiserfs, XFS, JFS, xia, msdos, umsdos, vfat, ntfs, proc, nfs, iso9660, hpfs, sysv, smb, ncpfs
fscanf(3)           - input format conversion
fsck(8)             - check and repair a Linux filesystem
fsck.ext2(8)        - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.ext3(8)        - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.ext4(8)        - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.ext4dev(8)     - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.minix(8)       - check consistency of Minix filesystem
fsck.nfs(8)         - Dummy fsck.nfs script that always returns success.
fseek(3)            - reposition a stream
fseeko(3)           - seek to or report file position
__fsetlocking(3)    - interfaces to stdio FILE structure
fsetpos(3)          - reposition a stream
fstab-decode(8)     - run a command with fstab-encoded arguments
fstat(2)            - get file status
fstat64(2)          - get file status
fstatat(2)          - get file status relative to a directory file descriptor
fstatat64(2)        - get file status relative to a directory file descriptor
fstatfs(2)          - get filesystem statistics
fstatfs64(2)        - get filesystem statistics
fstatvfs(2)         - get filesystem statistics
fstatvfs(3)         - get filesystem statistics
fsync(2)            - synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device
ftell(3)            - reposition a stream
ftello(3)           - seek to or report file position
ftime(3)            - return date and time
ftm(7)              - feature test macros
ftok(3)             - convert a pathname and a project identifier to a System V IPC key
ftp(1)              - Internet file transfer program
ftpchroot(5)        - file which lists users who need to be chrooted
ftpusers(5)         - file which lists users who are not allowed to use ftp
ftruncate(2)        - truncate a file to a specified length
ftruncate64(2)      - truncate a file to a specified length
ftrylockfile(3)     - lock FILE for stdio
fts(3)              - traverse a file hierarchy
fts_children(3)     - traverse a file hierarchy
fts_close(3)        - traverse a file hierarchy
fts_open(3)         - traverse a file hierarchy
fts_read(3)         - traverse a file hierarchy
fts_set(3)          - traverse a file hierarchy
ftw(3)              - file tree walk
full(4)             - always full device
funlockfile(3)      - lock FILE for stdio
funzip(1)           - filter for extracting from a ZIP archive in a pipe
futex(2)            - fast user-space locking
futex(7)            - fast user-space locking
futimens(3)         - change file timestamps with nanosecond precision
futimes(3)          - change file timestamps
futimesat(2)        - change timestamps of a file relative to a directory file descriptor
fwide(3)            - set and determine the orientation of a FILE stream
fwprintf(3)         - formatted wide-character output conversion
__fwritable(3)      - interfaces to stdio FILE structure
fwrite(3)           - binary stream input/output
fwrite_unlocked(3)  - nonlocking stdio functions
__fwriting(3)       - interfaces to stdio FILE structure
gai_cancel(3)       - asynchronous network address and service translation
gai.conf(5)         - getaddrinfo(3) configuration file
gai_error(3)        - asynchronous network address and service translation
gai_strerror(3)     - network address and service translation
gai_suspend(3)      - asynchronous network address and service translation
gamma(3)            - (logarithm of the) gamma function
gammaf(3)           - (logarithm of the) gamma function
gammal(3)           - (logarithm of the) gamma function
gcc-ar-4.8(1)       - a wrapper around ar adding the - plugin option
gcc-nm-4.8(1)       - a wrapper around nm adding the - plugin option
gcc-ranlib-4.8(1)   - a wrapper around ranlib adding the - plugin option
gcvt(3)             - convert a floating-point number to a string
gdbm(3)             - The GNU database manager. Includes dbm and ndbm compatability. (Version .)
gdbus(1)            - Tool for working with D-Bus objects
gdbus-codegen(1)    - D-Bus code and documentation generator
gencat(1)           - Generate message catalog
gendsa(1ssl)        - generate a DSA private key from a set of parameters
generic(5)          - Postfix generic table format
genpkey(1ssl)       - generate a private key
genrsa(1ssl)        - generate an RSA private key
geqn(1)             - format equations for troff or MathML
GET(1p)             - Simple command line user agent
getaddrinfo(3)      - network address and service translation
getaddrinfo_a(3)    - asynchronous network address and service translation
getaliasbyname(3)   - read an alias entry
getaliasbyname_r(3) - read an alias entry
getaliasent(3)      - read an alias entry
getaliasent_r(3)    - read an alias entry
getauxval(3)        - retrieve a value from the auxiliary vector
getc(3)             - input of characters and strings
getchar(3)          - input of characters and strings
getchar_unlocked(3) - nonlocking stdio functions
getconf(1)          - Query system configuration variables
getcontext(2)       - get or set the user context
getcontext(3)       - get or set the user context
getcpu(2)           - determine CPU and NUMA node on which the calling thread is running
getc_unlocked(3)    - nonlocking stdio functions
get_current_dir_name(3) - get current working directory
getcwd(2)           - get current working directory
getcwd(3)           - get current working directory
getdate(3)          - convert a date-plus-time string to broken-down time
getdate_err(3)      - convert a date-plus-time string to broken-down time
getdate_r(3)        - convert a date-plus-time string to broken-down time
getdelim(3)         - delimited string input
getdents(2)         - get directory entries
getdents64(2)       - get directory entries
getdirentries(3)    - get directory entries in a filesystem-independent format
getdomainname(2)    - get/set NIS domain name
getdtablesize(2)    - get descriptor table size
getdtablesize(3)    - get descriptor table size
getegid(2)          - get group identity
getegid32(2)        - get group identity
getent(1)           - get entries from Name Service Switch libraries
getenv(3)           - get an environment variable
geteuid(2)          - get user identity
geteuid32(2)        - get user identity
getfsent(3)         - handle fstab entries
getfsfile(3)        - handle fstab entries
getfsspec(3)        - handle fstab entries
getgid(2)           - get group identity
getgid32(2)         - get group identity
getgrent(3)         - get group file entry
getgrent_r(3)       - get group file entry reentrantly
getgrgid(3)         - get group file entry
getgrgid_r(3)       - get group file entry
getgrnam(3)         - get group file entry
getgrnam_r(3)       - get group file entry
getgrouplist(3)     - get list of groups to which a user belongs
getgroups(2)        - get/set list of supplementary group IDs
getgroups32(2)      - get/set list of supplementary group IDs
gethostbyaddr(3)    - get network host entry
gethostbyaddr_r(3)  - get network host entry
gethostbyname2(3)   - get network host entry
gethostbyname2_r(3) - get network host entry
gethostbyname(3)    - get network host entry
gethostbyname_r(3)  - get network host entry
gethostent(3)       - get network host entry
gethostent_r(3)     - get network host entry
gethostid(2)        - get or set the unique identifier of the current host
gethostid(3)        - get or set the unique identifier of the current host
gethostname(2)      - get/set hostname
getifaddrs(3)       - get interface addresses
getipnodebyaddr(3)  - get network hostnames and addresses
getipnodebyname(3)  - get network hostnames and addresses
getitimer(2)        - get or set value of an interval timer
get_kernel_syms(2)  - retrieve exported kernel and module symbols
getline(3)          - delimited string input
getloadavg(3)       - get system load averages
getlogin(3)         - get username
getlogin_r(3)       - get username
get_mempolicy(2)    - retrieve NUMA memory policy for a process
getmntent(3)        - get filesystem descriptor file entry
getmntent_r(3)      - get filesystem descriptor file entry
getmsg(2)           - unimplemented system calls
get_myaddress(3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
getnameinfo(3)      - address-to-name translation in protocol-independent manner
getnetbyaddr(3)     - get network entry
getnetbyaddr_r(3)   - get network entry(reentrant)
getnetbyname(3)     - get network entry
getnetbyname_r(3)   - get network entry(reentrant)
getnetent(3)        - get network entry
getnetent_r(3)      - get network entry(reentrant)
getnetgrent(3)      - handle network group entries
getnetgrent_r(3)    - handle network group entries
get_nprocs(3)       - get number of processors
get_nprocs_conf(3)  - get number of processors
getopt(1)           - parse command options(enhanced)
getopt(3)           - Parse command-line options
getopt_long(3)      - Parse command-line options
getopt_long_only(3) - Parse command-line options
getpagesize(2)      - get memory page size
getpass(3)          - get a password
getpeername(2)      - get name of connected peer socket
getpgid(2)          - set/get process group
getpgrp(2)          - set/get process group
getpid(2)           - get process identification
getpmsg(2)          - unimplemented system calls
getppid(2)          - get process identification
getpriority(2)      - get/set program scheduling priority
getprotobyname(3)   - get protocol entry
getprotobyname_r(3) - get protocol entry(reentrant)
getprotobynumber(3) - get protocol entry
getprotobynumber_r(3) - get protocol entry(reentrant)
getprotoent(3)      - get protocol entry
getprotoent_r(3)    - get protocol entry(reentrant)
getpt(3)            - open the pseudoterminal master(PTM)
getpw(3)            - reconstruct password line entry
getpwent(3)         - get password file entry
getpwent_r(3)       - get passwd file entry reentrantly
getpwnam(3)         - get password file entry
getpwnam_r(3)       - get password file entry
getpwuid(3)         - get password file entry
getpwuid_r(3)       - get password file entry
getresgid(2)        - get real, effective and saved user/group IDs
getresgid32(2)      - get real, effective and saved user/group IDs
getresuid(2)        - get real, effective and saved user/group IDs
getresuid32(2)      - get real, effective and saved user/group IDs
getrlimit(2)        - get/set resource limits
get_robust_list(2)  - get/set list of robust futexes
getrpcbyname(3)     - get RPC entry
getrpcbyname_r(3)   - get RPC entry(reentrant)
getrpcbynumber(3)   - get RPC entry
getrpcbynumber_r(3) - get RPC entry(reentrant)
getrpcent(3)        - get RPC entry
getrpcent_r(3)      - get RPC entry(reentrant)
getrpcport(3)       - get RPC port number
getrusage(2)        - get resource usage
gets(3)             - input of characters and strings
getservbyname(3)    - get service entry
getservbyname_r(3)  - get service entry(reentrant)
getservbyport(3)    - get service entry
getservbyport_r(3)  - get service entry(reentrant)
getservent(3)       - get service entry
getservent_r(3)     - get service entry(reentrant)
getsid(2)           - get session ID
getsockname(2)      - get socket name
getsockopt(2)       - get and set options on sockets
getspent(3)         - get shadow password file entry
getspent_r(3)       - get shadow password file entry
getspnam(3)         - get shadow password file entry
getspnam_r(3)       - get shadow password file entry
getsubopt(3)        - parse suboption arguments from a string
gettext(1)          - translate message
gettext(3)          - translate message
get_thread_area(2)  - get a thread-local storage(TLS) area
gettid(2)           - get thread identification
gettimeofday(2)     - get / set time
getttyent(3)        - get ttys file entry
getttynam(3)        - get ttys file entry
getuid(2)           - get user identity
getuid32(2)         - get user identity
getumask(3)         - get file creation mask
getunwind(2)        - copy the unwind data to caller's buffer
getusershell(3)     - get permitted user shells
getutent(3)         - access utmp file entries
getutent_r(3)       - access utmp file entries
getutid(3)          - access utmp file entries
getutid_r(3)        - access utmp file entries
getutline(3)        - access utmp file entries
getutline_r(3)      - access utmp file entries
getutmp(3)          - copy utmp structure to utmpx, and vice versa
getutmpx(3)         - copy utmp structure to utmpx, and vice versa
getutxent(3)        - access utmp file entries
getutxid(3)         - access utmp file entries
getutxline(3)       - access utmp file entries
getw(3)             - input and output of words(ints)
getwc(3)            - read a wide character from a FILE stream
getwchar(3)         - read a wide character from standard input
getwchar_unlocked(3) - nonlocking stdio functions
getwc_unlocked(3)   - nonlocking stdio functions
getwd(3)            - get current working directory
ginstall-info(1)    - update info/dir entries
gio-querymodules(1) - GIO module cache creation
git(1)              - the stupid content tracker
Git(3pm)            - Perl interface to the Git version control system
git-add(1)          - Add file contents to the index
git-am(1)           - Apply a series of patches from a mailbox
git-annotate(1)     - Annotate file lines with commit information
git-apply(1)        - Apply a patch to files and/or to the index
git-archive(1)      - Create an archive of files from a named tree
gitattributes(5)    - defining attributes per path
git-bisect(1)       - Find by binary search the change that introduced a bug
git-blame(1)        - Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file
git-branch(1)       - List, create, or delete branches
git-bundle(1)       - Move objects and refs by archive
git-cat-file(1)     - Provide content or type and size information for repository objects
git-check-attr(1)   - Display gitattributes information
git-check-ignore(1) - Debug gitignore / exclude files
git-check-mailmap(1) - Show canonical names and email addresses of contacts
git-checkout(1)     - Checkout a branch or paths to the working tree
git-checkout-index(1) - Copy files from the index to the working tree
git-check-ref-format(1) - Ensures that a reference name is well formed
git-cherry(1)       - Find commits yet to be applied to upstream
git-cherry-pick(1)  - Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits
git-clean(1)        - Remove untracked files from the working tree
gitcli(7)           - Git command line interface and conventions
git-clone(1)        - Clone a repository into a new directory
git-column(1)       - Display data in columns
git-commit(1)       - Record changes to the repository
git-commit-tree(1)  - Create a new commit object
git-config(1)       - Get and set repository or global options
gitcore-tutorial(7) - A Git core tutorial for developers
git-count-objects(1) - Count unpacked number of objects and their disk consumption
git-credential(1)   - Retrieve and store user credentials
git-credential-cache(1) - Helper to temporarily store passwords in memory
git-credential-cache--daemon(1) - Temporarily store user credentials in memory
gitcredentials(7)   - providing usernames and passwords to Git
git-credential-store(1) - Helper to store credentials on disk
gitcvs-migration(7) - Git for CVS users
git-daemon(1)       - A really simple server for Git repositories
git-describe(1)     - Show the most recent tag that is reachable from a commit
git-diff(1)         - Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
gitdiffcore(7)      - Tweaking diff output
git-diff-files(1)   - Compares files in the working tree and the index
git-diff-index(1)   - Compare a tree to the working tree or index
git-difftool(1)     - Show changes using common diff tools
git-diff-tree(1)    - Compares the content and mode of blobs found via two tree objects
git-fast-export(1)  - Git data exporter
git-fast-import(1)  - Backend for fast Git data importers
git-fetch(1)        - Download objects and refs from another repository
git-fetch-pack(1)   - Receive missing objects from another repository
git-filter-branch(1) - Rewrite branches
git-fmt-merge-msg(1) - Produce a merge commit message
git-for-each-ref(1) - Output information on each ref
git-format-patch(1) - Prepare patches for e-mail submission
git-fsck(1)         - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database
git-fsck-objects(1) - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database
git-gc(1)           - Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository
git-get-tar-commit-id(1) - Extract commit ID from an archive created using git-archive
gitglossary(7)      - A Git Glossary
git-grep(1)         - Print lines matching a pattern
git-hash-object(1)  - Compute object ID and optionally creates a blob from a file
git-help(1)         - Display help information about Git
githooks(5)         - Hooks used by Git
git-http-backend(1) - Server side implementation of Git over HTTP
git-http-fetch(1)   - Download from a remote Git repository via HTTP
git-http-push(1)    - Push objects over HTTP/DAV to another repository
Git::I18N(3pm)      - Perl interface to Git's Gettext localizations
gitignore(5)        - Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore
git-imap-send(1)    - Send a collection of patches from stdin to an IMAP folder
git-index-pack(1)   - Build pack index file for an existing packed archive
git-init(1)         - Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one
git-init-db(1)      - Creates an empty Git repository
git-instaweb(1)     - Instantly browse your working repository in gitweb
git-log(1)          - Show commit logs
git-lost-found(1)   - Recover lost refs that luckily have not yet been pruned
git-ls-files(1)     - Show information about files in the index and the working tree
git-ls-remote(1)    - List references in a remote repository
git-ls-tree(1)      - List the contents of a tree object
git-mailinfo(1)     - Extracts patch and authorship from a single e-mail message
git-mailsplit(1)    - Simple UNIX mbox splitter program
git-merge(1)        - Join two or more development histories together
git-merge-base(1)   - Find as good common ancestors as possible for a merge
git-merge-file(1)   - Run a three-way file merge
git-merge-index(1)  - Run a merge for files needing merging
git-merge-one-file(1) - The standard helper program to use with git-merge-index
git-mergetool(1)    - Run merge conflict resolution tools to resolve merge conflicts
git-mergetool--lib(1) - Common Git merge tool shell scriptlets
git-merge-tree(1)   - Show three-way merge without touching index
git-mktag(1)        - Creates a tag object
git-mktree(1)       - Build a tree-object from ls-tree formatted text
gitmodules(5)       - defining submodule properties
git-mv(1)           - Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
git-name-rev(1)     - Find symbolic names for given revs
gitnamespaces(7)    - Git namespaces
git-notes(1)        - Add or inspect object notes
git-p4(1)           - Import from and submit to Perforce repositories
git-pack-objects(1) - Create a packed archive of objects
git-pack-redundant(1) - Find redundant pack files
git-pack-refs(1)    - Pack heads and tags for efficient repository access
git-parse-remote(1) - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters
git-patch-id(1)     - Compute unique ID for a patch
git-peek-remote(1)  - List the references in a remote repository
git-prune(1)        - Prune all unreachable objects from the object database
git-prune-packed(1) - Remove extra objects that are already in pack files
git-pull(1)         - Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch
git-push(1)         - Update remote refs along with associated objects
git-quiltimport(1)  - Applies a quilt patchset onto the current branch
git-read-tree(1)    - Reads tree information into the index
git-rebase(1)       - Forward-port local commits to the updated upstream head
git-receive-pack(1) - Receive what is pushed into the repository
git-reflog(1)       - Manage reflog information
git-relink(1)       - Hardlink common objects in local repositories
git-remote(1)       - manage set of tracked repositories
git-remote-ext(1)   - Bridge smart transport to external command.
git-remote-fd(1)    - Reflect smart transport stream back to caller
gitremote-helpers(1) - Helper programs to interact with remote repositories
git-remote-testgit(1) - Example remote-helper
git-repack(1)       - Pack unpacked objects in a repository
git-replace(1)      - Create, list, delete refs to replace objects
git-repo-config(1)  - Get and set repository or global options
gitrepository-layout(5) - Git Repository Layout
git-request-pull(1) - Generates a summary of pending changes
git-rerere(1)       - Reuse recorded resolution of conflicted merges
git-reset(1)        - Reset current HEAD to the specified state
git-revert(1)       - Revert some existing commits
gitrevisions(7)     - specifying revisions and ranges for Git
git-rev-list(1)     - Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order
git-rev-parse(1)    - Pick out and massage parameters
git-rm(1)           - Remove files from the working tree and from the index
git-send-pack(1)    - Push objects over Git protocol to another repository
git-shell(1)        - Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access
git-sh-i18n(1)      - Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts
git-sh-i18n--envsubst(1) - Git's own envsubst(1) for i18n fallbacks
git-shortlog(1)     - Summarize 'git log' output
git-show(1)         - Show various types of objects
git-show-branch(1)  - Show branches and their commits
git-show-index(1)   - Show packed archive index
git-show-ref(1)     - List references in a local repository
git-sh-setup(1)     - Common Git shell script setup code
git-stage(1)        - Add file contents to the staging area
git-stash(1)        - Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away
git-status(1)       - Show the working tree status
git-stripspace(1)   - Remove unnecessary whitespace
git-submodule(1)    - Initialize, update or inspect submodules
git-symbolic-ref(1) - Read, modify and delete symbolic refs
git-tag(1)          - Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG
git-tar-tree(1)     - Create a tar archive of the files in the named tree object
gittutorial-2(7)    - A tutorial introduction to Git: part two
gittutorial(7)      - A tutorial introduction to Git (for version 1.5.1 or newer)
git-unpack-file(1)  - Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents
git-unpack-objects(1) - Unpack objects from a packed archive
git-update-index(1) - Register file contents in the working tree to the index
git-update-ref(1)   - Update the object name stored in a ref safely
git-update-server-info(1) - Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers
git-upload-archive(1) - Send archive back to git-archive
git-upload-pack(1)  - Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack
git-var(1)          - Show a Git logical variable
git-verify-pack(1)  - Validate packed Git archive files
git-verify-tag(1)   - Check the GPG signature of tags
gitweb(1)           - Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)
git-web--browse(1)  - Git helper script to launch a web browser
gitweb.conf(5)      - Gitweb (Git web interface) configuration file
git-whatchanged(1)  - Show logs with difference each commit introduces
gitworkflows(7)     - An overview of recommended workflows with Git
git-write-tree(1)   - Create a tree object from the current index
glibc(7)            - overview of standard C libraries on Linux
glib-compile-resources(1) - GLib resource compiler
glib-compile-schemas(1) - GSettings schema compiler
glib-genmarshal(1)  - C code marshaller generation utility for GLib closures
glib-gettextize(1)  - gettext internationalization utility
glib-mkenums(1)     - C language enum description generation utility
glob(3)             - find pathnames matching a pattern, free memory from glob()
glob(7)             - globbing pathnames
globfree(3)         - find pathnames matching a pattern, free memory from glob()
gmtime(3)           - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
gmtime_r(3)         - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
gnu_dev_major(3)    - manage a device number
gnu_dev_makedev(3)  - manage a device number
gnu_dev_minor(3)    - manage a device number
gnu_get_libc_release(3) - get glibc version and release
gnu_get_libc_version(3) - get glibc version and release
gnupg(7)            - The GNU Privacy Guard suite of programs
gobject-query(1)    - display a tree of types
gpasswd(1)          - administer /etc/group and /etc/gshadow
gpg(1)              - OpenPGP encryption and signing tool
gpg2(1)             - OpenPGP encryption and signing tool
gpg-agent(1)        - Secret key management for GnuPG
gpgconf(1)          - Modify .gnupg home directories
gpg-connect-agent(1) - Communicate with a running agent
gpg-preset-passphrase(1) - Put a passphrase into gpg-agent's cache
gpgsplit(1)         - Split an OpenPGP message into packets
gpgv(1)             - Verify OpenPGP signatures
gpg-zip(1)          - encrypt or sign files into an archive
gpic(1)             - compile pictures for troff or TeX
gprof(1)            - display call graph profile data
grantpt(3)          - grant access to the slave pseudoterminal
grep(1)             - print lines matching a pattern
gresource(1)        - GResource tool
groff(1)            - front-end for the groff document formatting system
grog(1)             - guess options for groff command
grops(1)            - PostScript driver for groff
grotty(1)           - groff driver for typewriter-like devices
group(5)            - user group file
groupadd(8)         - create a new group
group.conf(5)       - configuration file for the pam_group module
groupdel(8)         - delete a group
groupmod(8)         - modify a group definition on the system
groups(1)           - print the groups a user is in
grpck(8)            - verify integrity of group files
grpconv(8)          - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
grpunconv(8)        - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
grub-bios-setup(8)  - set up a device to boot using GRUB
grub-editenv(1)     - edit GRUB environment block
grub-fstest(1)      - debug tool for GRUB filesystem drivers
grub-install(8)     - install GRUB to a device
grub-kbdcomp(1)     - generate a GRUB keyboard layout file
grub-menulst2cfg(1) - transform legacy menu.lst into grub.cfg
grub-mkconfig(8)    - generate a GRUB configuration file
grub-mkdevicemap(8) - generate a GRUB device map file automatically
grub-mkfont(1)      - make GRUB font files
grub-mkimage(1)     - make a bootable image of GRUB
grub-mklayout(1)    - generate a GRUB keyboard layout file
grub-mknetdir(8)    - prepare a GRUB netboot directory.
grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2(1) - generate hashed password for GRUB
grub-mkrelpath(1)   - make a system path relative to its root
grub-mkrescue(1)    - make a GRUB rescue image
grub-mkstandalone(1) - make a memdisk-based GRUB image
grub-probe(8)       - probe device information for GRUB
grub-reboot(8)      - set the default boot entry for GRUB, for the next boot only
grub-script-check(1) - check grub.cfg for syntax errors
grub-set-default(8) - set the saved default boot entry for GRUB
gsettings(1)        - GSettings configuration tool
gshadow(5)          - shadowed group file
gsignal(3)          - software signal facility
gtbl(1)             - format tables for troff
gtester(1)          - test running utility
gtester-report(1)   - test report formatting utility
gtk-options(7)      - Standard Command Line Options for GTK+ Programs
gtk-query-immodules-2.0(1) - Input method module registration utility
gtk-update-icon-cache(1) - Icon theme caching utility
gtty(2)             - unimplemented system calls
gunzip(1)           - compress or expand files
gview(1)            - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
gvim(1)             - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
gvimdiff(1)         - edit two, three or four versions of a file with Vim and show differences
gvimtutor(1)        - the Vim tutor
gzexe(1)            - compress executable files in place
gzip(1)             - compress or expand files
h2ph(1)             - convert .h C header files to .ph Perl header files
h2xs(1)             - convert .h C header files to Perl extensions
halt(5)             - variables that affect the behavior of the shutdown scripts
halt-sysv(8)        - stop the system.
hash(3)             - hash database access method
hasmntopt(3)        - get filesystem descriptor file entry
hcreate(3)          - hash table management
hcreate_r(3)        - hash table management
hd(1)               - ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump
hd(4)               - MFM/IDE hard disk devices
hdestroy(3)         - hash table management
hdestroy_r(3)       - hash table management
head(1)             - output the first part of files
HEAD(1p)            - Simple command line user agent
header_checks(5)    - Postfix built-in content inspection
HeightMMOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
HeightOfScreen(3)   - screen information functions and macros
helpztags(1)        - generate the help tags file for directory
h_errno(3)          - get network host entry
herror(3)           - get network host entry
hexdump(1)          - ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump
hier(7)             - description of the filesystem hierarchy
history(3readline)  - GNU History Library
hmac(3ssl)          - HMAC message authentication code
HMAC(3ssl)          - HMAC message authentication code
HMAC_cleanup(3ssl)  - HMAC message authentication code
HMAC_Final(3ssl)    - HMAC message authentication code
HMAC_Init(3ssl)     - HMAC message authentication code
HMAC_Update(3ssl)   - HMAC message authentication code
host(1)             - DNS lookup utility
host.conf(5)        - resolver configuration file
hostid(1)           - print the numeric identifier for the current host
hostname(1)         - show or set the system's host name
hostname(7)         - hostname resolution description
hosts(5)            - static table lookup for hostnames
hosts_access(5)     - format of host access control files
hosts.allow(5)      - format of host access control files
hosts.deny(5)       - format of host access control files
hosts.equiv(5)      - list of hosts and users that are granted "trusted" r command access to your system
hosts_options(5)    - host access control language extensions
hpsa(4)             - HP Smart Array SCSI driver
hsearch(3)          - hash table management
hsearch_r(3)        - hash table management
hstrerror(3)        - get network host entry
HTML::AsSubs(3pm)   - functions that construct a HTML syntax tree
HTML::Element(3pm)  - Class for objects that represent HTML elements
HTML::Element::traverse(3pm) - discussion of HTML::Element's traverse method
HTML::Entities(3pm) - Encode or decode strings with HTML entities
HTML::Filter(3pm)   - Filter HTML text through the parser
HTML::Form(3pm)     - Class that represents an HTML form element
HTML::FormatMarkdown(3pm) - Format HTML as Markdown
HTML::FormatPS(3pm) - Format HTML as PostScript
HTML::FormatRTF(3pm) - Format HTML as RTF
HTML::Formatter(3pm) - Base class for HTML formatters
HTML::FormatText(3pm) - Format HTML as plaintext
HTML::HeadParser(3pm) - Parse <HEAD> section of a HTML document
HTML::LinkExtor(3pm) - Extract links from an HTML document
HTML::Parse(3pm)    - Deprecated, a wrapper around HTML::TreeBuilder
HTML::Parser(3pm)   - HTML parser class
HTML::PullParser(3pm) - Alternative HTML::Parser interface
HTML::Tagset(3pm)   - data tables useful in parsing HTML
HTML::Template(3pm) - Perl module to use HTML-like templating language
HTML::Template::FAQ(3pm) - Frequently Asked Questions about HTML::Template
HTML::TokeParser(3pm) - Alternative HTML::Parser interface
HTML::Tree(3pm)     - build and scan parse-trees of HTML
HTML::Tree::AboutObjects(3pm) - - article: "User's View of Object-Oriented Modules"
HTML::Tree::AboutTrees(3pm) - - article on tree-shaped data structures in Perl
HTML::TreeBuilder(3pm) - Parser that builds a HTML syntax tree
HTML::Tree::Scanning(3pm) - - article: "Scanning HTML"
htobe16(3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byte order
htobe32(3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byte order
htobe64(3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byte order
htole16(3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byte order
htole32(3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byte order
htole64(3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byte order
htonl(3)            - convert values between host and network byte order
htons(3)            - convert values between host and network byte order
HTTP::Config(3pm)   - Configuration for request and response objects
HTTP::Cookies(3pm)  - HTTP cookie jars
HTTP::Cookies::Microsoft(3pm) - access to Microsoft cookies files
HTTP::Cookies::Netscape(3pm) - access to Netscape cookies files
HTTP::Daemon(3pm)   - a simple http server class
HTTP::Date(3pm)     - date conversion routines
HTTP::Headers(3pm)  - Class encapsulating HTTP Message headers
HTTP::Headers::Util(3pm) - Header value parsing utility functions
HTTP::Message(3pm)  - HTTP style message (base class)
HTTP::Negotiate(3pm) - choose a variant to serve
HTTP::Request(3pm)  - HTTP style request message
HTTP::Request::Common(3pm) - Construct common HTTP::Request objects
HTTP::Response(3pm) - HTTP style response message
HTTP::Status(3pm)   - HTTP Status code processing
HUGE_VAL(3)         - floating-point constants
HUGE_VALF(3)        - floating-point constants
HUGE_VALL(3)        - floating-point constants
hwclock(8)          - query or set the hardware clock(RTC)
hypot(3)            - Euclidean distance function
hypotf(3)           - Euclidean distance function
hypotl(3)           - Euclidean distance function
i2d_ASN1_OBJECT(3ssl) - ASN1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER functions
i2d_CMS_bio_stream(3ssl) - output CMS_ContentInfo structure in BER format.
i2d_DHparams(3ssl)  - PKCS#3 DH parameter functions.
i2d_DSAPrivateKey(3ssl) - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
i2d_DSA_PUBKEY(3ssl) - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
i2d_DSAPublicKey(3ssl) - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
i2d_DSA_SIG(3ssl)   - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
i2d_Netscape_RSA(3ssl) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
i2d_PKCS7_bio_stream(3ssl) - output PKCS7 structure in BER format.
i2d_PKCS8PrivateKey_bio(3ssl) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
i2d_PKCS8PrivateKey_fp(3ssl) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
i2d_PKCS8PrivateKey_nid_bio(3ssl) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
i2d_PKCS8PrivateKey_nid_fp(3ssl) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
i2d_RSAPrivateKey(3ssl) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
i2d_RSA_PUBKEY(3ssl) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
i2d_RSAPublicKey(3ssl) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
i2d_SSL_SESSION(3ssl) - convert SSL_SESSION object from/to ASN1 representation
i2d_X509(3ssl)      - X509 encode and decode functions
i2d_X509_ALGOR(3ssl) - AlgorithmIdentifier functions.
i2d_X509_bio(3ssl)  - X509 encode and decode functions
i2d_X509_CRL(3ssl)  - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_CRL_bio(3ssl) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_CRL_fp(3ssl) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_fp(3ssl)   - X509 encode and decode functions
i2d_X509_NAME(3ssl) - X509_NAME encoding functions
i2d_X509_REQ(3ssl)  - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_REQ_bio(3ssl) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_REQ_fp(3ssl) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_SIG(3ssl)  - DigestInfo functions.
icmp(7)             - Linux IPv4 ICMP kernel module.
icombine(1)         - Interactive spelling checking
iconv(1)            - Convert encoding of given files from one encoding to another
iconv(3)            - perform character set conversion
iconv_close(3)      - deallocate descriptor for character set conversion
iconvconfig(8)      - Create fastloading iconv module configuration file
iconv_open(3)       - allocate descriptor for character set conversion
id(1)               - print real and effective user and group IDs
idle(2)             - make process 0 idle
ifdown(8)           - take a network interface down
if_freenameindex(3) - get network interface names and indexes
if_indextoname(3)   - mappings between network interface names and indexes
if_nameindex(3)     - get network interface names and indexes
ifnames(1)          - Extract CPP conditionals from a set of files
if_nametoindex(3)   - mappings between network interface names and indexes
ifquery(8)          - parse interface configuration
ifup(8)             - bring a network interface up
ijoin(1)            - Interactive spelling checking
ilogb(3)            - get integer exponent of a floating-point value
ilogbf(3)           - get integer exponent of a floating-point value
ilogbl(3)           - get integer exponent of a floating-point value
ImageByteOrder(3)   - image format functions and macros
imaxabs(3)          - compute the absolute value of an integer
imaxdiv(3)          - compute quotient and remainder of an integer division
inb(2)              - port I/O
inb_p(2)            - port I/O
index(3)            - locate character in string
inet(3)             - Internet address manipulation routines
inet_addr(3)        - Internet address manipulation routines
inet_aton(3)        - Internet address manipulation routines
inetd(8)            - internet "super-server"
inetd.conf(5)       - internet "super-server"
inet_lnaof(3)       - Internet address manipulation routines
inet_makeaddr(3)    - Internet address manipulation routines
inet_netof(3)       - Internet address manipulation routines
inet_network(3)     - Internet address manipulation routines
inet_ntoa(3)        - Internet address manipulation routines
inet_ntop(3)        - convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from binary to text form
inet_pton(3)        - convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from text to binary form
inetutils-ifconfig(1) - configure network interfaces
in.fingerd(8)       - remote user information server
INFINITY(3)         - floating-point constants
info(1)             - read Info documents
info(5)             - readable online documentation
infobrowser(1)      - read Info documents
infocmp(1)          - compare or print out terminfo descriptions
infokey(1)          - compile customizations for Info
infotocap(1)        - convert a terminfo description into a termcap description
in.ftpd(8)          - Internet File Transfer Protocol server
init(8)             - process control initialization
initgroups(3)       - initialize the supplementary group access list
init_module(2)      - load a kernel module
initrd(4)           - boot loader initialized RAM disk
initscript(5)       - script that executes inittab commands.
initstate(3)        - random number generator
initstate_r(3)      - reentrant random number generator
inittab(5)          - format of the inittab file used by the sysv-compatible init process
inl(2)              - port I/O
inl_p(2)            - port I/O
innetgr(3)          - handle network group entries
innochecksum(1)     - offline InnoDB file checksum utility
innotop(1)          - MySQL and InnoDB transaction/status monitor.
inotify(7)          - monitoring filesystem events
inotify_add_watch(2) - add a watch to an initialized inotify instance
inotify_init1(2)    - initialize an inotify instance
inotify_init(2)     - initialize an inotify instance
inotify_rm_watch(2) - remove an existing watch from an inotify instance
insb(2)             - port I/O
insl(2)             - port I/O
insque(3)           - insert/remove an item from a queue
insserv(8)          - boot sequence organizer using LSB init.d script dependency information
install(1)          - copy files and set attributes
install-info(1)     - wrapper around GNU install-info
install-sgmlcatalog(8) - maintain transitional SGML catalog
instmodsh(1)        - A shell to examine installed modules
insw(2)             - port I/O
in.telnetd(8)       - DARPA telnet protocol server
interfaces(5)       - network interface configuration for ifup and ifdown
intro(1)            - introduction to user commands
intro(2)            - introduction to system calls
intro(3)            - introduction to library functions
intro(4)            - introduction to special files
intro(5)            - introduction to file formats
intro(6)            - introduction to games
intro(7)            - introduction to overview, conventions, and miscellany section
intro(8)            - introduction to administration and privileged commands
invoke-rc.d(8)      - executes System-V style init script actions
inw(2)              - port I/O
inw_p(2)            - port I/O
io_cancel(2)        - cancel an outstanding asynchronous I/O operation
ioctl(2)            - control device
ioctl_list(2)       - list of ioctl calls in Linux/i386 kernel
io_destroy(2)       - destroy an asynchronous I/O context
io_getevents(2)     - read asynchronous I/O events from the completion queue
IO::HTML(3pm)       - Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection
ioperm(2)           - set port input/output permissions
iopl(2)             - change I/O privilege level
ioprio_get(2)       - get/set I/O scheduling class and priority
ioprio_set(2)       - get/set I/O scheduling class and priority
io_setup(2)         - create an asynchronous I/O context
IO::Socket::IP(3pm) - Family-neutral IP socket supporting both IPv4 and IPv6
IO::Socket::SSL(3pm) - - SSL sockets with IO::Socket interface
IO::Socket::SSL::Intercept(3pm) - - SSL interception (man in the middle)
IO::Socket::SSL::Utils(3pm) - - loading, storing, creating certificates and keys
io_submit(2)        - submit asynchronous I/O blocks for processing
ip(7)               - Linux IPv4 protocol implementation
ipc(2)              - System V IPC system calls
ipc(5)              - System V interprocess communication mechanisms
ipcmk(1)            - create various ipc resources
ipcrm(1)            - remove a message queue, semaphore set or shared memory id
ipcs(1)             - provide information on ipc facilities
ipv6(7)             - Linux IPv6 protocol implementation
iruserok(3)         - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
iruserok_af(3)      - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
isalnum(3)          - character classification routines
isalpha(3)          - character classification routines
isascii(3)          - character classification routines
isastream(2)        - unimplemented system calls
isatty(3)           - test whether a file descriptor refers to a terminal
isblank(3)          - character classification routines
ischroot(1)         - detect if running in a chroot
iscntrl(3)          - character classification routines
IsCursorKey(3)      - keysym classification macros
isdigit(3)          - character classification routines
isfinite(3)         - floating-point classification macros
IsFunctionKey(3)    - keysym classification macros
isgraph(3)          - character classification routines
isgreater(3)        - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
isgreaterequal(3)   - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
isinf(3)            - floating-point classification macros
isinff(3)           - BSD floating-point classification functions
isinfl(3)           - BSD floating-point classification functions
IsKeypadKey(3)      - keysym classification macros
isless(3)           - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
islessequal(3)      - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
islessgreater(3)    - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
islower(3)          - character classification routines
IsMiscFunctionKey(3) - keysym classification macros
IsModifierKey(3)    - keysym classification macros
isnan(3)            - floating-point classification macros
isnanf(3)           - BSD floating-point classification functions
isnanl(3)           - BSD floating-point classification functions
isnormal(3)         - floating-point classification macros
iso_8859_10(7)      - ISO 8859-10 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859-10(7)      - ISO 8859-10 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso-8859-10(7)      - ISO 8859-10 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859_11(7)      - ISO 8859-11 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859-11(7)      - ISO 8859-11 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso-8859-11(7)      - ISO 8859-11 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859_13(7)      - ISO 8859-13 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859-13(7)      - ISO 8859-13 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso-8859-13(7)      - ISO 8859-13 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859_14(7)      - ISO 8859-14 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859-14(7)      - ISO 8859-14 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso-8859-14(7)      - ISO 8859-14 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859_15(7)      - ISO 8859-15 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859-15(7)      - ISO 8859-15 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso-8859-15(7)      - ISO 8859-15 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859_16(7)      - ISO 8859-16 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859-16(7)      - ISO 8859-16 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso-8859-16(7)      - ISO 8859-16 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859_1(7)       - ISO 8859-1 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859-1(7)       - ISO 8859-1 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso-8859-1(7)       - ISO 8859-1 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859_2(7)       - ISO 8859-2 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859-2(7)       - ISO 8859-2 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso-8859-2(7)       - ISO 8859-2 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859_3(7)       - ISO 8859-3 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859-3(7)       - ISO 8859-3 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso-8859-3(7)       - ISO 8859-3 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859_4(7)       - ISO 8859-4 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859-4(7)       - ISO 8859-4 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso-8859-4(7)       - ISO 8859-4 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859_5(7)       - ISO 8859-5 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859-5(7)       - ISO 8859-5 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso-8859-5(7)       - ISO 8859-5 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859_6(7)       - ISO 8859-6 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859-6(7)       - ISO 8859-6 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso-8859-6(7)       - ISO 8859-6 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859_7(7)       - ISO 8859-7 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859-7(7)       - ISO 8859-7 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso-8859-7(7)       - ISO 8859-7 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859_8(7)       - ISO 8859-8 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859-8(7)       - ISO 8859-8 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso-8859-8(7)       - ISO 8859-8 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859_9(7)       - ISO 8859-9 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso_8859-9(7)       - ISO 8859-9 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
iso-8859-9(7)       - ISO 8859-9 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
isosize(8)          - output the length of an iso9660 filesystem
ispell(1)           - Interactive spelling checking
ispell(5)           - format of ispell dictionaries and affix files
ispell-autobuildhash(8) - Autobuilding the ispell hash file for some dicts
ispell-wrapper(1)   - smart wrapper for ispell
IsPFKey(3)          - keysym classification macros
isprint(3)          - character classification routines
IsPrivateKeypadKey(3) - keysym classification macros
ispunct(3)          - character classification routines
isspace(3)          - character classification routines
issue(5)            - prelogin message and identification file        - identification file for telnet sessions
isunordered(3)      - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
isupper(3)          - character classification routines
iswalnum(3)         - test for alphanumeric wide character
iswalpha(3)         - test for alphabetic wide character
iswblank(3)         - test for whitespace wide character
iswcntrl(3)         - test for control wide character
iswctype(3)         - wide-character classification
iswdigit(3)         - test for decimal digit wide character
iswgraph(3)         - test for graphic wide character
iswlower(3)         - test for lowercase wide character
iswprint(3)         - test for printing wide character
iswpunct(3)         - test for punctuation or symbolic wide character
iswspace(3)         - test for whitespace wide character
iswupper(3)         - test for uppercase wide character
iswxdigit(3)        - test for hexadecimal digit wide character
isxdigit(3)         - character classification routines
j0(3)               - Bessel functions of the first kind
j0f(3)              - Bessel functions of the first kind
j0l(3)              - Bessel functions of the first kind
j1(3)               - Bessel functions of the first kind
j1f(3)              - Bessel functions of the first kind
j1l(3)              - Bessel functions of the first kind
jn(3)               - Bessel functions of the first kind
jnf(3)              - Bessel functions of the first kind
jnl(3)              - Bessel functions of the first kind
join(1)             - join lines of two files on a common field
jrand48(3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
jrand48_r(3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers reentrantly
json_pp(1)          - JSON::PP command utility
kbxutil(1)          - List, export, import Keybox data
kcmp(2)             - compare two processes to determine if they share a kernel resource
kexec_load(2)       - load a new kernel for later execution
keyboard(5)         - keyboard configuration file
keyctl(2)           - manipulate the kernel's key management facility
key_decryptsession(3) - interfaces to rpc keyserver daemon
key_encryptsession(3) - interfaces to rpc keyserver daemon
key_gendes(3)       - interfaces to rpc keyserver daemon
key_secretkey_is_set(3) - interfaces to rpc keyserver daemon
key_setsecret(3)    - interfaces to rpc keyserver daemon
kill(1)             - send signals to processes, or list signals
kill(2)             - send signal to a process
killall(1)          - kill processes by name
killall5(8)         - send a signal to all processes.
killpg(2)           - send signal to a process group
kill.procps(1)      - send a signal to a process
klogctl(3)          - read and/or clear kernel message ring buffer; set console_loglevel
kmem(4)             - system memory, kernel memory and system ports
koi8-r(7)           - Russian character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
koi8rxterm(1)       - X terminal emulator for KOI8-R environments
koi8-u(7)           - Ukrainian character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
ksh(1)              - KornShell, a command and programming language
ksh93(1)            - KornShell, a command and programming language
l64a(3)             - convert between long and base-64
labs(3)             - compute the absolute value of an integer
last(1)             - show listing of last logged in users
lastb(1)            - show listing of last logged in users
LastKnownRequestProcessed(3) - Display macros and functions
latin10(7)          - ISO 8859-16 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
latin1(7)           - ISO 8859-1 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
latin2(7)           - ISO 8859-2 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
latin3(7)           - ISO 8859-3 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
latin4(7)           - ISO 8859-4 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
latin5(7)           - ISO 8859-9 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
latin6(7)           - ISO 8859-10 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
latin7(7)           - ISO 8859-13 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
latin8(7)           - ISO 8859-14 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
latin9(7)           - ISO 8859-15 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
lcf(1)              - Determine which of the historical versions of a config is installed
lchown(2)           - change ownership of a file
lchown32(2)         - change ownership of a file
lckpwdf(3)          - get shadow password file entry
lcong48(3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
lcong48_r(3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers reentrantly
ld(1)               - The GNU linker
ldap.conf(5)        - LDAP configuration file/environment variables
ldap_table(5)       - Postfix LDAP client configuration
ldconfig(8)         - configure dynamic linker run-time bindings
ldd(1)              - print shared library dependencies
ldexp(3)            - multiply floating-point number by integral power of 2
ldexpf(3)           - multiply floating-point number by integral power of 2
ldexpl(3)           - multiply floating-point number by integral power of 2
ldiv(3)             - compute quotient and remainder of an integer division
ld-linux(8)         - dynamic linker/loader      - dynamic linker/loader
LDP(7)              - Intro to the Linux Documentation Project, with help, guides and documents            - dynamic linker/loader
le16toh(3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byte order
le32toh(3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byte order
le64toh(3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byte order
less(1)             - opposite of more
lessecho(1)         - expand metacharacters
lessfile(1)         - "input preprocessor" for less.
lesskey(1)          - specify key bindings for less
lesspipe(1)         - "input preprocessor" for less.
lexgrog(1)          - parse header information in man pages
lfind(3)            - linear search of an array
lgamma(3)           - log gamma function
lgammaf(3)          - log gamma function
lgammaf_r(3)        - log gamma function
lgammal(3)          - log gamma function
lgammal_r(3)        - log gamma function
lgamma_r(3)         - log gamma function
lhash(3ssl)         - dynamic hash table
lh_delete(3ssl)     - dynamic hash table
lh_doall(3ssl)      - dynamic hash table
lh_doall_arg(3ssl)  - dynamic hash table
lh_error(3ssl)      - dynamic hash table
lh_free(3ssl)       - dynamic hash table
lh_insert(3ssl)     - dynamic hash table
lh_new(3ssl)        - dynamic hash table
lh_node_stats(3ssl) - LHASH statistics
lh_node_stats_bio(3ssl) - LHASH statistics
lh_node_usage_stats(3ssl) - LHASH statistics
lh_node_usage_stats_bio(3ssl) - LHASH statistics
lh_retrieve(3ssl)   - dynamic hash table
lh_stats(3ssl)      - LHASH statistics
lh_stats_bio(3ssl)  - LHASH statistics
libc(7)             - overview of standard C libraries on Linux
libnetcfg(1)        - configure libnet
libpng12-config(1)  - get information about installed libpng library
libpng(3)           - Portable Network Graphics(PNG) Reference Library 1.2.49
libpng-config(1)    - get information about installed libpng library
libtool(1)          - manual page for libtool 2.4.2
libtoolize(1)       - manual page for libtoolize 2.4.2
limits.conf(5)      - configuration file for the pam_limits module
line(1)             - read one line
link(1)             - call the link function to create a link to a file
link(2)             - make a new name for a file
linkat(2)           - create a file link relative to directory file descriptors
lio_listio(3)       - initiate a list of I/O requests
listen(2)           - listen for connections on a socket
LIST_ENTRY(3)       - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
LIST_HEAD(3)        - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
LIST_INIT(3)        - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
LIST_INSERT_AFTER(3) - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
LIST_INSERT_HEAD(3) - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
LIST_REMOVE(3)      - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
listres(1)          - list resources in widgets
llabs(3)            - compute the absolute value of an integer
lldiv(3)            - compute quotient and remainder of an integer division
llrint(3)           - round to nearest integer
llrintf(3)          - round to nearest integer
llrintl(3)          - round to nearest integer
llround(3)          - round to nearest integer, away from zero
llroundf(3)         - round to nearest integer, away from zero
llroundl(3)         - round to nearest integer, away from zero
_llseek(2)          - reposition read/write file offset
llseek(2)           - reposition read/write file offset
ln(1)               - make links between files
local(8postfix)     - Postfix local mail delivery
locale(1)           - Get locale-specific information.
locale(5)           - describes a locale definition file
locale(7)           - description of multilanguage support
localeconv(3)       - get numeric formatting information
localedef(1)        - compile locale definition files
locale.gen(5)       - Configuration file for locale-gen
locale-gen(8)       - generates localisation files from templates
Locale::gettext(3pm) - message handling functions
Locale::gettext_dumb(3pm) - Locale unaware Implementation of Uniforum Message Translation
Locale::gettext_pp(3pm) - Pure Perl Implementation of Uniforum Message Translation
Locale::libintlFAQ(3pm) - Frequently asked questions for libintl-perl
Locale::Messages(3pm) - Gettext Like Message Retrieval
Locale::Recode(3pm) - Object-Oriented Portable Charset Conversion
Locale::Recode::_Aliases(3pm) - Internal Charset Alias Database for libintl-perl
Locale::Recode::_Conversions(3pm) - Internal Table of Known Conversions
Locale::RecodeData(3pm) - Abstract Base Class for Charset Converters
Locale::RecodeData::ASMO_449(3pm) - Conversion routines for ASMO_449
Locale::RecodeData::ATARI_ST(3pm) - Conversion routines for ATARI-ST
Locale::RecodeData::ATARI_ST_EURO(3pm) - Conversion routines for ATARI-ST-EURO
Locale::RecodeData::CP10007(3pm) - Conversion routines for CP10007
Locale::RecodeData::CP1250(3pm) - Conversion routines for CP1250
Locale::RecodeData::CP1251(3pm) - Conversion routines for CP1251
Locale::RecodeData::CP1252(3pm) - Conversion routines for CP1252
Locale::RecodeData::CP1253(3pm) - Conversion routines for CP1253
Locale::RecodeData::CP1254(3pm) - Conversion routines for CP1254
Locale::RecodeData::CP1256(3pm) - Conversion routines for CP1256
Locale::RecodeData::CP1257(3pm) - Conversion routines for CP1257
Locale::RecodeData::CSN_369103(3pm) - Conversion routines for CSN_369103
Locale::RecodeData::CWI(3pm) - Conversion routines for CWI
Locale::RecodeData::DEC_MCS(3pm) - Conversion routines for DEC_MCS
Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_AT_DE(3pm) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_AT_DE
Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_AT_DE_A(3pm) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_AT_DE_A
Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_CA_FR(3pm) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_CA_FR
Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_DK_NO(3pm) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_DK_NO
Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_DK_NO_A(3pm) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_DK_NO_A
Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_ES(3pm) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_ES
Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_ES_A(3pm) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_ES_A
Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_ES_S(3pm) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_ES_S
Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_FI_SE(3pm) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_FI_SE
Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_FI_SE_A(3pm) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_FI_SE_A
Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_FR(3pm) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_FR
Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_IS_FRISS(3pm) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_IS_FRISS
Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_IT(3pm) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_IT
Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_PT(3pm) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_PT
Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_UK(3pm) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_UK
Locale::RecodeData::EBCDIC_US(3pm) - Conversion routines for EBCDIC_US
Locale::RecodeData::ECMA_CYRILLIC(3pm) - Conversion routines for ECMA_CYRILLIC
Locale::RecodeData::_Encode(3pm) - Internal wrapper around Encode
Locale::RecodeData::GEORGIAN_ACADEMY(3pm) - Conversion routines for GEORGIAN-ACADEMY
Locale::RecodeData::GEORGIAN_PS(3pm) - Conversion routines for GEORGIAN-PS
Locale::RecodeData::GOST_19768_74(3pm) - Conversion routines for GOST_19768_74
Locale::RecodeData::GREEK7(3pm) - Conversion routines for GREEK7
Locale::RecodeData::GREEK7_OLD(3pm) - Conversion routines for GREEK7_OLD
Locale::RecodeData::GREEK_CCITT(3pm) - Conversion routines for GREEK_CCITT
Locale::RecodeData::HP_ROMAN8(3pm) - Conversion routines for HP_ROMAN8
Locale::RecodeData::IBM037(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM037
Locale::RecodeData::IBM038(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM038
Locale::RecodeData::IBM1004(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM1004
Locale::RecodeData::IBM1026(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM1026
Locale::RecodeData::IBM1047(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM1047
Locale::RecodeData::IBM256(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM256
Locale::RecodeData::IBM273(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM273
Locale::RecodeData::IBM274(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM274
Locale::RecodeData::IBM275(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM275
Locale::RecodeData::IBM277(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM277
Locale::RecodeData::IBM278(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM278
Locale::RecodeData::IBM280(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM280
Locale::RecodeData::IBM281(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM281
Locale::RecodeData::IBM284(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM284
Locale::RecodeData::IBM285(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM285
Locale::RecodeData::IBM290(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM290
Locale::RecodeData::IBM297(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM297
Locale::RecodeData::IBM420(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM420
Locale::RecodeData::IBM423(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM423
Locale::RecodeData::IBM424(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM424
Locale::RecodeData::IBM437(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM437
Locale::RecodeData::IBM500(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM500
Locale::RecodeData::IBM850(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM850
Locale::RecodeData::IBM851(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM851
Locale::RecodeData::IBM852(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM852
Locale::RecodeData::IBM855(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM855
Locale::RecodeData::IBM857(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM857
Locale::RecodeData::IBM860(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM860
Locale::RecodeData::IBM861(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM861
Locale::RecodeData::IBM862(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM862
Locale::RecodeData::IBM863(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM863
Locale::RecodeData::IBM864(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM864
Locale::RecodeData::IBM865(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM865
Locale::RecodeData::IBM866(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM866
Locale::RecodeData::IBM868(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM868
Locale::RecodeData::IBM869(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM869
Locale::RecodeData::IBM870(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM870
Locale::RecodeData::IBM871(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM871
Locale::RecodeData::IBM874(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM874
Locale::RecodeData::IBM875(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM875
Locale::RecodeData::IBM880(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM880
Locale::RecodeData::IBM891(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM891
Locale::RecodeData::IBM903(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM903
Locale::RecodeData::IBM904(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM904
Locale::RecodeData::IBM905(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM905
Locale::RecodeData::IBM918(3pm) - Conversion routines for IBM918
Locale::RecodeData::IEC_P27_1(3pm) - Conversion routines for IEC_P27_1
Locale::RecodeData::INIS(3pm) - Conversion routines for INIS
Locale::RecodeData::INIS_8(3pm) - Conversion routines for INIS_8
Locale::RecodeData::INIS_CYRILLIC(3pm) - Conversion routines for INIS_CYRILLIC
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_10367_BOX(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO_10367_BOX
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_2033_1983(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO_2033_1983
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_5427(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO_5427
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_5427_EXT(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO_5427_EXT
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_5428(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO_5428
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_10(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-10
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_11(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-11
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_13(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-13
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_1(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-1
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_14(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-14
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_15(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-15
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_16(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-16
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_2(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-2
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_3(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-3
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_4(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-4
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_5(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-5
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_6(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-6
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_7(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-7
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_8(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-8
Locale::RecodeData::ISO_8859_9(3pm) - Conversion routines for ISO-8859-9
Locale::RecodeData::KOI_8(3pm) - Conversion routines for KOI-8
Locale::RecodeData::KOI8_R(3pm) - Conversion routines for KOI8-R
Locale::RecodeData::KOI8_RU(3pm) - Conversion routines for KOI8-RU
Locale::RecodeData::KOI8_T(3pm) - Conversion routines for KOI8-T
Locale::RecodeData::KOI8_U(3pm) - Conversion routines for KOI8-U
Locale::RecodeData::LATIN_GREEK_1(3pm) - Conversion routines for LATIN_GREEK_1
Locale::RecodeData::LATIN_GREEK(3pm) - Conversion routines for LATIN_GREEK
Locale::RecodeData::MACARABIC(3pm) - Conversion routines for MACARABIC
Locale::RecodeData::MACCROATIAN(3pm) - Conversion routines for MACCROATIAN
Locale::RecodeData::MACCYRILLIC(3pm) - Conversion routines for MACCYRILLIC
Locale::RecodeData::MACGREEK(3pm) - Conversion routines for MACGREEK
Locale::RecodeData::MACHEBREW(3pm) - Conversion routines for MACHEBREW
Locale::RecodeData::MACICELAND(3pm) - Conversion routines for MACICELAND
Locale::RecodeData::MACINTOSH(3pm) - Conversion routines for MACINTOSH
Locale::RecodeData::MAC_IS(3pm) - Conversion routines for MAC-IS
Locale::RecodeData::MACROMANIA(3pm) - Conversion routines for MACROMANIA
Locale::RecodeData::MAC_SAMI(3pm) - Conversion routines for MAC-SAMI
Locale::RecodeData::MACTHAI(3pm) - Conversion routines for MACTHAI
Locale::RecodeData::MACTURKISH(3pm) - Conversion routines for MACTURKISH
Locale::RecodeData::MAC_UK(3pm) - Conversion routines for MAC-UK
Locale::RecodeData::MACUKRAINE(3pm) - Conversion routines for MACUKRAINE
Locale::RecodeData::NATS_DANO(3pm) - Conversion routines for NATS_DANO
Locale::RecodeData::NATS_SEFI(3pm) - Conversion routines for NATS_SEFI
Locale::RecodeData::NEXTSTEP(3pm) - Conversion routines for NEXTSTEP
Locale::RecodeData::SAMI_WS2(3pm) - Conversion routines for SAMI_WS2
Locale::RecodeData::TIS_620(3pm) - Conversion routines for TIS-620
Locale::RecodeData::US_ASCII(3pm) - Conversion routines for US-ASCII
Locale::RecodeData::UTF_8(3pm) - Conversion routines for UTF-8
Locale::RecodeData::VISCII(3pm) - Conversion routines for VISCII
Locale::TextDomain(3pm) - Perl Interface to Uniforum Message Translation
Locale::Util(3pm)   - Portable l10n and i10n functions
localtime(3)        - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
localtime_r(3)      - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
locate(1)           - find files by name
lock(2)             - unimplemented system calls
lockf(3)            - apply, test or remove a POSIX lock on an open file
lockfile(1)         - conditional semaphore-file creator
lockfile-check(1)   - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes (via liblockfile).
lockfile-create(1)  - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes (via liblockfile).
lockfile-progs(1)   - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes (via liblockfile).
lockfile-remove(1)  - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes (via liblockfile).
lockfile-touch(1)   - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes (via liblockfile).
log10(3)            - base-10 logarithmic function
log10f(3)           - base-10 logarithmic function
log10l(3)           - base-10 logarithmic function
log1p(3)            - logarithm of 1 plus argument
log1pf(3)           - logarithm of 1 plus argument
log1pl(3)           - logarithm of 1 plus argument
log2(3)             - base-2 logarithmic function
log2f(3)            - base-2 logarithmic function
log2l(3)            - base-2 logarithmic function
log(3)              - natural logarithmic function
logb(3)             - get exponent of a floating-point value
logbf(3)            - get exponent of a floating-point value
logbl(3)            - get exponent of a floating-point value
logf(3)             - natural logarithmic function
logger(1)           - a shell command interface to the syslog(3) system log module
login(3)            - write utmp and wtmp entries
login_tty(3)        - terminal utility functions
logl(3)             - natural logarithmic function
logname(1)          - print user's login name
logout(3)           - write utmp and wtmp entries
logrotate(8)        - rotates, compresses, and mails system logs
logrotate.conf(5)   - rotates, compresses, and mails system logs
logsave(8)          - save the output of a command in a logfile
logwtmp(3)          - append an entry to the wtmp file
longjmp(3)          - nonlocal jump to a saved stack context
look(1)             - display lines beginning with a given string
lookup_dcookie(2)   - return a directory entry's path
lorder(1)           - list dependencies for object files
lp(4)               - line printer devices
lrand48(3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
lrand48_r(3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers reentrantly
lrint(3)            - round to nearest integer
lrintf(3)           - round to nearest integer
lrintl(3)           - round to nearest integer
lround(3)           - round to nearest integer, away from zero
lroundf(3)          - round to nearest integer, away from zero
lroundl(3)          - round to nearest integer, away from zero
ls(1)               - list directory contents
lsattr(1)           - list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system
lsb_release(1)      - print distribution-specific information
lsearch(3)          - linear search of an array
lseek(2)            - reposition read/write file offset
lseek64(3)          - reposition 64-bit read/write file offset
lspci(8)            - list all PCI devices
lspgpot(1)          - extracts the ownertrust values from PGP keyrings and list them in GnuPG ownertrust format.
lstat(2)            - get file status
lstat64(2)          - get file status
luit(1)             - Locale and ISO 2022 support for Unicode terminals
lutimes(3)          - change file timestamps
LWP(3pm)            - The World-Wide Web library for Perl
LWP::Authen::Ntlm(3pm) - Library for enabling NTLM authentication(Microsoft) in LWP
LWP::ConnCache(3pm) - Connection cache manager
lwpcook(3pm)        - The libwww-perl cookbook
LWP::Debug(3pm)     - deprecated
lwp-download(1p)    - Fetch large files from the web
lwp-dump(1p)        - See what headers and content is returned for a URL
LWP::MediaTypes(3pm) - guess media type for a file or a URL
LWP::MemberMixin(3pm) - Member access mixin class
lwp-mirror(1p)      - Simple mirror utility
LWP::Protocol(3pm)  - Base class for LWP protocols
LWP::Protocol::https(3pm) - Provide https support for LWP::UserAgent
lwp-request(1p)     - Simple command line user agent
LWP::RobotUA(3pm)   - a class for well-behaved Web robots
LWP::Simple(3pm)    - simple procedural interface to LWP
lwptut(3pm)         - - An LWP Tutorial
LWP::UserAgent(3pm) - Web user agent class
lxterm(1)           - locale-sensitive wrapper for xterm
lynx(1)             - a general purpose distributed information browser for the World Wide Web
lzcat(1)            - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
lzcmp(1)            - compare compressed files
lzdiff(1)           - compare compressed files
lzegrep(1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
lzfgrep(1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
lzgrep(1)           - search compressed files for a regular expression
lzless(1)           - view xz or lzma compressed(text) files
lzma(1)             - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
lzmainfo(1)         - show information stored in the .lzma file header
lzmore(1)           - view xz or lzma compressed(text) files
m4(1)               - macro processor
madvise1(2)         - unimplemented system calls
madvise(2)          - give advice about use of memory
magic(5)            - file command's magic pattern file
mail(1)             - send and receive mail
Mail(1)             - send and receive mail
mailaddr(7)         - mail addressing description
Mail::Address(3pm)  - Parse mail addresses
Mail::Cap(3pm)      - Parse mailcap files
mailcap(5)          - metamail capabilities file
mailcap.order(5)    - the mailcap ordering specifications
Mail::Field(3pm)    - Base class for manipulation of mail header fields
Mail::Field::AddrList(3pm) - object representation of e-mail address lists
Mail::Field::Date(3pm) - a date header field
Mail::Field::Generic(3pm) - implementation for inspecific fields
Mail::Filter(3pm)   - Filter mail through multiple subroutines
Mail::Header(3pm)   - manipulate MIME headers
Mail::Internet(3pm) - manipulate email messages
mail-lock(1)        - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes (via liblockfile).
Mail::Mailer(3pm)   - Simple interface to electronic mailing mechanisms
mailname(5)         - the visible mail name of the system
mailq(1)            - Postfix to Sendmail compatibility interface
Mail::Send(3pm)     - Simple electronic mail interface
mailstat(1)         - shows mail-arrival statistics
mail-touchlock(1)   - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes (via liblockfile).
mail-unlock(1)      - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes (via liblockfile).
Mail::Util(3pm)     - mail utility functions
mailx(1)            - send and receive mail
major(3)            - manage a device number
make(1)             - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs
makecontext(3)      - manipulate user context
makedev(3)          - manage a device number
makeinfo(1)         - translate Texinfo documents
make-ssl-cert(8)    - Debconf wrapper for openssl
mallinfo(3)         - obtain memory allocation information
malloc(3)           - allocate and free dynamic memory
malloc_get_state(3) - record and restore state of malloc implementation
__malloc_hook(3)    - malloc debugging variables
malloc_hook(3)      - malloc debugging variables
malloc_info(3)      - export malloc state to a stream
__malloc_initialize_hook(3) - malloc debugging variables
malloc_set_state(3) - record and restore state of malloc implementation
malloc_stats(3)     - print memory allocation statistics
malloc_trim(3)      - release free memory from the top of the heap
malloc_usable_size(3) - obtain size of block of memory allocated from heap
mallopt(3)          - set memory allocation parameters
man(1)              - an interface to the on-line reference manuals
man(7)              - macros to format man pages
manconv(1)          - convert manual page from one encoding to another
mandb(8)            - create or update the manual page index caches
man-pages(7)        - conventions for writing Linux man pages
manpath(1)          - determine search path for manual pages
manpath(5)          - format of the /etc/manpath.config file
master(5)           - Postfix master process configuration file format
master(8postfix)    - Postfix master process
matherr(3)          - SVID math library exception handling
math_error(7)       - detecting errors from mathematical functions
mawk(1)             - pattern scanning and text processing language
MaxCmapsOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
MB_CUR_MAX(3)       - maximum length of a multibyte character in the current locale
mbind(2)            - set memory policy for a memory range
mblen(3)            - determine number of bytes in next multibyte character
MB_LEN_MAX(3)       - maximum multibyte length of a character across all locales
mbox(5)             - Format for mail message storage.
mbrlen(3)           - determine number of bytes in next multibyte character
mbrtowc(3)          - convert a multibyte sequence to a wide character
mbsinit(3)          - test for initial shift state
mbsnrtowcs(3)       - convert a multibyte string to a wide-character string
mbsrtowcs(3)        - convert a multibyte string to a wide-character string
mbstowcs(3)         - convert a multibyte string to a wide-character string
mbtowc(3)           - convert a multibyte sequence to a wide character
mc(1)               - Visual shell for Unix-like systems.
mcdiff(1)           - Visual shell for Unix-like systems.
mcedit(1)           - Internal file editor of GNU Midnight Commander.
mcheck(3)           - heap consistency checking
mcheck_check_all(3) - heap consistency checking
mcheck_pedantic(3)  - heap consistency checking
mcookie(1)          - generate magic cookies for xauth
mcpp(1)             - Matsui CPP, an alternative C preprocessor
mcview(1)           - Internal file viewer of GNU Midnight Commander.
md2(1ssl)           - message digests
MD2(3ssl)           - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD2_Final(3ssl)     - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD2_Init(3ssl)      - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD2_Update(3ssl)    - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
md4(1ssl)           - message digests
MD4(3ssl)           - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD4_Final(3ssl)     - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD4_Init(3ssl)      - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD4_Update(3ssl)    - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
md5(1ssl)           - message digests
md5(3ssl)           - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD5(3ssl)           - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD5_Final(3ssl)     - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD5_Init(3ssl)      - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
md5sum(1)           - compute and check MD5 message digest
md5sum.textutils(1) - compute and check MD5 message digest
MD5_Update(3ssl)    - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
mdc2(1ssl)          - message digests
mdc2(3ssl)          - MDC2 hash function
MDC2(3ssl)          - MDC2 hash function
MDC2_Final(3ssl)    - MDC2 hash function
MDC2_Init(3ssl)     - MDC2 hash function
MDC2_Update(3ssl)   - MDC2 hash function
mdoc(7)             - quick reference guide for the -mdoc macro package
mem(4)              - system memory, kernel memory and system ports
memalign(3)         - allocate aligned memory
__memalign_hook(3)  - malloc debugging variables
memcache_table(5)   - Postfix memcache client configuration
memccpy(3)          - copy memory area
memchr(3)           - scan memory for a character
memcmp(3)           - compare memory areas
memcpy(3)           - copy memory area
memfrob(3)          - frobnicate(encrypt) a memory area
memmem(3)           - locate a substring
memmove(3)          - copy memory area
mempcpy(3)          - copy memory area
memrchr(3)          - scan memory for a character
memset(3)           - fill memory with a constant byte
mesg(1)             - control write access to your terminal
migrate_pages(2)    - move all pages in a process to another set of nodes
MinCmapsOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
mincore(2)          - determine whether pages are resident in memory
minor(3)            - manage a device number
missing(7)          - missing manual pages
mkdir(1)            - make directories
mkdir(2)            - create a directory
mkdirat(2)          - create a directory relative to a directory file descriptor
mkdtemp(3)          - create a unique temporary directory
mke2fs(8)           - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
mke2fs.conf(5)      - Configuration file for mke2fs
mkfifo(1)           - make FIFOs (named pipes)
mkfifo(3)           - make a FIFO special file (a named pipe)
mkfifoat(3)         - make a FIFO (named pipe) relative to a directory file descriptor
mkfs(8)             - build a Linux filesystem
mkfs.bfs(8)         - make an SCO bfs filesystem
mkfs.ext2(8)        - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
mkfs.ext3(8)        - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
mkfs.ext4(8)        - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
mkfs.ext4dev(8)     - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
mkfs.minix(8)       - make a Minix filesystem
mkhomedir_helper(8) - Helper binary that creates home directories
mklost+found(8)     - create a lost+found directory on a mounted Linux second extended file system
mknod(1)            - make block or character special files
mknod(2)            - create a special or ordinary file
mknodat(2)          - create a special or ordinary file relative to a directory file descriptor
mkostemp(3)         - create a unique temporary file
mkostemps(3)        - create a unique temporary file
mkpasswd(1)         - Overfeatured front end to crypt(3)
mkstemp(3)          - create a unique temporary file
mkstemps(3)         - create a unique temporary file
mkswap.linux(8)     - set up a Linux swap area
mktemp(1)           - create a temporary file or directory
mktemp(3)           - make a unique temporary filename
mktime(3)           - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
mlocate(1)          - find files by name
mlocate.db(5)       - a mlocate database
mlock(1)            - - lock a mailbox
mlock(2)            - lock and unlock memory
mlockall(2)         - lock and unlock memory
mmap2(2)            - map files or devices into memory
mmap(2)             - map or unmap files or devices into memory
mmap64(3)           - map or unmap files or devices into memory
mmdf(5)             - Multi-channel Memorandum Distribution Facility mailbox format
modf(3)             - extract signed integral and fractional values from floating-point number
modff(3)            - extract signed integral and fractional values from floating-point number
modfl(3)            - extract signed integral and fractional values from floating-point number
modify_ldt(2)       - get or set ldt
moduli(5)           - Diffie-Hellman moduli
more(1)             - file perusal filter for crt viewing
motd(5)             - message of the day
mount(2)            - mount filesystem
mountpoint(1)       - see if a directory is a mountpoint
mouse(4)            - serial mouse interface
move_pages(2)       - move individual pages of a process to another node
mpool(3)            - shared memory buffer pool
mprobe(3)           - heap consistency checking
mprotect(2)         - set protection on a region of memory
mpx(2)              - unimplemented system calls
mq_close(3)         - close a message queue descriptor
mq_getattr(3)       - get/set message queue attributes
mq_getsetattr(2)    - get/set message queue attributes
mq_notify(2)        - register for notification when a message is available
mq_notify(3)        - register for notification when a message is available
mq_open(2)          - open a message queue
mq_open(3)          - open a message queue
mq_overview(7)      - overview of POSIX message queues
mq_receive(3)       - receive a message from a message queue
mq_send(3)          - send a message to a message queue
mq_setattr(3)       - get/set message queue attributes
mq_timedreceive(2)  - receive a message from a message queue
mq_timedreceive(3)  - receive a message from a message queue
mq_timedsend(2)     - send a message to a message queue
mq_timedsend(3)     - send a message to a message queue
mq_unlink(2)        - remove a message queue
mq_unlink(3)        - remove a message queue
mrand48(3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
mrand48_r(3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers reentrantly
mremap(2)           - remap a virtual memory address
msgctl(2)           - System V message control operations
msgget(2)           - get a System V message queue identifier
msgop(2)            - System V message queue operations
msgrcv(2)           - System V message queue operations
msgsnd(2)           - System V message queue operations
msql2mysql(1)       - convert mSQL programs for use with MySQL
msr(4)              - x86 CPU MSR access device
msync(2)            - synchronize a file with a memory map
mt(1)               - control magnetic tape drive operation
mt-gnu(1)           - control magnetic tape drive operation
mtrace(1)           - Interpret output from MALLOC_TRACE
mtrace(3)           - malloc tracing
munchlist(1)        - Interactive spelling checking
munlock(2)          - lock and unlock memory
munlockall(2)       - lock and unlock memory
munmap(2)           - map or unmap files or devices into memory
muntrace(3)         - malloc tracing
mutt(1)             - The Mutt Mail User Agent
mutt_dotlock(1)     - Lock mail spool files.
muttrc(5)           - Configuration file for the Mutt Mail User Agent
mv(1)               - move(rename) files
myisamchk(1)        - MyISAM table-maintenance utility
myisam_ftdump(1)    - display full-text index information
myisamlog(1)        - display MyISAM log file contents
myisampack(1)       - generate compressed, read-only MyISAM tables
my_print_defaults(1) - display options from option files
mysql(1)            - the MySQL command-line tool
mysqlaccess(1)      - client for checking access privileges
mysqladmin(1)       - client for administering a MySQL server
mysqlanalyze(1)     - a table maintenance program
mysqlbinlog(1)      - utility for processing binary log files
mysqlbug(1)         - generate bug report
mysqlcheck(1)       - a table maintenance program
mysql_client_test(1) - test client API
mysql_convert_table_format(1) - convert tables to use a given storage engine
mysqld(8)           - the MySQL server
mysqld_multi(1)     - manage multiple MySQL servers
mysqld_safe(1)      - MySQL server startup script
mysqldump(1)        - a database backup program
mysqldumpslow(1)    - Summarize slow query log files
mysql_find_rows(1)  - extract SQL statements from files
mysql_fix_extensions(1) - normalize table file name extensions
mysqlhotcopy(1)     - a database backup program
mysqlimport(1)      - a data import program
mysql_install_db(1) - initialize MySQL data directory
mysqlman(1)         - default man page for mysql
mysqloptimize(1)    - a table maintenance program
mysql_plugin(1)     - configure MySQL server plugins
mysqlrepair(1)      - a table maintenance program
mysqlreport(1)      - Makes a friendly report of important MySQL status values
mysql_secure_installation(1) - improve MySQL installation security
mysql_setpermission(1) - interactively set permissions in grant tables
mysqlshow(1)        - display database, table, and column information
mysqlslap(1)        - load emulation client
mysql_table(5)      - Postfix MySQL client configuration
mysql_tableinfo(1)  - creates and populates information tables with the output of SHOW DATABASES, SHOW TABLES (or SHOW TABLE STATUS), SHOW COLUMNS and SHOW INDEX.
mysqltest(1)        - program to run test cases
mysql_tzinfo_to_sql(1) - load the time zone tables
mysql_upgrade(1)    - check and upgrade MySQL tables
mysql_waitpid(1)    - kill process and wait for its termination
mysql_zap(1)        - kill processes that match a pattern
namei(1)            - follow a pathname until a terminal point is found
NAN(3)              - floating-point constants
nan(3)              - return 'Not a Number'
nanf(3)             - return 'Not a Number'
nanl(3)             - return 'Not a Number'
nano(1)             - Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico clone
nanorc(5)           - GNU nano's rcfile
nanosleep(2)        - high-resolution sleep
nawk(1)             - pattern scanning and text processing language
nc(1)               - TCP/IP swiss army knife
ncal(1)             - displays a calendar and the date of Easter
nc.traditional(1)   - TCP/IP swiss army knife
ncurses5-config(1)  - helper script for ncurses libraries
ncursesw5-config(1) - helper script for ncurses libraries
nearbyint(3)        - round to nearest integer
nearbyintf(3)       - round to nearest integer
nearbyintl(3)       - round to nearest integer
neqn(1)             - format equations for ascii output
netcat(1)           - TCP/IP swiss army knife
netdevice(7)        - low-level access to Linux network devices
Net::HTTP(3pm)      - Low-level HTTP connection(client)
Net::HTTP::NB(3pm)  - Non-blocking HTTP client
Net::HTTPS(3pm)     - Low-level HTTP over SSL/TLS connection(client)
netkit-ftp(1)       - Internet file transfer program
netlink(3)          - Netlink macros
netlink(7)          - communication between kernel and user space(AF_NETLINK)
netrc(5)            - user configuration for ftp
Net::SMTP::SSL(3pm) - SSL support for Net::SMTP
Net::SSLeay(3pm)    - Perl extension for using OpenSSL
Net::SSLeay::Handle(3pm) - Perl module that lets SSL(HTTPS) sockets be handled as standard file handles.
netstat-nat(1)      - Show the natted connections on a linux iptable firewall
networks(5)         - network name information
newaliases(1)       - Postfix to Sendmail compatibility interface
_newselect(2)       - synchronous I/O multiplexing
newusers(8)         - update and create new users in batch
nextafter(3)        - floating-point number manipulation
nextafterf(3)       - floating-point number manipulation
nextafterl(3)       - floating-point number manipulation
NextRequest(3)      - Display macros and functions
nexttoward(3)       - floating-point number manipulation
nexttowardf(3)      - floating-point number manipulation
nexttowardl(3)      - floating-point number manipulation
nfsservctl(2)       - syscall interface to kernel nfs daemon
nftw(3)             - file tree walk
ngettext(1)         - translate message and choose plural form
ngettext(3)         - translate message and choose plural form
nice(1)             - run a program with modified scheduling priority
nice(2)             - change process priority
nisdomainname(1)    - show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
nisplus_table(5)    - Postfix NIS+ client
nl(1)               - number lines of files
nl_langinfo(3)      - query language and locale information
nlmconv(1)          - converts object code into an NLM.
nm(1)               - list symbols from object files
nohup(1)            - run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty
nologin(5)          - prevent unprivileged users from logging into the system
nproc(1)            - print the number of processing units available
nrand48(3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
nrand48_r(3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers reentrantly
nroff(1)            - emulate nroff command with groff
nseq(1ssl)          - create or examine a netscape certificate sequence
nslookup(1)         - query Internet name servers interactively
nss(5)              - Name Service Switch configuration file
nsswitch.conf(5)    - Name Service Switch configuration file
nsupdate(1)         - Dynamic DNS update utility
ntohl(3)            - convert values between host and network byte order
ntohs(3)            - convert values between host and network byte order
ntp.conf(5)         - NTP server configuration file
ntpd(8)             - Network Time Protocol(NTP) daemon
ntpdc(1)            - special NTP query program
ntp-keygen(8)       - generate public and private keys
ntpq(1)             - standard NTP query program
ntpsweep(1)         - Sweep NTP Servers and Report Relationships
ntptime(8)          - read kernel time variables
ntptrace(1)         - trace a chain of NTP servers back to the primary source
ntp-wait(8)         - wait for NTP server to synchronize
null(4)             - data sink
numa(7)             - overview of Non-Uniform Memory Architecture
numa_maps(5)        - overview of Non-Uniform Memory Architecture
OBJ_cleanup(3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_cmp(3ssl)       - ASN1 object utility functions
objcopy(1)          - copy and translate object files
OBJ_create(3ssl)    - ASN1 object utility functions
objdump(1)          - display information from object files.
OBJ_dup(3ssl)       - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_ln2nid(3ssl)    - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2ln(3ssl)    - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2obj(3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2sn(3ssl)    - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_obj2nid(3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_obj2txt(3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_sn2nid(3ssl)    - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_txt2nid(3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_txt2obj(3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
ocsp(1ssl)          - Online Certificate Status Protocol utility
od(1)               - dump files in octal and other formats
offsetof(3)         - offset of a structure member
oldfind(1)          - search for files in a directory hierarchy
oldfstat(2)         - get file status
oldlstat(2)         - get file status
oldolduname(2)      - get name and information about current kernel
oldstat(2)          - get file status
olduname(2)         - get name and information about current kernel
omshell(1)          - OMAPI Command Shell
on_exit(3)          - register a function to be called at normal process termination
open(2)             - open and possibly create a file or device
openat(2)           - open a file relative to a directory file descriptor
open-cobol(1)       - COBOL compiler
opendir(3)          - open a directory
openlog(3)          - send messages to the system logger
open_memstream(3)   - open memory as stream
openpty(3)          - terminal utility functions
openssl(1ssl)       - OpenSSL command line tool
OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(3ssl) - add algorithms to internal table
OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers(3ssl) - add algorithms to internal table
OpenSSL_add_all_digests(3ssl) - add algorithms to internal table
OpenSSL_add_ssl_algorithms(3ssl) - initialize SSL library by registering algorithms
OPENSSL_Applink(3ssl) - glue between OpenSSL BIO and Win32 compiler run-time
OPENSSL_config(3ssl) - simple OpenSSL configuration functions
OPENSSL_ia32cap(3ssl) - finding the IA-32 processor capabilities
OPENSSL_load_builtin_modules(3ssl) - add standard configuration modules
OPENSSL_no_config(3ssl) - simple OpenSSL configuration functions
OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER(3ssl) - get OpenSSL version number
open_wmemstream(3)  - open memory as stream
operator(7)         - C operator precedence and order of evaluation
optarg(3)           - Parse command-line options
opterr(3)           - Parse command-line options
optind(3)           - Parse command-line options
optopt(3)           - Parse command-line options
oqmgr(8postfix)     - old Postfix queue manager
outb(2)             - port I/O
outb_p(2)           - port I/O
outl(2)             - port I/O
outl_p(2)           - port I/O
outsb(2)            - port I/O
outsl(2)            - port I/O
outsw(2)            - port I/O
outw(2)             - port I/O
outw_p(2)           - port I/O
ownership(8)        - Compaq ownership tag retriever
packet(7)           - packet interface on device level
pager(1)            - opposite of more
pam(7)              - Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux
PAM(7)              - Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux
pam_access(8)       - PAM module for logdaemon style login access control
pam-auth-update(8)  - manage PAM configuration using packaged profiles
pam.conf(5)         - PAM configuration files
pam.d(5)            - PAM configuration files
pam_debug(8)        - PAM module to debug the PAM stack
pam_deny(8)         - The locking-out PAM module
pam_echo(8)         - PAM module for printing text messages
pam_env(8)          - PAM module to set/unset environment variables
pam_env.conf(5)     - the environment variables config file
pam_exec(8)         - PAM module which calls an external command
pam_faildelay(8)    - Change the delay on failure per-application
pam_filter(8)       - PAM filter module
pam_ftp(8)          - PAM module for anonymous access module
pam_getenv(8)       - get environment variables from /etc/environment
pam_group(8)        - PAM module for group access
pam_issue(8)        - PAM module to add issue file to user prompt
pam_lastlog(8)      - PAM module to display date of last login
pam_limits(8)       - PAM module to limit resources
pam_listfile(8)     - deny or allow services based on an arbitrary file
pam_localuser(8)    - require users to be listed in /etc/passwd
pam_loginuid(8)     - Record user's login uid to the process attribute
pam_mail(8)         - Inform about available mail
pam_mkhomedir(8)    - PAM module to create users home directory
pam_motd(8)         - Display the motd file
pam_nologin(8)      - Prevent non-root users from login
pam_permit(8)       - The promiscuous module
pam_pwhistory(8)    - PAM module to remember last passwords
pam_rhosts(8)       - The rhosts PAM module
pam_rootok(8)       - Gain only root access
pam_securetty(8)    - Limit root login to special devices
pam_shells(8)       - PAM module to check for valid login shell
pam_succeed_if(8)   - test account characteristics
pam_tally2(8)       - The login counter(tallying) module
pam_tally(8)        - The login counter(tallying) module
pam_time(8)         - PAM module for time control access
pam_timestamp(8)    - Authenticate using cached successful authentication attempts
pam_timestamp_check(8) - Check to see if the default timestamp is valid
pam_umask(8)        - PAM module to set the file mode creation mask
pam_unix(8)         - Module for traditional password authentication
pam_userdb(8)       - PAM module to authenticate against a db database
pam_warn(8)         - PAM module which logs all PAM items if called
pam_wheel(8)        - Only permit root access to members of group wheel
pam_xauth(8)        - PAM module to forward xauth keys between users
Parse::Netstat(3pm) - Parse the output of Unix "netstat" command
passwd(1)           - change user password
passwd(1ssl)        - compute password hashes
passwd2des(3)       - RFS password encryption
passwd(5)           - the password file
paste(1)            - merge lines of files
patch(1)            - apply a diff file to an original
pathchk(1)          - check whether file names are valid or portable
pathconf(3)         - get configuration values for files
path_resolution(7)  - how a pathname is resolved to a file
pause(2)            - wait for signal
pcap-filter(7)      - packet filter syntax
pciconfig_iobase(2) - pci device information handling
pciconfig_read(2)   - pci device information handling
pciconfig_write(2)  - pci device information handling
pcilib(7)           - a library for accessing PCI devices
pclose(3)           - pipe stream to or from a process
pcre16(3)           - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_assign_jit_stack(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_compile2(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_compile(3)   - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_config(3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_copy_named_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_copy_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_dfa_exec(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_exec(3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_free_study(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_free_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_free_substring_list(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_fullinfo(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_get_named_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_get_stringnumber(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_get_stringtable_entries(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_get_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_get_substring_list(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_jit_stack_alloc(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_jit_stack_free(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_maketables(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_pattern_to_host_byte_order(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_refcount(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_study(3)     - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_utf16_to_host_byte_order(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_version(3)   - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre(3)             - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcreapi(3)          - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_assign_jit_stack(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrebuild(3)        - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrecallout(3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrecompat(3)       - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_compile2(3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_compile(3)     - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre-config(1)      - program to return PCRE configuration
pcre_config(3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_copy_named_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_copy_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrecpp(3)          - Perl-compatible regular expressions.
pcre_dfa_exec(3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_exec(3)        - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_free_study(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_free_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_free_substring_list(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_fullinfo(3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_get_named_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_get_stringnumber(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_get_stringtable_entries(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_get_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_get_substring_list(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrejit(3)          - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_jit_stack_alloc(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_jit_stack_free(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrelimits(3)       - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_maketables(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrematching(3)     - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrepartial(3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrepattern(3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_pattern_to_host_byte_order(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcreperform(3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcreposix(3)        - Perl-compatible regular expressions.
pcreprecompile(3)   - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_refcount(3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcresample(3)       - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrestack(3)        - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_study(3)       - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcresyntax(3)       - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_table(5)       - format of Postfix PCRE tables
pcreunicode(3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_utf16_to_host_byte_order(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_version(3)     - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pdb(1)              - the Python debugger
pdb2.7(1)           - the Python debugger
pdftexi2dvi(1)      - convert Texinfo documents to DVI or PDF
peekfd(1)           - peek at file descriptors of running processes
pem(3ssl)           - PEM routines
PEM(3ssl)           - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_DHparams(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_DSAparams(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_DSAPrivateKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_DSA_PUBKEY(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_PKCS7(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_RSA_PUBKEY(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_RSAPublicKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_X509(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_X509_CRL(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_DHparams(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_DSAparams(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_DSAPrivateKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_DSA_PUBKEY(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_PKCS7(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_PrivateKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_PUBKEY(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_RSAPrivateKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_RSA_PUBKEY(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_RSAPublicKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_X509(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_X509_AUX(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_X509_CRL(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_X509_REQ(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_CMS_stream(3ssl) - output CMS_ContentInfo structure in PEM format.
PEM_write_bio_DHparams(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_DSAparams(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_DSAPrivateKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_DSA_PUBKEY(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_PKCS7(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_PKCS7_stream(3ssl) - output PKCS7 structure in PEM format.
PEM_write_bio_PKCS8PrivateKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_PKCS8PrivateKey_nid(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_RSA_PUBKEY(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_RSAPublicKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_X509(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_X509_AUX(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_X509_CRL(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ_NEW(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_DHparams(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_DSAparams(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_DSAPrivateKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_DSA_PUBKEY(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_PKCS7(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_PKCS8PrivateKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_PKCS8PrivateKey_nid(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_PrivateKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_PUBKEY(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_RSAPrivateKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_RSA_PUBKEY(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_RSAPublicKey(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_X509(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_X509_AUX(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_X509_CRL(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_X509_REQ(3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_X509_REQ_NEW(3ssl) - PEM routines
perf_event_open(2)  - set up performance monitoring
perfmonctl(2)       - interface to IA-64 performance monitoring unit
perl(1)             - The Perl 5 language interpreter
perl5.18.2(1)       - The Perl 5 language interpreter
perlbug(1)          - how to submit bug reports on Perl
perlivp(1)          - Perl Installation Verification Procedure
perlthanks(1)       - how to submit bug reports on Perl
perror(1)           - explain error codes
perror(3)           - print a system error message
personality(2)      - set the process execution domain
pftp(1)             - Internet file transfer program
pg(1)               - browse pagewise through text files
pgrep(1)            - look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes
pgsql_table(5)      - Postfix PostgreSQL client configuration
php(1)              - PHP Command Line Interface 'CLI'
php5(1)             - PHP Command Line Interface 'CLI'
php5-cgi(1)         - PHP Command Line Interface 'CLI'
php-cgi(1)          - PHP Common Gateway Interface 'CGI' command
phys(2)             - unimplemented system calls
pic(1)              - compile pictures for troff or TeX
pickup(8postfix)    - Postfix local mail pickup
pico(1)             - Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico clone
piconv(1)           - - iconv(1), reinvented in perl
pidof(8)            - find the process ID of a running program.
pinentry(1)         - PIN or pass-phrase entry dialog for GnuPG
pinentry-gtk-2(1)   - PIN or pass-phrase entry dialog for GnuPG
pinentry-x11(1)     - PIN or pass-phrase entry dialog for GnuPG
ping6(1)            - Packets to network hosts
ping(8)             - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
pinky(1)            - lightweight finger
pipe2(2)            - create pipe
pipe(2)             - create pipe
pipe(7)             - overview of pipes and FIFOs
pipe(8postfix)      - Postfix delivery to external command
pivot_root(2)       - change the root filesystem
pkcs12(1ssl)        - PKCS#12 file utility
PKCS12_create(3ssl) - create a PKCS#12 structure
PKCS12_parse(3ssl)  - parse a PKCS#12 structure
pkcs7(1ssl)         - PKCS#7 utility
PKCS7_decrypt(3ssl) - decrypt content from a PKCS#7 envelopedData structure
PKCS7_encrypt(3ssl) - create a PKCS#7 envelopedData structure
PKCS7_sign(3ssl)    - create a PKCS#7 signedData structure
PKCS7_sign_add_signer(3ssl) - add a signer PKCS7 signed data structure.
PKCS7_verify(3ssl)  - verify a PKCS#7 signedData structure
pkcs8(1ssl)         - PKCS#8 format private key conversion tool
pkey(1ssl)          - public or private key processing tool
pkeyparam(1ssl)     - public key algorithm parameter processing tool
pkeyutl(1ssl)       - public key algorithm utility
pkg-config(1)       - Return metainformation about installed libraries
pkill(1)            - look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes
pl2pm(1)            - Rough tool to translate Perl4 .pl files to Perl5 .pm modules.
PlanesOfScreen(3)   - screen information functions and macros
pldd(1)             - list dynamic shared objects loaded into process
pmap_getmaps(3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
pmap_getport(3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
pmap_rmtcall(3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
pmap_set(3)         - library routines for remote procedure calls
pmap_unset(3)       - library routines for remote procedure calls
png(5)              - Portable Network Graphics(PNG) format
pod2html(1)         - convert .pod files to .html files
pod2latex(1)        - convert pod documentation to latex format
pod2man(1)          - Convert POD data to formatted *roff input
pod2text(1)         - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
pod2usage(1)        - print usage messages from embedded pod docs in files
podchecker(1)       - check the syntax of POD format documentation files
podselect(1)        - print selected sections of pod documentation on standard output
poll(2)             - wait for some event on a file descriptor
popen(3)            - pipe stream to or from a process
port(4)             - system memory, kernel memory and system ports
posix_fadvise(2)    - predeclare an access pattern for file data
posix_fallocate(3)  - allocate file space
posix_memalign(3)   - allocate aligned memory
posix_openpt(3)     - open a pseudoterminal device
posixoptions(7)     - optional parts of the POSIX standard
POST(1p)            - Simple command line user agent
postalias(1)        - Postfix alias database maintenance
postcat(1)          - show Postfix queue file contents
postconf(1)         - Postfix configuration utility
postconf(5)         - Postfix configuration parameters
postdrop(1)         - Postfix mail posting utility
postfix(1)          - Postfix control program
postfix-add-filter(8) - add filter service to Postfix
postfix-add-policy(8) - add policy service to Postfix
postfix-wrapper(5)  - Postfix multi-instance API
postkick(1)         - kick a Postfix service
postlock(1)         - lock mail folder and execute command
postlog(1)          - Postfix-compatible logging utility
postmap(1)          - Postfix lookup table management
postmulti(1)        - Postfix multi-instance manager
postqueue(1)        - Postfix queue control
postscreen(8postfix) - Postfix zombie blocker
postsuper(1)        - Postfix superintendent
pow10(3)            - base-10 power functions
pow10f(3)           - base-10 power functions
pow10l(3)           - base-10 power functions
pow(3)              - power functions
powf(3)             - power functions
powl(3)             - power functions
ppoll(2)            - wait for some event on a file descriptor
pr(1)               - convert text files for printing
prctl(2)            - operations on a process
pread(2)            - read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
pread64(2)          - read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
preadv(2)           - read or write data into multiple buffers
preconv(1)          - convert encoding of input files to something GNU troff understands
prename(1)          - renames multiple files
print(1)            - execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
printenv(1)         - print all or part of environment
printerbanner(1)    - print large banner on printer
printf(1)           - format and print data
printf(3)           - formatted output conversion
prlimit(2)          - get/set resource limits
proc(5)             - process information pseudo-filesystem
process_vm_readv(2) - transfer data between process address spaces
process_vm_writev(2) - transfer data between process address spaces
procmail(1)         - autonomous mail processor
procmailex(5)       - procmail rcfile examples
procmailrc(5)       - procmail rcfile
procmailsc(5)       - procmail weighted scoring technique
prof(2)             - unimplemented system calls
profil(3)           - execution time profile
program_invocation_name(3) - obtain name used to invoke calling program
program_invocation_short_name(3) - obtain name used to invoke calling program
ProtocolRevision(3) - Display macros and functions
protocols(5)        - protocols definition file
ProtocolVersion(3)  - Display macros and functions
prove(1)            - Run tests through a TAP harness.
proxymap(8postfix)  - Postfix lookup table proxy server
prtstat(1)          - print statistics of a process
psed(1)             - a stream editor
pselect(2)          - synchronous I/O multiplexing
pselect6(2)         - synchronous I/O multiplexing
psiginfo(3)         - print signal message
psignal(3)          - print signal message
ps.procps(1)        - report a snapshot of the current processes.
pstree(1)           - display a tree of processes
pstree.x11(1)       - display a tree of processes
pstruct(1)          - Dump C structures as generated from "cc - g - S" stabs
ptar(1)             - a tar-like program written in perl
ptardiff(1)         - program that diffs an extracted archive against an unextracted one
ptargrep(1)         - Apply pattern matching to the contents of files in a tar archive
pthread_attr_destroy(3) - initialize and destroy thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getaffinity_np(3) - set/get CPU affinity attribute in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getdetachstate(3) - set/get detach state attribute in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getguardsize(3) - set/get guard size attribute in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getinheritsched(3) - set/get inherit-scheduler attribute in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getschedparam(3) - set/get scheduling parameter attributes in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(3) - set/get scheduling policy attribute in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getscope(3) - set/get contention scope attribute in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getstack(3) - set/get stack attributes in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getstackaddr(3) - set/get stack address attribute in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getstacksize(3) - set/get stack size attribute in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_init(3) - initialize and destroy thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setaffinity_np(3) - set/get CPU affinity attribute in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(3) - set/get detach state attribute in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setguardsize(3) - set/get guard size attribute in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setinheritsched(3) - set/get inherit-scheduler attribute in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setschedparam(3) - set/get scheduling parameter attributes in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(3) - set/get scheduling policy attribute in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setscope(3) - set/get contention scope attribute in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setstack(3) - set/get stack attributes in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setstackaddr(3) - set/get stack address attribute in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setstacksize(3) - set/get stack size attribute in thread attributes object
pthread_cancel(3)   - send a cancellation request to a thread
pthread_cleanup_pop(3) - push and pop thread cancellation clean-up handlers
pthread_cleanup_pop_restore_np(3) - push and pop thread cancellation clean-up handlers while saving cancelability type
pthread_cleanup_push(3) - push and pop thread cancellation clean-up handlers
pthread_cleanup_push_defer_np(3) - push and pop thread cancellation clean-up handlers while saving cancelability type
pthread_create(3)   - create a new thread
pthread_detach(3)   - detach a thread
pthread_equal(3)    - compare thread IDs
pthread_exit(3)     - terminate calling thread
pthread_getaffinity_np(3) - set/get CPU affinity of a thread
pthread_getattr_np(3) - get attributes of created thread
pthread_getconcurrency(3) - set/get the concurrency level
pthread_getcpuclockid(3) - retrieve ID of a thread's CPU time clock
pthread_getname_np(3) - set/get the name of a thread
pthread_getschedparam(3) - set/get scheduling policy and parameters of a thread
pthread_join(3)     - join with a terminated thread
pthread_kill(3)     - send a signal to a thread
pthread_kill_other_threads_np(3) - terminate all other threads in process
pthreads(7)         - POSIX threads
pthread_self(3)     - obtain ID of the calling thread
pthread_setaffinity_np(3) - set/get CPU affinity of a thread
pthread_setcancelstate(3) - set cancelability state and type
pthread_setcanceltype(3) - set cancelability state and type
pthread_setconcurrency(3) - set/get the concurrency level
pthread_setname_np(3) - set/get the name of a thread
pthread_setschedparam(3) - set/get scheduling policy and parameters of a thread
pthread_setschedprio(3) - set scheduling priority of a thread
pthread_sigmask(3)  - examine and change mask of blocked signals
pthread_sigqueue(3) - queue a signal and data to a thread
pthread_testcancel(3) - request delivery of any pending cancellation request
pthread_timedjoin_np(3) - try to join with a terminated thread
pthread_tryjoin_np(3) - try to join with a terminated thread
pthread_yield(3)    - yield the processor
ptmx(4)             - pseudoterminal master and slave
ptrace(2)           - process trace
pts(4)              - pseudoterminal master and slave
ptsname(3)          - get the name of the slave pseudoterminal
ptsname_r(3)        - get the name of the slave pseudoterminal
ptx(1)              - produce a permuted index of file contents
pty(7)              - pseudoterminal interfaces
putc(3)             - output of characters and strings
putchar(3)          - output of characters and strings
putchar_unlocked(3) - nonlocking stdio functions
putc_unlocked(3)    - nonlocking stdio functions
putenv(3)           - change or add an environment variable
putgrent(3)         - write a group database entry to a file
putmsg(2)           - unimplemented system calls
putpmsg(2)          - unimplemented system calls
putpwent(3)         - write a password file entry
puts(3)             - output of characters and strings
putspent(3)         - get shadow password file entry
pututline(3)        - access utmp file entries
pututxline(3)       - access utmp file entries
putw(3)             - input and output of words(ints)
putwc(3)            - write a wide character to a FILE stream
putwchar(3)         - write a wide character to standard output
putwchar_unlocked(3) - nonlocking stdio functions
putwc_unlocked(3)   - nonlocking stdio functions
pvalloc(3)          - allocate aligned memory
pwck(8)             - verify integrity of password files
pwconv(8)           - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
pwd(1)              - print name of current/working directory
pwdx(1)             - report current working directory of a process
pwrite(2)           - read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
pwrite64(2)         - read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
pwritev(2)          - read or write data into multiple buffers
pwunconv(8)         - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
pyclean(1)          - removes .pyc and .pyo files
pycompile(1)        - byte compile Python source files
pydoc(1)            - the Python documentation tool
pydoc2.7(1)         - the Python documentation tool
pygettext(1)        - Python equivalent of xgettext(1)
pygettext2.7(1)     - Python equivalent of xgettext(1)
python(1)           - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python2(1)          - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python2.7(1)        - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
pyversions(1)       - print python version information
qecvt(3)            - convert a floating-point number to a string
qecvt_r(3)          - convert a floating-point number to a string
qfcvt(3)            - convert a floating-point number to a string
qfcvt_r(3)          - convert a floating-point number to a string
qgcvt(3)            - convert a floating-point number to a string
QLength(3)          - Display macros and functions
qmgr(8postfix)      - Postfix queue manager
qmqpd(8postfix)     - Postfix QMQP server
qmqp-sink(1)        - multi-threaded QMQP test server
qmqp-source(1)      - multi-threaded QMQP test generator
qshape(1)           - Print Postfix queue domain and age distribution
qsort(3)            - sort an array
qsort_r(3)          - sort an array
querybts(1)         - view outstanding bug reports on a debbugs server
queue(3)            - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
quotactl(2)         - manipulate disk quotas
raise(3)            - send a signal to the caller
ram(4)              - ram disk device
rand(1ssl)          - generate pseudo-random bytes
rand(3)             - pseudo-random number generator
rand(3ssl)          - pseudo-random number generator
RAND_add(3ssl)      - add entropy to the PRNG
RAND_bytes(3ssl)    - generate random data
RAND_cleanup(3ssl)  - erase the PRNG state
RAND_egd(3ssl)      - query entropy gathering daemon
RAND_event(3ssl)    - add entropy to the PRNG
RAND_file_name(3ssl) - PRNG seed file
RAND_get_rand_method(3ssl) - select RAND method
RAND_load_file(3ssl) - PRNG seed file
random(3)           - random number generator
random(4)           - kernel random number source devices
random_r(3)         - reentrant random number generator
RAND_pseudo_bytes(3ssl) - generate random data
rand_r(3)           - pseudo-random number generator
RAND_screen(3ssl)   - add entropy to the PRNG
RAND_seed(3ssl)     - add entropy to the PRNG
RAND_set_rand_method(3ssl) - select RAND method
RAND_SSLeay(3ssl)   - select RAND method
RAND_status(3ssl)   - add entropy to the PRNG
RAND_write_file(3ssl) - PRNG seed file
ranlib(1)           - generate index to archive.
raw(7)              - Linux IPv4 raw sockets
rawmemchr(3)        - scan memory for a character
rbash(1)            - restricted bash, see bash(1)
rc4(3ssl)           - RC4 encryption
RC4(3ssl)           - RC4 encryption
RC4_set_key(3ssl)   - RC4 encryption
rcmd(3)             - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
rcmd_af(3)          - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
rcp(1)              - secure copy (remote file copy program)
rcS(5)              - variables that affect the behavior of boot scripts
read(2)             - read from a file descriptor
readahead(2)        - perform file readahead into page cache
readdir(2)          - read directory entry
readdir(3)          - read a directory
readdir_r(3)        - read a directory
readelf(1)          - Displays information about ELF files.
readline(3readline) - get a line from a user with editing
readlink(1)         - print value of a symbolic link or canonical file name
readlink(2)         - read value of a symbolic link
readlinkat(2)       - read value of a symbolic link relative to a directory file descriptor
readprofile(1)      - read kernel profiling information
readv(2)            - read or write data into multiple buffers
realloc(3)          - allocate and free dynamic memory
__realloc_hook(3)   - malloc debugging variables
realpath(3)         - return the canonicalized absolute pathname
reboot(2)           - reboot or enable/disable Ctrl-Alt-Del
reboot-sysv(8)      - stop the system.
recno(3)            - record number database access method
re_comp(3)          - BSD regex functions
recv(2)             - receive a message from a socket
recvfrom(2)         - receive a message from a socket
recvmmsg(2)         - receive multiple messages on a socket
recvmsg(2)          - receive a message from a socket
re_exec(3)          - BSD regex functions
re_format(7)        - POSIX.2 regular expressions
regcomp(3)          - POSIX regex functions
regerror(3)         - POSIX regex functions
regex(3)            - POSIX regex functions
regex(7)            - POSIX.2 regular expressions
regexec(3)          - POSIX regex functions
regexp_table(5)     - format of Postfix regular expression tables
regfree(3)          - POSIX regex functions
registerrpc(3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
relocated(5)        - Postfix relocated table format
remainder(3)        - floating-point remainder function
remainderf(3)       - floating-point remainder function
remainderl(3)       - floating-point remainder function
remap_file_pages(2) - create a nonlinear file mapping
remove(3)           - remove a file or directory
remove-default-ispell(8) - remove default ispell dictionary
remove-default-wordlist(8) - remove default wordlist
remove-shell(8)     - remove shells from the list of valid login shells
remque(3)           - insert/remove an item from a queue
remquo(3)           - remainder and part of quotient
remquof(3)          - remainder and part of quotient
remquol(3)          - remainder and part of quotient
rename(1)           - renames multiple files
rename(2)           - change the name or location of a file
renameat(2)         - rename a file relative to directory file descriptors
rename.ul(1)        - rename files
renice(1)           - alter priority of running processes
replace(1)          - a string-replacement utility
reportbug(1)        - reports a bug to a debbugs server
reportbug.conf(5)   - The configuration file for reportbug
report-hw(1)        - dump information on the system's hardware
req(1ssl)           - PKCS#10 certificate request and certificate generating utility.
request_key(2)      - request a key from the kernel's key management facility
reset(1)            - terminal initialization
res_init(3)         - resolver routines
resize(1)           - set environment and terminal settings to current xterm window size
resize2fs(8)        - ext2/ext3/ext4 file system resizer
res_mkquery(3)      - resolver routines
resolv.conf(5)      - resolver configuration file
resolveip(1)        - resolve host name to IP address or vice versa
resolver(3)         - resolver routines
resolver(5)         - resolver configuration file
resolve_stack_dump(1) - resolve numeric stack trace dump to symbols
res_query(3)        - resolver routines
res_querydomain(3)  - resolver routines
res_search(3)       - resolver routines
res_send(3)         - resolver routines
restart_syscall(2)  - restart a system call after interruption by a stop signal
rev(1)              - reverse lines of a file or files
rewind(3)           - reposition a stream
rewinddir(3)        - reset directory stream
rexec(3)            - return stream to a remote command
rexec_af(3)         - return stream to a remote command
rgrep(1)            - print lines matching a pattern
rgview(1)           - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
rgvim(1)            - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
Rinci(3pm)          - Language-neutral metadata for your code
Rinci::function(3pm) - Metadata for your functions/methods
Rinci::package(3pm) - Metadata for your namespaces/packages
Rinci::result(3pm)  - Function/method result metadata
Rinci::Transaction(3pm) - A transactional system based on functions
Rinci::Undo(3pm)    - (DEPRECATED) Protocol for undo operations in functions
Rinci::Upgrading(3pm) - Upgrading from previous version of specification
Rinci::variable(3pm) - Metadata for your variables
rindex(3)           - locate character in string
rint(3)             - round to nearest integer
rintf(3)            - round to nearest integer
rintl(3)            - round to nearest integer
ripemd160(1ssl)     - message digests
RIPEMD160(3ssl)     - RIPEMD-160 hash function
RIPEMD160_Final(3ssl) - RIPEMD-160 hash function
RIPEMD160_Init(3ssl) - RIPEMD-160 hash function
RIPEMD160_Update(3ssl) - RIPEMD-160 hash function
ripemd(3ssl)        - RIPEMD-160 hash function
rlogin(1)           - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
rm(1)               - remove files or directories
rmail(8)            - handle remote mail received via uucp
rmdir(1)            - remove empty directories
rmdir(2)            - delete a directory
rmt(8)              - remote magtape protocol module
rmt-tar(8)          - remote magtape protocol module
rnano(1)            - Restricted mode for Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico clone
RootWindow(3)       - Display macros and functions
RootWindowOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
round(3)            - round to nearest integer, away from zero
roundf(3)           - round to nearest integer, away from zero
roundl(3)           - round to nearest integer, away from zero
rpc(3)              - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc(5)              - RPC program number data base
rpcgen(1)           - an RPC protocol compiler
rpdump(1)           - alpine remote data utility
rpload(1)           - alpine remote data utility
rpmatch(3)          - determine if the answer to a question is affirmative or negative
rresvport(3)        - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
rresvport_af(3)     - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
rsa(1ssl)           - RSA key processing tool
rsa(3ssl)           - RSA public key cryptosystem
RSA_blinding_off(3ssl) - protect the RSA operation from timing attacks
RSA_blinding_on(3ssl) - protect the RSA operation from timing attacks
RSA_check_key(3ssl) - validate private RSA keys
RSA_flags(3ssl)     - select RSA method
RSA_free(3ssl)      - allocate and free RSA objects
RSA_generate_key(3ssl) - generate RSA key pair
RSA_get_default_method(3ssl) - select RSA method
RSA_get_ex_data(3ssl) - add application specific data to RSA structures
RSA_get_ex_new_index(3ssl) - add application specific data to RSA structures
RSA_get_method(3ssl) - select RSA method
RSA_new(3ssl)       - allocate and free RSA objects
RSA_new_method(3ssl) - select RSA method
RSA_null_method(3ssl) - select RSA method
RSA_padding_add_none(3ssl) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_OAEP(3ssl) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_type_1(3ssl) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_type_2(3ssl) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_add_SSLv23(3ssl) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_check_none(3ssl) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEP(3ssl) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_1(3ssl) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_2(3ssl) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_check_SSLv23(3ssl) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_PKCS1_SSLeay(3ssl) - select RSA method
RSA_print(3ssl)     - print cryptographic parameters
RSA_print_fp(3ssl)  - print cryptographic parameters
RSA_private_decrypt(3ssl) - RSA public key cryptography
RSA_private_encrypt(3ssl) - low level signature operations
RSA_public_decrypt(3ssl) - low level signature operations
RSA_public_encrypt(3ssl) - RSA public key cryptography
RSA_set_default_method(3ssl) - select RSA method
RSA_set_ex_data(3ssl) - add application specific data to RSA structures
RSA_set_method(3ssl) - select RSA method
RSA_sign(3ssl)      - RSA signatures
RSA_sign_ASN1_OCTET_STRING(3ssl) - RSA signatures
RSA_size(3ssl)      - get RSA modulus size
rsautl(1ssl)        - RSA utility
RSA_verify(3ssl)    - RSA signatures
RSA_verify_ASN1_OCTET_STRING(3ssl) - RSA signatures
rsh(1)              - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
rsync(1)            - a fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool
rsyncd.conf(5)      - configuration file for rsync in daemon mode
rsyslog.conf(5)     - rsyslogd(8) configuration file
rsyslogd(8)         - reliable and extended syslogd
rtc(4)              - real-time clock
rtime(3)            - get time from a remote machine
rtld-audit(7)       - auditing API for the dynamic linker
rtnetlink(3)        - macros to manipulate rtnetlink messages
rtnetlink(7)        - Linux IPv4 routing socket
rt_sigaction(2)     - examine and change a signal action
rt_sigpending(2)    - examine pending signals
rt_sigprocmask(2)   - examine and change blocked signals
rt_sigqueueinfo(2)  - queue a signal and data
rt_sigreturn(2)     - return from signal handler and cleanup stack frame
rt_sigsuspend(2)    - wait for a signal
rt_sigtimedwait(2)  - synchronously wait for queued signals
rt_tgsigqueueinfo(2) - queue a signal and data
runcon(1)           - run command with specified security context
runlevel(8)         - find the previous and current system runlevel.
run-mailcap(1)      - execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
run-parts(8)        - run scripts or programs in a directory
ruserok(3)          - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
ruserok_af(3)       - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
rview(1)            - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
rvim(1)             - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
rzsh(1)             - the Z shell
s2p(1)              - a stream editor
s390_runtime_instr(2) - enable/disable s390 CPU run-time instrumentation
safe_finger(8)      - finger client wrapper that protects against nasty stuff from finger servers
savelog(8)          - save a log file
sbrk(2)             - change data segment size
scache(8postfix)    - Postfix shared connection cache server
scalb(3)            - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix(OBSOLETE)
scalbf(3)           - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix(OBSOLETE)
scalbl(3)           - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix(OBSOLETE)
scalbln(3)          - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scalblnf(3)         - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scalblnl(3)         - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scalbn(3)           - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scalbnf(3)          - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scalbnl(3)          - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scandir(3)          - scan a directory for matching entries
scandirat(3)        - scan a directory relative to a directory file descriptor
scanf(3)            - input format conversion
sched_getaffinity(2) - set and get a thread's CPU affinity mask
sched_getcpu(3)     - determine CPU on which the calling thread is running
sched_getparam(2)   - set and get scheduling parameters
sched_get_priority_max(2) - get static priority range
sched_get_priority_min(2) - get static priority range
sched_getscheduler(2) - set and get scheduling policy/parameters
sched_rr_get_interval(2) - get the SCHED_RR interval for the named process
sched_setaffinity(2) - set and get a thread's CPU affinity mask
sched_setparam(2)   - set and get scheduling parameters
sched_setscheduler(2) - set and get scheduling policy/parameters
sched_yield(2)      - yield the processor
s_client(1ssl)      - SSL/TLS client program
scp(1)              - secure copy (remote file copy program)
screen(1)           - screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
ScreenCount(3)      - Display macros and functions
ScreenNumberOfCCC(3) - Color Conversion Context macros
ScreenOfDisplay(3)  - Display macros and functions
ScreenWhitePointOfCCC(3) - Color Conversion Context macros
script(1)           - make typescript of terminal session
scriptreplay(1)     - play back typescripts, using timing information
sd(4)               - driver for SCSI disk drives
sdiff(1)            - side-by-side merge of file differences
secure_getenv(3)    - get an environment variable
securetty(5)        - file which lists terminals from which root can log in
security(2)         - unimplemented system calls
sed(1)              - stream editor for filtering and transforming text
see(1)              - execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
seed48(3)           - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
seed48_r(3)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers reentrantly
seekdir(3)          - set the position of the next readdir() call in the directory stream.
select(2)           - synchronous I/O multiplexing
select-default-ispell(8) - select default ispell dictionary
select-default-iwrap(1) - Selects the user default ispell dictionary for use with ispell-wrapper
select-default-wordlist(8) - select default wordlist
select-editor(1)    - select your default sensible-editor from all installed editors
select_tut(2)       - synchronous I/O multiplexing
sem_close(3)        - close a named semaphore
semctl(2)           - System V semaphore control operations
sem_destroy(3)      - destroy an unnamed semaphore
semget(2)           - get a System V semaphore set identifier
sem_getvalue(3)     - get the value of a semaphore
sem_init(3)         - initialize an unnamed semaphore
semop(2)            - System V semaphore operations
sem_open(3)         - initialize and open a named semaphore
sem_overview(7)     - overview of POSIX semaphores
sem_post(3)         - unlock a semaphore
semtimedop(2)       - System V semaphore operations
sem_timedwait(3)    - lock a semaphore
sem_trywait(3)      - lock a semaphore
sem_unlink(3)       - remove a named semaphore
sem_wait(3)         - lock a semaphore
send(2)             - send a message on a socket
sendfile(2)         - transfer data between file descriptors
sendfile64(2)       - transfer data between file descriptors
sendmail(1)         - Postfix to Sendmail compatibility interface
sendmmsg(2)         - send multiple messages on a socket
sendmsg(2)          - send a message on a socket
sendto(2)           - send a message on a socket
sensible-browser(1) - sensible editing, paging, and web browsing
sensible-editor(1)  - sensible editing, paging, and web browsing
sensible-pager(1)   - sensible editing, paging, and web browsing
seq(1)              - print a sequence of numbers
ServerVendor(3)     - Display macros and functions
service(8)          - run a System V init script
services(5)         - Internet network services list
sess_id(1ssl)       - SSL/TLS session handling utility
setaliasent(3)      - read an alias entry
setbuf(3)           - stream buffering operations
setbuffer(3)        - stream buffering operations
setcontext(2)       - get or set the user context
setcontext(3)       - get or set the user context
setdomainname(2)    - get/set NIS domain name
setegid(2)          - set effective user or group ID
setenv(3)           - change or add an environment variable
seteuid(2)          - set effective user or group ID
__setfpucw(3)       - set FPU control word on i386 architecture(obsolete)
setfsent(3)         - handle fstab entries
setfsgid(2)         - set group identity used for filesystem checks
setfsgid32(2)       - set group identity used for filesystem checks
setfsuid(2)         - set user identity used for filesystem checks
setfsuid32(2)       - set user identity used for filesystem checks
setgid(2)           - set group identity
setgid32(2)         - set group identity
setgrent(3)         - get group file entry
setgroups(2)        - get/set list of supplementary group IDs
setgroups32(2)      - get/set list of supplementary group IDs
sethostent(3)       - get network host entry
sethostid(2)        - get or set the unique identifier of the current host
sethostid(3)        - get or set the unique identifier of the current host
sethostname(2)      - get/set hostname
setitimer(2)        - get or set value of an interval timer
setjmp(3)           - save stack context for nonlocal goto
setkey(3)           - encrypt 64-bit messages
setkey_r(3)         - encrypt 64-bit messages
setlinebuf(3)       - stream buffering operations
setlocale(3)        - set the current locale
setlogmask(3)       - set log priority mask
setmntent(3)        - get filesystem descriptor file entry
setnetent(3)        - get network entry
setnetgrent(3)      - handle network group entries
setns(2)            - reassociate thread with a namespace
setpci(8)           - configure PCI devices
setpgid(2)          - set/get process group
setpgrp(2)          - set/get process group
setpriority(2)      - get/set program scheduling priority
setprotoent(3)      - get protocol entry
setpwent(3)         - get password file entry
setregid(2)         - set real and/or effective user or group ID
setregid32(2)       - set real and/or effective user or group ID
setresgid(2)        - set real, effective and saved user or group ID
setresgid32(2)      - set real, effective and saved user or group ID
setresuid(2)        - set real, effective and saved user or group ID
setresuid32(2)      - set real, effective and saved user or group ID
setreuid(2)         - set real and/or effective user or group ID
setreuid32(2)       - set real and/or effective user or group ID
setrlimit(2)        - get/set resource limits
set_robust_list(2)  - get/set list of robust futexes
setrpcent(3)        - get RPC entry
setservent(3)       - get service entry
setsid(1)           - run a program in a new session
setsid(2)           - creates a session and sets the process group ID
setsockopt(2)       - get and set options on sockets
setspent(3)         - get shadow password file entry
setstate(3)         - random number generator
setstate_r(3)       - reentrant random number generator
set_thread_area(2)  - set a thread local storage(TLS) area
set_tid_address(2)  - set pointer to thread ID
settimeofday(2)     - get / set time
setttyent(3)        - get ttys file entry
setuid(2)           - set user identity
setuid32(2)         - set user identity
setup(2)            - setup devices and filesystems, mount root filesystem
setusershell(3)     - get permitted user shells
setutent(3)         - access utmp file entries
setutxent(3)        - access utmp file entries
setvbuf(3)          - stream buffering operations
sfdisk(8)           - partition table manipulator for Linux
sftp(1)             - secure file transfer program
sftp-server(8)      - SFTP server subsystem
sgetmask(2)         - manipulation of signal mask(obsolete)
sgetspent(3)        - get shadow password file entry
sgetspent_r(3)      - get shadow password file entry
sh(1)               - command interpreter(shell)
sha1(1ssl)          - message digests
SHA1(3ssl)          - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA1_Final(3ssl)    - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA1_Init(3ssl)     - Secure Hash Algorithm
sha(1ssl)           - message digests
sha1sum(1)          - compute and check SHA1 message digest
SHA1_Update(3ssl)   - Secure Hash Algorithm
sha224sum(1)        - compute and check SHA224 message digest
sha256sum(1)        - compute and check SHA256 message digest
sha384sum(1)        - compute and check SHA384 message digest
sha(3ssl)           - Secure Hash Algorithm
sha512sum(1)        - compute and check SHA512 message digest
shadow(5)           - shadowed password file
shadowconfig(8)     - toggle shadow passwords on and off
shasum(1)           - Print or Check SHA Checksums
shcomp(1)           - compile a ksh93 shell script
sh.distrib(1)       - command interpreter(shell)
shells(5)           - pathnames of valid login shells
shmat(2)            - System V shared memory operations
shmctl(2)           - System V shared memory control
shmdt(2)            - System V shared memory operations
shmget(2)           - allocates a System V shared memory segment
shmop(2)            - System V shared memory operations
shm_open(3)         - create/open or unlink POSIX shared memory objects
shm_overview(7)     - overview of POSIX shared memory
shm_unlink(3)       - create/open or unlink POSIX shared memory objects
showq(8postfix)     - list the Postfix mail queue
shred(1)            - overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally delete it
shuf(1)             - generate random permutations
shutdown(2)         - shut down part of a full-duplex connection
shutdown(8)         - bring the system down
sigaction(2)        - examine and change a signal action
sigaddset(3)        - POSIX signal set operations
sigaltstack(2)      - set and/or get signal stack context
sigandset(3)        - POSIX signal set operations
sigblock(3)         - BSD signal API
sigdelset(3)        - POSIX signal set operations
sigemptyset(3)      - POSIX signal set operations
sigevent(7)         - structure for notification from asynchronous routines
sigfillset(3)       - POSIX signal set operations
siggetmask(3)       - BSD signal API
sighold(3)          - System V signal API
sigignore(3)        - System V signal API
siginterrupt(3)     - allow signals to interrupt system calls
sigisemptyset(3)    - POSIX signal set operations
sigismember(3)      - POSIX signal set operations
siglongjmp(3)       - nonlocal jump to a saved stack context
sigmask(3)          - BSD signal API
signal(2)           - ANSI C signal handling
signal(7)           - overview of signals
signalfd(2)         - create a file descriptor for accepting signals
signalfd4(2)        - create a file descriptor for accepting signals
signbit(3)          - test sign of a real floating-point number
signgam(3)          - log gamma function
significand(3)      - get mantissa of floating-point number
significandf(3)     - get mantissa of floating-point number
significandl(3)     - get mantissa of floating-point number
sigorset(3)         - POSIX signal set operations
sigpause(3)         - atomically release blocked signals and wait for interrupt
sigpending(2)       - examine pending signals
sigprocmask(2)      - examine and change blocked signals
sigqueue(2)         - queue a signal and data to a process
sigqueue(3)         - queue a signal and data to a process
sigrelse(3)         - System V signal API
sigreturn(2)        - return from signal handler and cleanup stack frame
sigset(3)           - System V signal API
sigsetjmp(3)        - save stack context for nonlocal goto
sigsetmask(3)       - BSD signal API
sigsetops(3)        - POSIX signal set operations
sigstack(3)         - set and/or get signal stack context
sigsuspend(2)       - wait for a signal
sigtimedwait(2)     - synchronously wait for queued signals
sigvec(3)           - BSD signal API
sigwait(3)          - wait for a signal
sigwaitinfo(2)      - synchronously wait for queued signals
sin(3)              - sine function
sincos(3)           - calculate sin and cos simultaneously
sincosf(3)          - calculate sin and cos simultaneously
sincosl(3)          - calculate sin and cos simultaneously
sinf(3)             - sine function
sinh(3)             - hyperbolic sine function
sinhf(3)            - hyperbolic sine function
sinhl(3)            - hyperbolic sine function
sinl(3)             - sine function
size(1)             - list section sizes and total size.
sk98lin(4)          - Marvell/SysKonnect Gigabit Ethernet driver v6.21
skill(1)            - send a signal or report process status
slabinfo(5)         - kernel slab allocator statistics
sleep(1)            - delay for a specified amount of time
sleep(3)            - sleep for the specified number of seconds
sln(8)              - create symbolic links
slogin(1)           - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
smime(1ssl)         - S/MIME utility
smime_keys(1)       - Utility to add S/MIME certificate to the internal database used by mutt
SMIME_read_CMS(3ssl) - parse S/MIME message.
SMIME_read_PKCS7(3ssl) - parse S/MIME message.
SMIME_write_CMS(3ssl) - convert CMS structure to S/MIME format.
SMIME_write_PKCS7(3ssl) - convert PKCS#7 structure to S/MIME format.
smtp(8postfix)      - Postfix SMTP+LMTP client
smtpd(8postfix)     - Postfix SMTP server
smtp-sink(1)        - multi-threaded SMTP/LMTP test server
smtp-source(1)      - multi-threaded SMTP/LMTP test generator
snice(1)            - send a signal or report process status
snprintf(3)         - formatted output conversion
sntp(1)             - standard Simple Network Time Protocol program
sockatmark(3)       - determine whether socket is at out-of-band mark
socket(2)           - create an endpoint for communication
socket(7)           - Linux socket interface
socketcall(2)       - socket system calls
socketpair(2)       - create a pair of connected sockets
soelim(1)           - interpret .so requests in groff input
sort(1)             - sort lines of text files
sources.list(5)     - List of configured APT data sources
spawn(8postfix)     - Postfix external command spawner
speed(1ssl)         - test library performance
spkac(1ssl)         - SPKAC printing and generating utility
splain(1)           - produce verbose warning diagnostics
splice(2)           - splice data to/from a pipe
split(1)            - split a file into pieces
sprintf(3)          - formatted output conversion
sprof(1)            - Read and display shared object profiling data
spu_create(2)       - create a new spu context
spufs(7)            - SPU filesystem
spu_run(2)          - execute an SPU context
sq(1)               - squeeze or unsqueeze a sorted word list
sqlite_table(5)     - Postfix SQLite configuration
sqrt(3)             - square root function
sqrtf(3)            - square root function
sqrtl(3)            - square root function
srand(3)            - pseudo-random number generator
srand48(3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
srand48_r(3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers reentrantly
srandom(3)          - random number generator
srandom_r(3)        - reentrant random number generator
sscanf(3)           - input format conversion
s_server(1ssl)      - SSL/TLS server program
ssetmask(2)         - manipulation of signal mask(obsolete)
ssh(1)              - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
ssh-add(1)          - adds private key identities to the authentication agent
ssh-agent(1)        - authentication agent
ssh-argv0(1)        - replaces the old ssh command-name as hostname handling
ssh_config(5)       - OpenSSH SSH client configuration files
ssh-copy-id(1)      - use locally available keys to authorise logins on a remote machine
sshd(8)             - OpenSSH SSH daemon
sshd_config(5)      - OpenSSH SSH daemon configuration file
ssh-keygen(1)       - authentication key generation, management and conversion
ssh-keyscan(1)      - gather ssh public keys
ssh-keysign(8)      - ssh helper program for host-based authentication
ssh-pkcs11-helper(8) - ssh-agent helper program for PKCS#11 support
ssh-vulnkey(1)      - check blacklist of compromised keys
ssignal(3)          - software signal facility
ssl(3ssl)           - OpenSSL SSL/TLS library
SSL(3ssl)           - OpenSSL SSL/TLS library
SSL_accept(3ssl)    - wait for a TLS/SSL client to initiate a TLS/SSL handshake
SSL_add_client_CA(3ssl) - set list of CAs sent to the client when requesting a client certificate
SSL_add_session(3ssl) - manipulate session cache
SSL_alert_desc_string(3ssl) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_alert_desc_string_long(3ssl) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_alert_type_string(3ssl) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_alert_type_string_long(3ssl) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_callback_ctrl(3ssl) - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
SSL_check_private_key(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CIPHER_description(3ssl) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(3ssl) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
SSL_CIPHER_get_name(3ssl) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
SSL_CIPHER_get_version(3ssl) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
SSL_clear(3ssl)     - reset SSL object to allow another connection
SSL_clear_options(3ssl) - manipulate SSL options
SSL_COMP_add_compression_method(3ssl) - handle SSL/TLS integrated compression methods
SSL_connect(3ssl)   - initiate the TLS/SSL handshake with an TLS/SSL server
SSL_ctrl(3ssl)      - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
SSL_CTX_add_client_CA(3ssl) - set list of CAs sent to the client when requesting a client certificate
SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert(3ssl) - add certificate to chain
SSL_CTX_add_session(3ssl) - manipulate session cache
SSL_CTX_callback_ctrl(3ssl) - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
SSL_CTX_check_private_key(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_clear_options(3ssl) - manipulate SSL options
SSL_CTX_ctrl(3ssl)  - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
SSL_CTX_flush_sessions(3ssl) - remove expired sessions
SSL_CTX_free(3ssl)  - free an allocated SSL_CTX object
SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(3ssl) - manipulate X509 certificate verification storage
SSL_CTX_get_client_CA_list(3ssl) - get list of client CAs
SSL_CTX_get_client_cert_cb(3ssl) - handle client certificate callback function
SSL_CTX_get_ex_data(3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_CTX_get_ex_new_index(3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_CTX_get_info_callback(3ssl) - handle information callback for SSL connections
SSL_CTX_get_max_cert_list(3ssl) - manipulate allowed for the peer's certificate chain
SSL_CTX_get_mode(3ssl) - manipulate SSL engine mode
SSL_CTX_get_options(3ssl) - manipulate SSL options
SSL_CTX_get_quiet_shutdown(3ssl) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_CTX_get_session_cache_mode(3ssl) - enable/disable session caching
SSL_CTX_get_timeout(3ssl) - manipulate timeout values for session caching
SSL_CTX_get_verify_callback(3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_get_verify_depth(3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode(3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(3ssl) - set default locations for trusted CA certificates
SSL_CTX_need_tmp_rsa(3ssl) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_CTX_new(3ssl)   - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL enabled functions
SSL_CTX_remove_session(3ssl) - manipulate session cache
SSL_CTX_sess_accept(3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_accept_good(3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_accept_renegotiate(3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_cache_full(3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_cb_hits(3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_connect(3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_connect_good(3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_connect_renegotiate(3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_get_cache_size(3ssl) - manipulate session cache size
SSL_CTX_sess_get_get_cb(3ssl) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_get_new_cb(3ssl) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_get_remove_cb(3ssl) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_hits(3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sessions(3ssl) - access internal session cache
SSL_CTX_sess_misses(3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_number(3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_set_cache_size(3ssl) - manipulate session cache size
SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb(3ssl) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb(3ssl) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_set_remove_cb(3ssl) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_timeouts(3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_set_cert_store(3ssl) - manipulate X509 certificate verification storage
SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback(3ssl) - set peer certificate verification procedure
SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(3ssl) - choose list of available SSL_CIPHERs
SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list(3ssl) - set list of CAs sent to the client when requesting a client certificate
SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb(3ssl) - handle client certificate callback function
SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(3ssl) - set passwd callback for encrypted PEM file handling
SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata(3ssl) - set passwd callback for encrypted PEM file handling
SSL_CTX_set_ex_data(3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_CTX_set_generate_session_id(3ssl) - manipulate generation of SSL session IDs (server only)
SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(3ssl) - handle information callback for SSL connections
SSL_CTX_set_max_cert_list(3ssl) - manipulate allowed for the peer's certificate chain
SSL_CTX_set_mode(3ssl) - manipulate SSL engine mode
SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback(3ssl) - install callback for observing protocol messages
SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback_arg(3ssl) - install callback for observing protocol messages
SSL_CTX_set_options(3ssl) - manipulate SSL options
SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback(3ssl) - set PSK client callback
SSL_CTX_set_psk_server_callback(3ssl) - set PSK identity hint to use
SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown(3ssl) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(3ssl) - enable/disable session caching
SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context(3ssl) - set context within which session can be reused (server side only)
SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version(3ssl) - choose a new TLS/SSL method
SSL_CTX_set_timeout(3ssl) - manipulate timeout values for session caching
SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(3ssl) - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh_callback(3ssl) - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa(3ssl) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback(3ssl) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_CTX_set_verify(3ssl) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(3ssl) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_CTX_use_certificate(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_certificate_ASN1(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_ASN1(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint(3ssl) - set PSK identity hint to use
SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_file(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_do_handshake(3ssl) - perform a TLS/SSL handshake
SSLeay(3ssl)        - get OpenSSL version number
SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms(3ssl) - initialize SSL library by registering algorithms
SSLeay_version(3ssl) - get OpenSSL version number
SSL_flush_sessions(3ssl) - remove expired sessions
SSL_free(3ssl)      - free an allocated SSL structure
SSL_get_accept_state(3ssl) - prepare SSL object to work in client or server mode
SSL_get_cipher(3ssl) - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_cipher_bits(3ssl) - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_cipher_list(3ssl) - get list of available SSL_CIPHERs
SSL_get_cipher_name(3ssl) - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_ciphers(3ssl) - get list of available SSL_CIPHERs
SSL_get_cipher_version(3ssl) - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_client_CA_list(3ssl) - get list of client CAs
SSL_get_current_cipher(3ssl) - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_default_timeout(3ssl) - get default session timeout value
SSL_get_error(3ssl) - obtain result code for TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_get_ex_data(3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx(3ssl) - get ex_data index to access SSL structure from X509_STORE_CTX
SSL_get_ex_new_index(3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_get_fd(3ssl)    - get file descriptor linked to an SSL object
SSL_get_info_callback(3ssl) - handle information callback for SSL connections
SSL_get_max_cert_list(3ssl) - manipulate allowed for the peer's certificate chain
SSL_get_mode(3ssl)  - manipulate SSL engine mode
SSL_get_msg_callback_arg(3ssl) - install callback for observing protocol messages
SSL_get_options(3ssl) - manipulate SSL options
SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(3ssl) - get the X509 certificate chain of the peer
SSL_get_peer_certificate(3ssl) - get the X509 certificate of the peer
SSL_get_psk_identity(3ssl) - get PSK client identity and hint
SSL_get_psk_identity_hint(3ssl) - get PSK client identity and hint
SSL_get_quiet_shutdown(3ssl) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_get_rbio(3ssl)  - get BIO linked to an SSL object
SSL_get_secure_renegotiation_support(3ssl) - manipulate SSL options
SSL_get_session(3ssl) - retrieve TLS/SSL session data
SSL_get_shutdown(3ssl) - manipulate shutdown state of an SSL connection
SSL_get_SSL_CTX(3ssl) - get the SSL_CTX from which an SSL is created
SSL_get_ssl_method(3ssl) - choose a new TLS/SSL method
SSL_get_verify_callback(3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_get_verify_depth(3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_get_verify_mode(3ssl) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_get_verify_result(3ssl) - get result of peer certificate verification
SSL_get_version(3ssl) - get the protocol version of a connection.
SSL_has_matching_session_id(3ssl) - manipulate generation of SSL session IDs (server only)
SSL_library_init(3ssl) - initialize SSL library by registering algorithms
SSL_load_client_CA_file(3ssl) - load certificate names from file
SSL_load_error_strings(3ssl) - load and free error strings
SSL_need_tmp_rsa(3ssl) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_new(3ssl)       - create a new SSL structure for a connection
SSL_pending(3ssl)   - obtain number of readable bytes buffered in an SSL object
SSL_read(3ssl)      - read bytes from a TLS/SSL connection.
SSL_remove_session(3ssl) - manipulate session cache
SSL_rstate_string(3ssl) - get textual description of state of an SSL object during read operation
SSL_rstate_string_long(3ssl) - get textual description of state of an SSL object during read operation
SSL_SESSION_free(3ssl) - free an allocated SSL_SESSION structure
SSL_SESSION_get_ex_data(3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_SESSION_get_ex_new_index(3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_SESSION_get_time(3ssl) - retrieve and manipulate session time and timeout settings
SSL_SESSION_get_timeout(3ssl) - retrieve and manipulate session time and timeout settings
SSL_session_reused(3ssl) - query whether a reused session was negotiated during handshake
SSL_SESSION_set_ex_data(3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_SESSION_set_time(3ssl) - retrieve and manipulate session time and timeout settings
SSL_SESSION_set_timeout(3ssl) - retrieve and manipulate session time and timeout settings
SSL_set_bio(3ssl)   - connect the SSL object with a BIO
SSL_set_cipher_list(3ssl) - choose list of available SSL_CIPHERs
SSL_set_client_CA_list(3ssl) - set list of CAs sent to the client when requesting a client certificate
SSL_set_connect_state(3ssl) - prepare SSL object to work in client or server mode
SSL_set_ex_data(3ssl) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_set_fd(3ssl)    - connect the SSL object with a file descriptor
SSL_set_generate_session_id(3ssl) - manipulate generation of SSL session IDs (server only)
SSL_set_info_callback(3ssl) - handle information callback for SSL connections
SSL_set_max_cert_list(3ssl) - manipulate allowed for the peer's certificate chain
SSL_set_mode(3ssl)  - manipulate SSL engine mode
SSL_set_msg_callback(3ssl) - install callback for observing protocol messages
SSL_set_options(3ssl) - manipulate SSL options
SSL_set_psk_client_callback(3ssl) - set PSK client callback
SSL_set_psk_server_callback(3ssl) - set PSK identity hint to use
SSL_set_quiet_shutdown(3ssl) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_set_session(3ssl) - set a TLS/SSL session to be used during TLS/SSL connect
SSL_set_session_id_context(3ssl) - set context within which session can be reused (server side only)
SSL_set_shutdown(3ssl) - manipulate shutdown state of an SSL connection
SSL_set_ssl_method(3ssl) - choose a new TLS/SSL method
SSL_set_tmp_dh(3ssl) - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_set_tmp_dh_callback(3ssl) - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_set_tmp_rsa(3ssl) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_set_tmp_rsa_callback(3ssl) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_set_verify(3ssl) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_set_verify_depth(3ssl) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_set_verify_result(3ssl) - override result of peer certificate verification
SSL_shutdown(3ssl)  - shut down a TLS/SSL connection
SSL_state_string(3ssl) - get textual description of state of an SSL object
SSL_state_string_long(3ssl) - get textual description of state of an SSL object
SSL_use_certificate(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_certificate_ASN1(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_certificate_file(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_PrivateKey(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_PrivateKey_ASN1(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_PrivateKey_file(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_psk_identity_hint(3ssl) - set PSK identity hint to use
SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_file(3ssl) - load certificate and key data
SSL_want(3ssl)      - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_want_nothing(3ssl) - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_want_read(3ssl) - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_want_write(3ssl) - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_want_x509_lookup(3ssl) - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_write(3ssl)     - write bytes to a TLS/SSL connection.
st(4)               - SCSI tape device
standards(7)        - C and UNIX Standards
startpar(8)         - start runlevel scripts in parallel
start-stop-daemon(8) - start and stop system daemon programs
stat(1)             - display file or file system status
stat(2)             - get file status
stat64(2)           - get file status
statfs(2)           - get filesystem statistics
statfs64(2)         - get filesystem statistics
statvfs(2)          - get filesystem statistics
statvfs(3)          - get filesystem statistics
stdarg(3)           - variable argument lists
stdbuf(1)           - Run COMMAND, with modified buffering operations for its standard streams.
stderr(3)           - standard I/O streams
stdin(3)            - standard I/O streams
stdio(3)            - standard input/output library functions
stdio_ext(3)        - interfaces to stdio FILE structure
stdout(3)           - standard I/O streams
s_time(1ssl)        - SSL/TLS performance timing program
stime(2)            - set time
stpcpy(3)           - copy a string returning a pointer to its end
stpncpy(3)          - copy a fixed-size string, returning a pointer to its end
strcasecmp(3)       - compare two strings ignoring case
strcasestr(3)       - locate a substring
strcat(3)           - concatenate two strings
strchr(3)           - locate character in string
strchrnul(3)        - locate character in string
strcmp(3)           - compare two strings
strcoll(3)          - compare two strings using the current locale
strcpy(3)           - copy a string
strcspn(3)          - search a string for a set of bytes
strdup(3)           - duplicate a string
strdupa(3)          - duplicate a string
strerror(3)         - return string describing error number
strerror_r(3)       - return string describing error number
strfmon(3)          - convert monetary value to a string
strfry(3)           - randomize a string
strftime(3)         - format date and time
string(3)           - string operations
strings(1)          - print the strings of printable characters in files.
strip(1)            - Discard symbols from object files.
strlen(3)           - calculate the length of a string
strncasecmp(3)      - compare two strings ignoring case
strncat(3)          - concatenate two strings
strncmp(3)          - compare two strings
strncpy(3)          - copy a string
strndup(3)          - duplicate a string
strndupa(3)         - duplicate a string
strnlen(3)          - determine the length of a fixed-size string
strpbrk(3)          - search a string for any of a set of bytes
strptime(3)         - convert a string representation of time to a time tm structure
strrchr(3)          - locate character in string
strsep(3)           - extract token from string
strsignal(3)        - return string describing signal
strspn(3)           - search a string for a set of bytes
strstr(3)           - locate a substring
strtod(3)           - convert ASCII string to floating-point number
strtof(3)           - convert ASCII string to floating-point number
strtoimax(3)        - convert string to integer
strtok(3)           - extract tokens from strings
strtok_r(3)         - extract tokens from strings
strtol(3)           - convert a string to a long integer
strtold(3)          - convert ASCII string to floating-point number
strtoll(3)          - convert a string to a long integer
strtoq(3)           - convert a string to a long integer
strtoul(3)          - convert a string to an unsigned long integer
strtoull(3)         - convert a string to an unsigned long integer
strtoumax(3)        - convert string to integer
strtouq(3)          - convert a string to an unsigned long integer
strverscmp(3)       - compare two version strings
strxfrm(3)          - string transformation
stty(1)             - change and print terminal line settings
stty(2)             - unimplemented system calls
su(1)               - run a shell with substitute user and group IDs
subpage_prot(2)     - define a subpage protection for an address range
suffixes(7)         - list of file suffixes
sulogin(8)          - Single-user login
sum(1)              - checksum and count the blocks in a file
suphp(8)            - run php scripts with the owner permissions
svc_destroy(3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_auth(3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_decode(3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_noproc(3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_noprog(3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_progvers(3)  - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_systemerr(3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_weakauth(3)  - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcfd_create(3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_freeargs(3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_getargs(3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_getcaller(3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_getreq(3)       - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_getreqset(3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcraw_create(3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_register(3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_run(3)          - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_sendreply(3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svctcp_create(3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcudp_bufcreate(3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcudp_create(3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_unregister(3)   - library routines for remote procedure calls
svipc(7)            - System V interprocess communication mechanisms
svn(1)              - Subversion command line client tool
svnadmin(1)         - Subversion repository administration tool
svndumpfilter(1)    - Filter a subversion repository 'dumpfile'.
svnlook(1)          - Subversion repository examination tool
svnrdump(1)         - Subversion remote repository dumper and loader
svnserve(8)         - Server for the 'svn' repository access method
svnserve.conf(5)    - Repository configuration file for svnserve
svnsync(1)          - Subversion repository synchronization tool
svnversion(1)       - Produce a compact version number for a working copy.
swab(3)             - swap adjacent bytes
swapcontext(3)      - manipulate user context
swaplabel(8)        - print or change the label or UUID of a swap area
swapoff(2)          - start/stop swapping to file/device
swapon(2)           - start/stop swapping to file/device
Switch(3pm)         - A switch statement for Perl
swprintf(3)         - formatted wide-character output conversion
symcryptrun(1)      - Call a simple symmetric encryption tool
symlink(2)          - make a new name for a file
symlink(7)          - symbolic link handling
symlinkat(2)        - create a symbolic link relative to a directory file descriptor
sync(1)             - flush file system buffers
sync(2)             - commit buffer cache to disk
sync(8)             - synchronize data on disk with memory
sync_file_range2(2) - sync a file segment with disk
sync_file_range(2)  - sync a file segment with disk
syncfs(2)           - commit buffer cache to disk
syscall(2)          - indirect system call
_syscall(2)         - invoking a system call without library support(OBSOLETE)
syscalls(2)         - Linux system calls
sysconf(3)          - get configuration information at run time
_sysctl(2)          - read/write system parameters
sysctl(2)           - read/write system parameters
sys_errlist(3)      - print a system error message
sysfs(2)            - get filesystem type information
sysinfo(2)          - returns information on overall system statistics
syslog(2)           - read and/or clear kernel message ring buffer; set console_loglevel
syslog(3)           - send messages to the system logger
sys_nerr(3)         - print a system error message
system(3)           - execute a shell command
sysv_signal(3)      - signal handling with System V semantics
tabs(1)             - set tabs on a terminal
tac(1)              - concatenate and print files in reverse
tail(1)             - output the last part of files
tailf(1)            - follow the growth of a log file
TAILQ_ENTRY(3)      - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
TAILQ_HEAD(3)       - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
TAILQ_INIT(3)       - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(3) - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(3) - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(3) - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
TAILQ_REMOVE(3)     - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular queues
tan(3)              - tangent function
tanf(3)             - tangent function
tanh(3)             - hyperbolic tangent function
tanhf(3)            - hyperbolic tangent function
tanhl(3)            - hyperbolic tangent function
tanl(3)             - tangent function
tar(1)              - The GNU version of the tar archiving utility
tarcat(1)           - concatenates the pieces of a GNU tar multi-volume archive
tasksel(8)          - a user interface for installing tasks
tbl(1)              - format tables for troff
tcdrain(3)          - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
tcflow(3)           - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
tcflush(3)          - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
tcgetattr(3)        - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
tcgetpgrp(3)        - get and set terminal foreground process group
tcgetsid(3)         - get session ID
tclsh(1)            - Simple shell containing Tcl interpreter
tclsh8.5(1)         - Simple shell containing Tcl interpreter
tclsh8.6(1)         - Simple shell containing Tcl interpreter
tclsh-default(1)    - Simple shell containing Tcl interpreter
tcltk-depends(1)    - calculates Tcl/Tk dependencies
tcp(7)              - TCP protocol
tcpd(8)             - access control facility for internet services
tcpdchk(8)          - tcp wrapper configuration checker
tcpdmatch(8)        - tcp wrapper oracle
tcp_table(5)        - Postfix client/server table lookup protocol
tcsendbreak(3)      - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
tcsetattr(3)        - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
tcsetpgrp(3)        - get and set terminal foreground process group
tdelete(3)          - manage a binary tree
tdestroy(3)         - manage a binary tree
tee(1)              - read from standard input and write to standard output and files
tee(2)              - duplicating pipe content
telinit(8)          - process control initialization
telldir(3)          - return current location in directory stream
telnet(1)           - user interface to the TELNET protocol
telnetd(8)          - DARPA telnet protocol server
telnetlogin(8)      - login wrapper for telnetd
telnet.netkit(1)    - user interface to the TELNET protocol
tempfile(1)         - create a temporary file in a safe manner
tempnam(3)          - create a name for a temporary file
term(5)             - format of compiled term file.
term(7)             - conventions for naming terminal types
termcap(5)          - terminal capability database
terminfo(5)         - terminal capability data base
termio(7)           - System V terminal driver interface
termios(3)          - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate
test(1)             - check file types and compare values
texi2any(1)         - translate Texinfo documents
texi2dvi(1)         - convert Texinfo documents to DVI or PDF
texi2pdf(1)         - convert Texinfo documents to DVI or PDF
texindex(1)         - sort Texinfo index files
texinfo(5)          - software documentation system
Text::CharWidth(3pm) - Get number of occupied columns of a string on terminal
textdomain(3)       - set domain for future gettext() calls
Text::Iconv(3pm)    - Perl interface to iconv() codeset conversion function
Text::Unidecode(3pm) - - US-ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
Text::WrapI18N(3pm) - Line wrapping module with support for multibyte, fullwidth, and combining characters and languages without whitespaces between words
tfind(3)            - manage a binary tree
tgamma(3)           - true gamma function
tgammaf(3)          - true gamma function
tgammal(3)          - true gamma function
tgkill(2)           - send a signal to a thread
threads(3ssl)       - OpenSSL thread support
tic(1)              - the terminfo entry-description compiler
time(1)             - run programs and summarize system resource usage
time(2)             - get time in seconds
time(7)             - overview of time and timers
time.conf(5)        - configuration file for the pam_time module
timegm(3)           - inverses of gmtime and localtime
timelocal(3)        - inverses of gmtime and localtime
timeout(1)          - run a command with a time limit
timeradd(3)         - timeval operations
timerclear(3)       - timeval operations
timercmp(3)         - timeval operations
timer_create(2)     - create a POSIX per-process timer
timer_delete(2)     - delete a POSIX per-process timer
timerfd_create(2)   - timers that notify via file descriptors
timerfd_gettime(2)  - timers that notify via file descriptors
timerfd_settime(2)  - timers that notify via file descriptors
timer_getoverrun(2) - get overrun count for a POSIX per-process timer
timer_gettime(2)    - arm/disarm and fetch state of POSIX per-process timer
timerisset(3)       - timeval operations
timer_settime(2)    - arm/disarm and fetch state of POSIX per-process timer
timersub(3)         - timeval operations
times(2)            - get process times
timezone(3)         - initialize time conversion information
Time::Zone(3pm)     - - miscellaneous timezone manipulations routines
tis-620(7)          - ISO 8859-11 character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
tkill(2)            - send a signal to a thread
tload(1)            - graphic representation of system load average
tlsmgr(8postfix)    - Postfix TLS session cache and PRNG manager
tlsproxy(8postfix)  - Postfix TLS proxy
tmpfile(3)          - create a temporary file
tmpfs(5)            - variables that configure tmpfs filesystems mounted during boot
tmpnam(3)           - create a name for a temporary file
tmpnam_r(3)         - create a name for a temporary file
toascii(3)          - convert character to ASCII
toe(1)              - table of(terminfo) entries
tolower(3)          - convert letter to upper or lower case
top(1)              - display Linux processes
touch(1)            - change file timestamps
toupper(3)          - convert letter to upper or lower case
towctrans(3)        - wide-character transliteration
towlower(3)         - convert a wide character to lowercase
towupper(3)         - convert a wide character to uppercase
tput(1)             - initialize a terminal or query terminfo database
tr(1)               - translate or delete characters
trace(8postfix)     - Postfix delivery status reports
transport(5)        - Postfix transport table format
trivial-rewrite(8postfix) - Postfix address rewriting and resolving daemon
troff(1)            - the troff processor of the groff text formatting system
true(1)             - do nothing, successfully
trunc(3)            - round to integer, toward zero
truncate(1)         - shrink or extend the size of a file to the specified size
truncate(2)         - truncate a file to a specified length
truncate64(2)       - truncate a file to a specified length
truncf(3)           - round to integer, toward zero
truncl(3)           - round to integer, toward zero
tryaffix(1)         - Interactive spelling checking
try-from(8)         - test program for the tcp_wrapper
ts(1ssl)            - Time Stamping Authority tool (client/server)
tsearch(3)          - manage a binary tree
tset(1)             - terminal initialization
tsget(1ssl)         - Time Stamping HTTP/HTTPS client
tsort(1)            - perform topological sort
tty(1)              - print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input
tty(4)              - controlling terminal
tty_ioctl(4)        - ioctls for terminals and serial lines
ttyname(3)          - return name of a terminal
ttyname_r(3)        - return name of a terminal
ttyS(4)             - serial terminal lines
ttyslot(3)          - find the slot of the current user's terminal in some file
tune2fs(8)          - adjust tunable filesystem parameters on ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystems
tuxcall(2)          - unimplemented system calls
twalk(3)            - manage a binary tree
tzfile(5)           - timezone information
tzname(3)           - initialize time conversion information
tzselect(1)         - view timezones
tzselect(8)         - select a timezone
tzset(3)            - initialize time conversion information
ualarm(3)           - schedule signal after given number of microseconds
ucf(1)              - Update Configuration File: preserve user changes in configuration files
ucf.conf(5)         - site-wide configuration file for ucf
ucfq(1)             - query the ucf database
ucfr(1)             - Update Configuration File Registry: associate packages with configuration files
udp(7)              - User Datagram Protocol for IPv4
udplite(7)          - Lightweight User Datagram Protocol
ugetrlimit(2)       - get/set resource limits
ui(3ssl)            - New User Interface
UI_add_error_string(3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_add_info_string(3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_add_input_boolean(3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_add_input_string(3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_add_user_data(3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_add_verify_string(3ssl) - New User Interface
ui_compat(3ssl)     - Compatibility user interface functions
UI_construct_prompt(3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_ctrl(3ssl)       - New User Interface
UI_dup_error_string(3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_dup_info_string(3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_dup_input_boolean(3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_dup_input_string(3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_dup_verify_string(3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_free(3ssl)       - New User Interface
UI_get0_result(3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_get0_user_data(3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_get_default_method(3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_get_method(3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_new(3ssl)        - New User Interface
UI_new_method(3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_OpenSSL(3ssl)    - New User Interface
UI_process(3ssl)    - New User Interface
UI_set_default_method(3ssl) - New User Interface
UI_set_method(3ssl) - New User Interface
ul(1)               - do underlining
ulckpwdf(3)         - get shadow password file entry
ulimit(3)           - get and set user limits
umask(2)            - set file mode creation mask
umount2(2)          - unmount filesystem
umount(2)           - unmount filesystem
uname(1)            - print system information
uname(2)            - get name and information about current kernel
uncompress(1)       - compress or expand files
undocumented(3)     - undocumented library functions
undocumented(7)     - No manpage for this program, utility or function.
unexpand(1)         - convert spaces to tabs
ungetc(3)           - input of characters and strings
ungetwc(3)          - push back a wide character onto a FILE stream
unicode(7)          - universal character set
unimplemented(2)    - unimplemented system calls
uniq(1)             - report or omit repeated lines
units(7)            - decimal and binary prefixes
unix(7)             - sockets for local interprocess communication
unix_chkpwd(8)      - Helper binary that verifies the password of the current user
unix_update(8)      - Helper binary that updates the password of a given user
unlink(1)           - call the unlink function to remove the specified file
unlink(2)           - delete a name and possibly the file it refers to
unlinkat(2)         - remove a directory entry relative to a directory file descriptor
unlocked_stdio(3)   - nonlocking stdio functions
unlockpt(3)         - unlock a pseudoterminal master/slave pair
unlzma(1)           - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
unsetenv(3)         - change or add an environment variable
unshare(2)          - disassociate parts of the process execution context
unsq(1)             - squeeze or unsqueeze a sorted word list
unxz(1)             - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
unzip(1)            - list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
unzipsfx(1)         - self-extracting stub for prepending to ZIP archives
update-alternatives(8) - maintain symbolic links determining default commands
update-ca-certificates(8) - update /etc/ssl/certs and certificates.crt
update-catalog(8)   - create or update entry in SGML catalog file
updatedb(8)         - update a database for mlocate
updatedb.conf(5)    - a configuration file for updatedb(8)
update-default-aspell(8) - rebuild aspell database and emacsen stuff
update-default-ispell(8) - update default ispell dictionary
update-default-wordlist(8) - update default wordlist
update-dictcommon-aspell(8) - rebuild aspell database and emacsen stuff
update-dictcommon-hunspell(8) - rebuild hunspell database and emacsen stuff
update-grub2(8)     - stub for grub-mkconfig
update-grub(8)      - stub for grub-mkconfig
update-icon-caches(8) - Update wrapper script for the icon caches
update-inetd(8)     - create, remove, enable or disable entry in /etc/inetd.conf
update-info-dir(8)  - update or create index file from all installed info files in directory
update-locale(8)    - Modify global locale settings
update-mime(8)      - create or update MIME information
update-mime-database(1) - a program to build the Shared MIME-Info database cache
update-passwd(8)    - safely update /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and /etc/group
update-pciids(8)    - download new version of the PCI ID list
update-perl-sax-parsers(8) - (de)register Perl SAX parser modules
update-python-modules(8) - byte-compile python modules
update-rc.d(8)      - install and remove System-V style init script links
update-xmlcatalog(8) - maintain XML catalog files
updwtmp(3)          - append an entry to the wtmp file
updwtmpx(3)         - append an entry to the wtmp file
uptime(1)           - Tell how long the system has been running.
uptime.procps(1)    - Tell how long the system has been running.
urandom(4)          - kernel random number source devices
URI(3pm)            - Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)
uri(7)              - uniform resource identifier(URI), including a URL or URN
URI::data(3pm)      - URI that contains immediate data
URI::Escape(3pm)    - Percent-encode and percent-decode unsafe characters
URI::file(3pm)      - URI that maps to local file names
URI::Heuristic(3pm) - Expand URI using heuristics
URI::ldap(3pm)      - LDAP Uniform Resource Locators
URI::_punycode(3pm) - encodes Unicode string in Punycode
URI::QueryParam(3pm) - Additional query methods for URIs
URI::Split(3pm)     - Parse and compose URI strings
URI::URL(3pm)       - Uniform Resource Locators
URI::WithBase(3pm)  - URIs which remember their base
url(7)              - uniform resource identifier(URI), including a URL or URN
urn(7)              - uniform resource identifier(URI), including a URL or URN
uselib(2)           - load shared library
useradd(8)          - create a new user or update default new user information
userdel(8)          - delete a user account and related files
usermod(8)          - modify a user account
users(1)            - print the user names of users currently logged in to the current host
usleep(3)           - suspend execution for microsecond intervals
ustat(2)            - get filesystem statistics
utf-8(7)            - an ASCII compatible multibyte Unicode encoding
utf8(7)             - an ASCII compatible multibyte Unicode encoding
utime(2)            - change file last access and modification times
utimensat(2)        - change file timestamps with nanosecond precision
utimes(2)           - change file last access and modification times
utmp(5)             - login records
utmpname(3)         - access utmp file entries
utmpx(5)            - login records
utmpxname(3)        - access utmp file entries
uxterm(1)           - X terminal emulator for Unicode (UTF-8) environments
va_arg(3)           - variable argument lists
va_copy(3)          - variable argument lists
va_end(3)           - variable argument lists
validlocale(8)      - Test if a given locale is available
valloc(3)           - allocate aligned memory
vasprintf(3)        - print to allocated string
va_start(3)         - variable argument lists
vcs(4)              - virtual console memory
vcsa(4)             - virtual console memory
vdir(1)             - list directory contents
vdprintf(3)         - print to a file descriptor
VendorRelease(3)    - Display macros and functions
verify(1ssl)        - Utility to verify certificates.
verify(8postfix)    - Postfix address verification server
verr(3)             - formatted error messages
verrx(3)            - formatted error messages
version(1ssl)       - print OpenSSL version information
versionsort(3)      - scan a directory for matching entries
vfork(2)            - create a child process and block parent
vfprintf(3)         - formatted output conversion
vfscanf(3)          - input format conversion
vfwprintf(3)        - formatted wide-character output conversion
vhangup(2)          - virtually hangup the current terminal
vi(1)               - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
view(1)             - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
viewres(1)          - graphical class browser for Xt
vigr(8)             - edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-group file
vim(1)              - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
vimdiff(1)          - edit two, three or four versions of a file with Vim and show differences
vimtutor(1)         - the Vim tutor
vipw(8)             - edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-group file
virtual(5)          - Postfix virtual alias table format
virtual(8postfix)   - Postfix virtual domain mail delivery agent
VisualOfCCC(3)      - Color Conversion Context macros
vlimit(3)           - get/set resource limits
vm86(2)             - enter virtual 8086 mode
vm86old(2)          - enter virtual 8086 mode
vmsplice(2)         - splice user pages into a pipe
vmstat.procps(8)    - Report virtual memory statistics
vpddecode(8)        - VPD structure decoder
vprintf(3)          - formatted output conversion
vscanf(3)           - input format conversion
vserver(2)          - unimplemented system calls
vsnprintf(3)        - formatted output conversion
vsprintf(3)         - formatted output conversion
vsscanf(3)          - input format conversion
vswprintf(3)        - formatted wide-character output conversion
vsyslog(3)          - send messages to the system logger
vtimes(3)           - get resource usage
vwarn(3)            - formatted error messages
vwarnx(3)           - formatted error messages
vwprintf(3)         - formatted wide-character output conversion
w3m(1)              - a text based Web browser and pager
w3mman(1)           - an interface to the on-line reference manuals by w3m(1)
wait(2)             - wait for process to change state
wait3(2)            - wait for process to change state, BSD style
wait4(2)            - wait for process to change state, BSD style
waitid(2)           - wait for process to change state
waitpid(2)          - wait for process to change state
wall(1)             - write a message to users
warn(3)             - formatted error messages
warnx(3)            - formatted error messages
watch(1)            - execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
watchgnupg(1)       - Read and print logs from a socket
wavelan(4)          - AT&T GIS WaveLAN ISA device driver
wc(1)               - print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
wcpcpy(3)           - copy a wide-character string, returning a pointer to its end
wcpncpy(3)          - copy a fixed-size string of wide characters, returning a pointer to its end
wcrtomb(3)          - convert a wide character to a multibyte sequence
wcscasecmp(3)       - compare two wide-character strings, ignoring case
wcscat(3)           - concatenate two wide-character strings
wcschr(3)           - search a wide character in a wide-character string
wcscmp(3)           - compare two wide-character strings
wcscpy(3)           - copy a wide-character string
wcscspn(3)          - search a wide-character string for any of a set of wide characters
wcsdup(3)           - duplicate a wide-character string
wcslen(3)           - determine the length of a wide-character string
wcsncasecmp(3)      - compare two fixed-size wide-character strings, ignoring case
wcsncat(3)          - concatenate two wide-character strings
wcsncmp(3)          - compare two fixed-size wide-character strings
wcsncpy(3)          - copy a fixed-size string of wide characters
wcsnlen(3)          - determine the length of a fixed-size wide-character string
wcsnrtombs(3)       - convert a wide-character string to a multibyte string
wcspbrk(3)          - search a wide-character string for any of a set of wide characters
wcsrchr(3)          - search a wide character in a wide-character string
wcsrtombs(3)        - convert a wide-character string to a multibyte string
wcsspn(3)           - advance in a wide-character string, skipping any of a set of wide characters
wcsstr(3)           - locate a substring in a wide-character string
wcstoimax(3)        - convert wide-character string to integer
wcstok(3)           - split wide-character string into tokens
wcstombs(3)         - convert a wide-character string to a multibyte string
wcstoumax(3)        - convert wide-character string to integer
wcswidth(3)         - determine columns needed for a fixed-size wide-character string
wctob(3)            - try to represent a wide character as a single byte
wctomb(3)           - convert a wide character to a multibyte sequence
wctrans(3)          - wide-character translation mapping
wctype(3)           - wide-character classification
wcwidth(3)          - determine columns needed for a wide character
wget(1)             - The non-interactive network downloader.
whatis(1)           - display manual page descriptions
whereis(1)          - locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command
which(1)            - locate a command
whiptail(1)         - display dialog boxes from shell scripts
WhitePixel(3)       - Display macros and functions
WhitePixelOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
who(1)              - show who is logged on
whoami(1)           - print effective userid
whois(1)            - client for the whois directory service
whois.conf(5)       - alternative WHOIS servers list for whois client
WidthMMOfScreen(3)  - screen information functions and macros
WidthOfScreen(3)    - screen information functions and macros
Win32::DBIODBC(3pm) - Win32::ODBC emulation layer for the DBI
windmc(1)           - generates Windows message resources.
wipefs(8)           - wipe a filesystem signature from a device
wish(1)             - Simple windowing shell
wish8.5(1)          - Simple windowing shell
wish-default(1)     - Simple windowing shell
wmemchr(3)          - search a wide character in a wide-character array
wmemcmp(3)          - compare two arrays of wide-characters
wmemcpy(3)          - copy an array of wide-characters
wmemmove(3)         - copy an array of wide-characters
wmempcpy(3)         - copy memory area
wmemset(3)          - fill an array of wide-characters with a constant wide character
wordexp(3)          - perform word expansion like a posix-shell
wordfree(3)         - perform word expansion like a posix-shell
wprintf(3)          - formatted wide-character output conversion
w.procps(1)         - Show who is logged on and what they are doing.
write(1)            - send a message to another user
write(2)            - write to a file descriptor
writev(2)           - read or write data into multiple buffers
wtmp(5)             - login records
www-browser(1)      - a general purpose distributed information browser for the World Wide Web
WWW::RobotRules(3pm) - database of robots.txt-derived permissions
WWW::RobotRules::AnyDBM_File(3pm) - Persistent RobotRules
x25(7)              - ITU-T X.25 / ISO-8208 protocol interface.
x509(1ssl)          - Certificate display and signing utility
x509(3ssl)          - X.509 certificate handling
X509_free(3ssl)     - X509 certificate ASN1 allocation functions
X509_NAME_add_entry(3ssl) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID(3ssl) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_add_entry_by_OBJ(3ssl) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt(3ssl) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_delete_entry(3ssl) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_entry_count(3ssl) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_NID(3ssl) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_OBJ(3ssl) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_txt(3ssl) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data(3ssl) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_object(3ssl) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_data(3ssl) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_object(3ssl) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_get_entry(3ssl) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID(3ssl) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_get_index_by_OBJ(3ssl) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(3ssl) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_get_text_by_OBJ(3ssl) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_oneline(3ssl) - X509_NAME printing routines.
X509_NAME_print(3ssl) - X509_NAME printing routines.
X509_NAME_print_ex(3ssl) - X509_NAME printing routines.
X509_NAME_print_ex_fp(3ssl) - X509_NAME printing routines.
X509_new(3ssl)      - X509 certificate ASN1 allocation functions
X509_STORE_CTX_cleanup(3ssl) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_free(3ssl) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_get0_param(3ssl) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_get1_chain(3ssl) - get or set certificate verification status information
X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(3ssl) - get or set certificate verification status information
X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(3ssl) - get or set certificate verification status information
X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth(3ssl) - get or set certificate verification status information
X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data(3ssl) - add application specific data to X509_STORE_CTX structures
X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_new_index(3ssl) - add application specific data to X509_STORE_CTX structures
X509_STORE_CTX_init(3ssl) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_new(3ssl) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_set0_crls(3ssl) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_set0_param(3ssl) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_set_cert(3ssl) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_set_chain(3ssl) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_set_default(3ssl) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_set_error(3ssl) - get or set certificate verification status information
X509_STORE_CTX_set_ex_data(3ssl) - add application specific data to X509_STORE_CTX structures
X509_STORE_CTX_set_verify_cb(3ssl) - set verification callback
X509_STORE_CTX_trusted_stack(3ssl) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_set_verify_cb(3ssl) - set verification callback
X509_STORE_set_verify_cb_func(3ssl) - set verification callback
x509v3_config(5ssl) - X509 V3 certificate extension configuration format
X509_verify_cert(3ssl) - discover and verify X509 certificte chain
X509_verify_cert_error_string(3ssl) - get or set certificate verification status information
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_add0_policy(3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_clear_flags(3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_get_depth(3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_get_flags(3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_policies(3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_depth(3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_flags(3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_purpose(3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_time(3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_trust(3ssl) - X509 verification parameters
XActivateScreenSaver(3) - manipulate the screen saver
XAddConnectionWatch(3) - handle Xlib internal connections
XAddHost(3)         - control host access and host control structure
XAddHosts(3)        - control host access and host control structure
XAddPixel(3)        - image utilities
XAddToSaveSet(3)    - change a client's save set
XAllocClassHint(3)  - allocate class hints structure and set or read a window's WM_CLASS property
XAllocColor(3)      - allocate and free colors
XAllocColorCells(3) - allocate and free colors
XAllocColorPlanes(3) - allocate and free colors
XAllocIconSize(3)   - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window's WM_ICON_SIZES property
XAllocNamedColor(3) - allocate and free colors
XAllocSizeHints(3)  - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
XAllocStandardColormap(3) - allocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure
XAllocWMHints(3)    - allocate window manager hints structure and set or read a window's WM_HINTS property
XAllowEvents(3)     - release queued events
XAnyEvent(3)        - generic X event structures
XArc(3)             - draw arcs and arc structure
xargs(1)            - build and execute command lines from standard input
Xau(3)              - X authority database routines
XauDisposeAuth(3)   - X authority database routines
XauFileName(3)      - X authority database routines
XauGetAuthByAddr(3) - X authority database routines
XauGetBestAuthByAddr(3) - X authority database routines
XauLockAuth(3)      - X authority database routines
XauReadAuth(3)      - X authority database routines
xauth(1)            - X authority file utility
XAutoRepeatOff(3)   - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
XAutoRepeatOn(3)    - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
XauUnlockAuth(3)    - X authority database routines
XauWriteAuth(3)     - X authority database routines
XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet(3) - obtain fontset information
XBell(3)            - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
XButtonEvent(3)     - KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, and MotionNotify event structures
XChangeActivePointerGrab(3) - grab the pointer
XChangeGC(3)        - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
XChangeKeyboardControl(3) - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
XChangeKeyboardMapping(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XChangePointerControl(3) - control pointer
XChangeProperty(3)  - obtain and change window properties
XChangeSaveSet(3)   - change a client's save set
XChangeWindowAttributes(3) - change window attributes
XChar2b(3)          - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XCharStruct(3)      - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XCheckIfEvent(3)    - check the event queue with a predicate procedure
XCheckMaskEvent(3)  - select events by type
XCheckTypedEvent(3) - select events by type
XCheckTypedWindowEvent(3) - select events by type
XCheckWindowEvent(3) - select events by type
XCirculateEvent(3)  - CirculateNotify event structure
XCirculateRequestEvent(3) - CirculateRequest event structure
XCirculateSubwindows(3) - change window stacking order
XCirculateSubwindowsDown(3) - change window stacking order
XCirculateSubwindowsUp(3) - change window stacking order
XClassHint(3)       - allocate class hints structure and set or read a window's WM_CLASS property
XClearArea(3)       - clear area or window
XClearWindow(3)     - clear area or window
XClientMessageEvent(3) - ClientMessage event structure
XClipBox(3)         - generate regions
XCloseDisplay(3)    - connect or disconnect to X server
XCloseIM(3)         - open, close, and obtain input method information
XCloseOM(3)         - open output methods
XcmsAllocColor(3)   - allocate colors
XcmsAllocNamedColor(3) - allocate colors
XcmsCCCOfColormap(3) - query and modify CCC of a colormap
XcmsCIELab(3)       - Xcms color structure
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC(3) - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxL(3) - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxLC(3) - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
XcmsCIELabQueryMinL(3) - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
XcmsCIELuv(3)       - Xcms color structure
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC(3) - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxL(3) - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxLC(3) - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
XcmsCIELuvQueryMinL(3) - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
XcmsCIEuvY(3)       - Xcms color structure
XcmsCIExyY(3)       - Xcms color structure
XcmsCIEXYZ(3)       - Xcms color structure
XcmsColor(3)        - Xcms color structure
XcmsConvertColors(3) - convert CCC color specifications
XcmsCreateCCC(3)    - creating and destroying CCCs
XcmsDefaultCCC(3)   - obtain the default CCC for a screen
XcmsFreeCCC(3)      - creating and destroying CCCs
XcmsLookupColor(3)  - obtain color values
XcmsPad(3)          - Xcms color structure
XcmsQueryBlack(3)   - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications
XcmsQueryBlue(3)    - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications
XcmsQueryColor(3)   - obtain color values
XcmsQueryColors(3)  - obtain color values
XcmsQueryGreen(3)   - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications
XcmsQueryRed(3)     - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications
XcmsQueryWhite(3)   - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications
XcmsRGB(3)          - Xcms color structure
XcmsRGBi(3)         - Xcms color structure
XcmsSetCCCOfColormap(3) - query and modify CCC of a colormap
XcmsSetWhiteAdjustProc(3) - modifying CCC attributes
XcmsSetWhitePoint(3) - modifying CCC attributes
XcmsStoreColor(3)   - set colors
XcmsStoreColors(3)  - set colors
XcmsTekHVC(3)       - Xcms color structure
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC(3) - obtain the TekHVC coordinates
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxV(3) - obtain the TekHVC coordinates
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVC(3) - obtain the TekHVC coordinates
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVSamples(3) - obtain the TekHVC coordinates
XcmsTekHVCQueryMinV(3) - obtain the TekHVC coordinates
XColor(3)           - create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
XColormapEvent(3)   - ColormapNotify event structure
XCompose(3)         - X client mappings for multi-key input sequences
XCompose(5)         - X client mappings for multi-key input sequences
XConfigureEvent(3)  - ConfigureNotify event structure
XConfigureRequestEvent(3) - ConfigureRequest event structure
XConfigureWindow(3) - configure windows and window changes structure
XContextDependentDrawing(3) - obtain fontset information
XContextualDrawing(3) - obtain fontset information
XConvertCase(3)     - convert keysyms
XConvertSelection(3) - manipulate window selection
XCopyArea(3)        - copy areas
XCopyColormapAndFree(3) - create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
XCopyGC(3)          - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
XCopyPlane(3)       - copy areas
XCreateBitmapFromData(3) - manipulate bitmaps
XCreateColormap(3)  - create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
XCreateFontCursor(3) - create cursors
XCreateFontSet(3)   - create and free an international text drawing font set
XCreateGC(3)        - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
XCreateGlyphCursor(3) - create cursors
XCreateIC(3)        - create, destroy, and obtain the input method of an input context
XCreateImage(3)     - image utilities
XCreateOC(3)        - create output contexts
XCreatePixmap(3)    - create or destroy pixmaps
XCreatePixmapCursor(3) - create cursors
XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(3) - manipulate bitmaps
XCreateRegion(3)    - create or destroy regions
XCreateSimpleWindow(3) - create windows and window attributes structure
XCreateWindow(3)    - create windows and window attributes structure
XCreateWindowEvent(3) - CreateNotify event structure
XCrossingEvent(3)   - EnterNotify and LeaveNotify event structure
xcrypt(3)           - RFS password encryption
XcupGetReservedColormapEntries(3) - list colormap entries reserved by the system
XcupQueryVersion(3) - Returns TOG-CUP protocol version supported by the X server
XcupStoreColors(3)  - initialize shareable colormap entries at specific locations
XdbeAllocateBackBufferName(3) - allocates a DBE buffer.
XdbeBeginIdiom(3)   - marks the beginning of a DBE idiom sequence.
XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName(3) - frees a DBE buffer.
XdbeEndIdiom(3)     - marks the end of a DBE idiom sequence.
XdbeFreeVisualInfo(3) - frees information returned by XdbeGetVisualInfo().
XdbeGetBackBufferAttributes(3) - returns attributes of a DBE buffer.
XdbeGetVisualInfo(3) - Get dbe Visual Informations
XdbeQueryExtension(3) - returns the version of DBE supported by the server.
XdbeSwapBuffers(3)  - swaps front and back DBE buffers.
xdecrypt(3)         - RFS password encryption
XDefaultString(3)   - convert text lists and text property structures
XDefineCursor(3)    - define cursors
XDeleteContext(3)   - associative look-up routines
XDeleteModifiermapEntry(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XDeleteProperty(3)  - obtain and change window properties
XDestroyIC(3)       - create, destroy, and obtain the input method of an input context
XDestroyImage(3)    - image utilities
XDestroyOC(3)       - create output contexts
XDestroyRegion(3)   - create or destroy regions
XDestroySubwindows(3) - destroy windows
XDestroyWindow(3)   - destroy windows
XDestroyWindowEvent(3) - DestroyNotify event structure
XDirectionalDependentDrawing(3) - obtain fontset information
XDisableAccessControl(3) - control host access and host control structure
XDisplayKeycodes(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XDisplayMotionBufferSize(3) - send events and pointer motion history structure
XDisplayName(3)     - default error handlers
XDisplayOfIM(3)     - open, close, and obtain input method information
XDisplayOfOM(3)     - open output methods
xdpyinfo(1)         - display information utility for X
xdr(3)              - library routines for external data representation
xdr_accepted_reply(3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_array(3)        - library routines for external data representation
xdr_authunix_parms(3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
XDrawArc(3)         - draw arcs and arc structure
XDrawArcs(3)        - draw arcs and arc structure
XDrawImageString16(3) - draw image text
XDrawImageString(3) - draw image text
XDrawLine(3)        - draw lines, polygons, and line structure
XDrawLines(3)       - draw lines, polygons, and line structure
XDrawPoint(3)       - draw points and points structure
XDrawPoints(3)      - draw points and points structure
XDrawRectangle(3)   - draw rectangles and rectangles structure
XDrawRectangles(3)  - draw rectangles and rectangles structure
XDrawSegments(3)    - draw lines, polygons, and line structure
XDrawString16(3)    - draw text characters
XDrawString(3)      - draw text characters
XDrawText16(3)      - draw polytext text and text drawing structures
XDrawText(3)        - draw polytext text and text drawing structures
xdr_bool(3)         - library routines for external data representation
xdr_bytes(3)        - library routines for external data representation
xdr_callhdr(3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_callmsg(3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_char(3)         - library routines for external data representation
xdr_destroy(3)      - library routines for external data representation
xdr_double(3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdr_enum(3)         - library routines for external data representation
xdr_float(3)        - library routines for external data representation
xdr_free(3)         - library routines for external data representation
xdr_getpos(3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdriinfo(1)         - query configuration information of DRI drivers
xdr_inline(3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdr_int(3)          - library routines for external data representation
xdr_long(3)         - library routines for external data representation
xdrmem_create(3)    - library routines for external data representation
xdr_opaque(3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdr_opaque_auth(3)  - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_pmap(3)         - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_pmaplist(3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_pointer(3)      - library routines for external data representation
xdrrec_create(3)    - library routines for external data representation
xdrrec_endofrecord(3) - library routines for external data representation
xdrrec_eof(3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdrrec_skiprecord(3) - library routines for external data representation
xdr_reference(3)    - library routines for external data representation
xdr_rejected_reply(3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_replymsg(3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_setpos(3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdr_short(3)        - library routines for external data representation
xdrstdio_create(3)  - library routines for external data representation
xdr_string(3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdr_u_char(3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdr_u_int(3)        - library routines for external data representation
xdr_u_long(3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdr_union(3)        - library routines for external data representation
xdr_u_short(3)      - library routines for external data representation
xdr_vector(3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdr_void(3)         - library routines for external data representation
xdr_wrapstring(3)   - library routines for external data representation
XEmptyRegion(3)     - determine if regions are empty or equal
XEnableAccessControl(3) - control host access and host control structure
xencrypt(3)         - RFS password encryption
XEqualRegion(3)     - determine if regions are empty or equal
XErrorEvent(3)      - X error event structure
xev(1)              - print contents of X events
XEvent(3)           - generic X event structures
XEventsQueued(3)    - handle output buffer or event queue
Xevi(3)             - X Extended Visual Information functions
XeviGetVisualInfo(3) - X Extended Visual Information functions
XeviQueryExtension(3) - X Extended Visual Information functions
XeviQueryVersion(3) - X Extended Visual Information functions
XExposeEvent(3)     - Expose event structure
XExtendedMaxRequestSize(3) - Display macros and functions
XExtentsOfFontSet(3) - obtain the maximum extents structure for a font set
xfd(1)              - display all the characters in an X font
XFetchBuffer(3)     - manipulate cut and paste buffers
XFetchBytes(3)      - manipulate cut and paste buffers
XFetchName(3)       - set or read a window's WM_NAME property
XFillArc(3)         - fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
XFillArcs(3)        - fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
XFillPolygon(3)     - fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
XFillRectangle(3)   - fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
XFillRectangles(3)  - fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
XFilterEvent(3)     - filter X events for an input method
XFindContext(3)     - associative look-up routines
XFlush(3)           - handle output buffer or event queue
XFocusChangeEvent(3) - FocusIn and FocusOut event structure
XFontProp(3)        - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
xfontsel(1)         - point and click selection of X11 font names
XFontSetExtents(3)  - XFontSetExtents structure
XFontsOfFontSet(3)  - obtain fontset information
XFontStruct(3)      - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XForceScreenSaver(3) - manipulate the screen saver
XFree(3)            - free client data
XFreeColormap(3)    - create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
XFreeColors(3)      - allocate and free colors
XFreeCursor(3)      - manipulate cursors
XFreeEventData(3)   - retrieve and free additional event data through cookies.
XFreeExtensionList(3) - list available extensions
XFreeFont(3)        - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XFreeFontInfo(3)    - obtain or free font names and information
XFreeFontNames(3)   - obtain or free font names and information
XFreeFontPath(3)    - set, get, or free the font search path
XFreeFontSet(3)     - create and free an international text drawing font set
XFreeGC(3)          - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
XFreeModifiermap(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XFreePixmap(3)      - create or destroy pixmaps
XFreeStringList(3)  - convert string lists and text property structure
Xft(3)              - X FreeType interface library
XGContextFromGC(3)  - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
XGCValues(3)        - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
XGenericEventCookie(3) - retrieve and free additional event data through cookies.
XGetAtomName(3)     - create or return atom names
XGetAtomNames(3)    - create or return atom names
XGetClassHint(3)    - allocate class hints structure and set or read a window's WM_CLASS property
XGetCommand(3)      - set or read a window's WM_COMMAND property
XGetErrorDatabaseText(3) - default error handlers
XGetErrorText(3)    - default error handlers
XGetEventData(3)    - retrieve and free additional event data through cookies.
XGetFontPath(3)     - set, get, or free the font search path
XGetFontProperty(3) - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XGetGCValues(3)     - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
XGetGeometry(3)     - get current window attribute or geometry and current window attributes structure
XGetIconName(3)     - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
XGetIconSizes(3)    - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window's WM_ICON_SIZES property
XGetICValues(3)     - set and obtain XIC values
XGetImage(3)        - transfer images
XGetIMValues(3)     - open, close, and obtain input method information
XGetInputFocus(3)   - control input focus
XGetKeyboardControl(3) - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
XGetKeyboardMapping(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XGetModifierMapping(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XGetMotionEvents(3) - send events and pointer motion history structure
XGetOCValues(3)     - create output contexts
XGetOMValues(3)     - open output methods
XGetPixel(3)        - image utilities
XGetPointerControl(3) - control pointer
XGetPointerMapping(3) - manipulate pointer settings
XGetRGBColormaps(3) - allocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure
XGetScreenSaver(3)  - manipulate the screen saver
XGetSelectionOwner(3) - manipulate window selection
XGetSubImage(3)     - transfer images
XGetTextProperty(3) - set and read text properties
XGetTransientForHint(3) - set or read a window's WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property
XGetVisualInfo(3)   - obtain visual information and visual structure
XGetWindowAttributes(3) - get current window attribute or geometry and current window attributes structure
XGetWindowProperty(3) - obtain and change window properties
XGetWMClientMachine(3) - set or read a window's WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property
XGetWMColormapWindows(3) - set or read a window's WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
XGetWMHints(3)      - allocate window manager hints structure and set or read a window's WM_HINTS property
XGetWMIconName(3)   - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
XGetWMName(3)       - set or read a window's WM_NAME property
XGetWMNormalHints(3) - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
XGetWMProtocols(3)  - set or read a window's WM_PROTOCOLS property
XGetWMSizeHints(3)  - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
XGrabButton(3)      - grab pointer buttons
XGrabKey(3)         - grab keyboard keys
XGrabKeyboard(3)    - grab the keyboard
XGrabPointer(3)     - grab the pointer
XGrabServer(3)      - grab the server
XGraphicsExposeEvent(3) - GraphicsExpose and NoExpose event structures
XGravityEvent(3)    - GravityNotify event structure
XHostAddress(3)     - control host access and host control structure
XIconifyWindow(3)   - manipulate top-level windows
XIconSize(3)        - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window's WM_ICON_SIZES property
XIfEvent(3)         - check the event queue with a predicate procedure
XIMOfIC(3)          - create, destroy, and obtain the input method of an input context
XInitImage(3)       - image utilities
XInitThreads(3)     - multi-threading support
XInsertModifiermapEntry(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XInstallColormap(3) - control colormaps
XInternalConnectionNumbers(3) - handle Xlib internal connections
XInternAtom(3)      - create or return atom names
XInternAtoms(3)     - create or return atom names
XIntersectRegion(3) - region arithmetic
XkbActionCtrls(3)   - Returns the ctrls fields of act converted to an unsigned int
XkbAddDeviceLedInfo(3) - Initialize an XkbDeviceLedInfoRec structure
XkbAddGeomColor(3)  - Add one color name to an existing keyboard geometry description
XkbAddGeomDoodad(3) - Add one doodad to a section of a keyboard geometry or to the top-level geometry
XkbAddGeomKey(3)    - Add one key at the end of an existing row of keys
XkbAddGeomKeyAlias(3) - Add one key alias to an existing keyboard geometry description
XkbAddGeomOutline(3) - Add one outline to an existing shape
XkbAddGeomOverlay(3) - Add one overlay to a section
XkbAddGeomOverlayKey(3) - Add a key to an existing overlay row
XkbAddGeomOverlayRow(3) - Add a row to an existing overlay
XkbAddGeomProperty(3) - Add one property to an existing keyboard geometry description
XkbAddGeomRow(3)    - Add a row to a section
XkbAddGeomSection(3) - Add one section to an existing keyboard geometry
XkbAddGeomShape(3)  - Add a shape to a keyboard geometry
XkbAddSymInterpret(3) - Add a symbol interpretation to the list of symbol interpretations in an XkbCompatRec
XkbAllocClientMap(3) - Allocate and initialize an empty client map description record
XkbAllocCompatMap(3) - Allocate a new compatibility map if you do not already have one available
XkbAllocControls(3) - Allocates an XkbControlsRec structure in the XkbDescRec
XkbAllocDeviceInfo(3) - Obtain an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
XkbAllocDeviceLedInfo(3) - Obtain an XkbDeviceLedInfoRec structure
XkbAllocGeomColors(3) - Allocate geometry colors
XkbAllocGeomDoodads(3) - Allocate doodads that are global to a keyboard geometry
XkbAllocGeometry(3) - Allocate an entire geometry
XkbAllocGeomKeyAliases(3) - Allocate geometry key aliases
XkbAllocGeomKeys(3) - Allocate space for an arbitrary number of keys to a row
XkbAllocGeomOutlines(3) - Allocate space for an arbitrary number of outlines to a shape
XkbAllocGeomOverlayKey(3) - Allocate keys in an overlay row
XkbAllocGeomOverlayRows(3) - Allocate rows in a overlay
XkbAllocGeomOverlays(3) - Allocate overlays in a section
XkbAllocGeomPoints(3) - Allocate points in an outline
XkbAllocGeomProps(3) - Allocate geometry properties
XkbAllocGeomRows(3) - Allocate rows in a section
XkbAllocGeomSectionDoodads(3) - Allocate doodads that are specific to a section
XkbAllocGeomSections(3) - Allocate geometry sections
XkbAllocGeomShapes(3) - Allocate space for an arbitrary number of geometry shapes
XkbAllocIndicatorMaps(3) - Allocates, directly, the indicators member of the keyboard description record
XkbAllocKeyboard(3) - Creates a keyboard description from scratch
XkbAllocNames(3)    - Allocate symbolic names structures
XkbAllocServerMap(3) - Allocate and initialize an empty server map description record
XkbApplyCompatMapToKey(3) - Apply the new compatibility mapping to an individual key to get its semantics updated
XkbBell(3)          - Rings the bell on the default keyboard
XkbBellEvent(3)     - Provides a function that initiates a bell event for the keyboard without ringing the bell
XkbChangeControls(3) - Provides a flexible method for updating the controls in a server to match those in the changed keyboard description
XkbChangeDeviceInfo(3) - Update the server's description of a device with the changes noted in an XkbDeviceChangesRec
XkbChangeEnabledControls(3) - Manipulates the EnabledControls control
XkbChangeIndicators(3) - Changes indicator maps or state without passing the entire keyboard description
XkbChangeMap(3)     - Update only partial components of a keyboard description, modify the appropriate fields in the server and map components of a local copy of the key...
XkbChangeNames(3)   - _summary-line_
XkbChangeTypesOfKey(3) - Change the number of groups and the types bound to a key
XkbComputeRowBounds(3) - Update the bounding box of a row
XkbComputeSectionBounds(3) - Update the bounding box of a section
XkbComputeShapeBounds(3) - Updates the bounding box of a shape
XkbComputeShapeTop(3) - Determines the bounding box of the top surface of a shape
XkbCopyKeyType(3)   - Copy one XkbKeyTypeRec structures
XkbCopyKeyTypes(3)  - Copy more than one XkbKeyTypeRec structure
XkbDeviceBell(3)    - Rings the bell on an X input extension device or the default keyboard
XkbDeviceBellEvent(3) - Creates a bell event for an X input extension device or for the keyboard, without ringing the corresponding bell
XkbFindOverlayForKey(3) - Find the alternate name by using the primary name for a key that is part of an overlay
XkbForceBell(3)     - Overrides user preference settings for audible bells to ring the bell on the default keyboard
XkbForceDeviceBell(3) - Rings the bell on any keyboard, overriding user preference settings for audible bells
XkbFreeClientMap(3) - Free memory used by the client map member of an XkbDescRec structure
XkbFreeCompatMap(3) - Free an entire compatibility map or selected portions of one
XkbFreeComponentList(3) - Free the structure returned by XkbListComponents
XkbFreeControls(3)  - Frees memory used by the ctrls member of an XkbDescRec structure
XkbFreeDeviceInfo(3) - Free an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
XkbFreeGeomColors(3) - Free geometry colors
XkbFreeGeomDoodads(3) - Free geometry doodads
XkbFreeGeometry(3)  - Free an entire geometry
XkbFreeGeomKeyAliases(3) - Free geometry key aliases
XkbFreeGeomKeys(3)  - Free geometry keys
XkbFreeGeomOutlines(3) - Free geometry outlines
XkbFreeGeomOverlayKeys(3) - Free keys in an overlay row
XkbFreeGeomOverlayRows(3) - Free rows in an overlay
XkbFreeGeomOverlays(3) - Free rows in a section
XkbFreeGeomPoints(3) - Free points in a outline
XkbFreeGeomProperties(3) - Free geometry properties
XkbFreeGeomRows(3)  - Free rows in a section
XkbFreeGeomSections(3) - Free geometry sections
XkbFreeGeomShapes(3) - Free geometry shapes
XkbFreeIndicatorMaps(3) - Frees memory used by the indicators member of an XkbDescRec structure
XkbFreeKeyboard(3)  - Destroys either an entire XkbDescRec or just some of its members
XkbFreeNames(3)     - Free symbolic names structures
XkbFreeServerMap(3) - Free memory used by the server member of an XkbDescRec structure
XkbGetAccessXTimeout(3) - Queries the current AccessXTimeout options for a keyboard device
XkbGetAutoRepeatRate(3) - Gets the current attributes of the RepeatKeys control for a keyboard device
XkbGetAutoResetControls(3) - Gets the current values of the auto-reset controls
XkbGetBounceKeysDelay(3) - Queries the current BounceKeys delay for a keyboard device.
XkbGetCompatMap(3)  - Fetch any combination of the current compatibility map components from the server
XkbGetControls(3)   - Finds the current state of Xkb server controls
XkbGetControlsChanges(3) - Updates a local copy of a keyboard description with the changes previously noted by one or more calls to XkbNoteControlsChanges
XkbGetDetectableAutoRepeat(3) - Determines whether or not the server supports DetectableAutoRepeat
XkbGetDeviceButtonActions(3) - Query the button actions associated with an X Input Extension device
XkbGetDeviceInfo(3) - Determine whether the X server allows Xkb access to particular capabilities of input devices other than the core X keyboard, or to determine the st...
XkbGetDeviceInfoChanges(3) - Query the changes that have occurred in the button actions or indicator names and indicator maps associated with an input extension device
XkbGetDeviceLedInfo(3) - Query the indicator names, maps, and state associated with an LED feedback of an input extension device
XkbGetGeometry(3)   - Loads a keyboard geometry if you already have the keyboard description
XkbGetIndicatorChanges(3) - Updates a local copy of the keyboard description with the actual values of one or more calls to XkbNoteIndicatorChanges
XkbGetIndicatorMap(3) - Gets the map for one or more indicators, using a mask to specify the indicators
XkbGetIndicatorState(3) - Obtains the current state of the keyboard indicators
XkbGetKeyActions(3) - Update the actions (the key_acts array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
XkbGetKeyBehaviors(3) - Obtain the behaviors (the behaviors array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description from the server
XkbGetKeyboard(3)   - Retrieves one or more components of a keyboard device description
XkbGetKeyboardByName(3) - Build a new keyboard description from a set of named components, and to optionally have the server use the resulting description to replace an ...
XkbGetKeyExplicitComponents(3) - Obtain the explicit components (the explicit array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
XkbGetKeyModifierMap(3) - Update the modifier map for one or more of the keys in a keyboard description
XkbGetKeySyms(3)    - Obtain the symbols for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
XkbGetKeyTypes(3)   - Obtain the list of available key types in the server's keyboard mapping
XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap(3) - Obtain the virtual modifier map (the vmodmap array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
XkbGetMap(3)        - Allocate an XkbDescRec structure and populate it with the server's keyboard client map and server map
XkbGetNameChanges(3) - Update the local copy of the keyboard description with the actual values of the results of one or more calls to XkbNoteNameChanges
XkbGetNamedGeometry(3) - Loads a keyboard geometry description from this database by name
XkbGetNamedIndicator(3) - Look up the indicator map and other information for an indicator by name
XkbGetNames(3)      - Obtain symbolic names from the server
XkbGetSlowKeysDelay(3) - Gets the SlowKeys acceptance delay for a keyboard device
XkbGetState(3)      - Obtains the keyboard state
XkbGetStickyKeysOptions(3) - Queries the current StickyKeys attributes for a keyboard device
XkbGetUpdatedMap(3) - Update the client or server map information in an existing keyboard description
XkbGetVirtualMods(3) - Obtain a subset of the virtual modifier bindings (the vmods array) in a keyboard description
XkbGetXlibControls(3) - Determines the current state of the Library Controls
XkbIgnoreExtension(3) - Prevents core X library keyboard functions from using the X Keyboard Extension
XkbInitCanonicalKeyTypes(3) - Set the definitions of the canonical key types in a client map to their default values
XkbKeyAction(3)     - Returns the key action
XkbKeyActionEntry(3) - Returns a pointer to the key action corresponding to group grp and shift level lvl from the two-dimensional table of key actions associated with t...
XkbKeyActionsPtr(3) - Returns a pointer to the two-dimensional array of key actions associated with the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeycodeToKeysym(3) - Finds the keysym bound to a particular key at a specified group and shift level
XkbKeyGroupInfo(3)  - Returns the number of groups of symbols bound to the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeyGroupsWidth(3) - Computes the maximum width associated with the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeyGroupWidth(3) - Computes the width of the type associated with the group grp for the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeyHasActions(3) - Determines if the key corresponding to keycode has any actions associated with it
XkbKeyNumActions(3) - Computes the number of actions associated with the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeyNumGroups(3)  - Returns the number of groups of symbols bound to the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeyNumSyms(3)    - Returns the total number of keysyms for the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeySymEntry(3)   - Returns the keysym corresponding to shift level shift and group grp from the two-dimensional array of keysyms for the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeySymsOffset(3) - Returns the offset of the two-dimensional array of keysyms for the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeySymsPtr(3)    - Returns the pointer to the two-dimensional array of keysyms for the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeysymToModifiers(3) - Finds the set of modifiers bound to a particular keysym on the core keyboard
XkbKeyType(3)       - Obtain the index of a key type or the pointer to a key type
XkbKeyTypeIndex(3)  - Obtain the index of a key type or the pointer to a key type
XkbKeyTypesForCoreSymbols(3) - Determine the Xkb key types appropriate for the symbols bound to a key in a core keyboard mapping
XkbLatchGroup(3)    - Latches the keysym group
XkbLatchModifiers(3) - Latches and unlatches any of the eight real keyboard modifiers
XkbLibraryVersion(3) - Determines the compatibility of a library at runtime.
XkbListComponents(3) - List of components for one or more component types
XkbLockGroup(3)     - Locks the keysym group
XkbLockModifiers(3) - Locks and unlocks any of the eight real keyboard modifiers
XkbLookupKeyBinding(3) - Find the string bound to a key by XRebindKeySym
XkbLookupKeySym(3)  - Find the symbol associated with a key for a particular state
XkbModActionVMods(3) - Returns the vmods1 and vmods2 fields of act converted to the vmods format of an Xkb modifier description
XkbNoteControlsChanges(3) - Notes the changes in a changes structure when a client receives an XkbControlsNotify event
XkbNoteDeviceChanges(3) - Note device changes reported in an XkbExtensionDeviceNotify event
XkbNoteIndicatorChanges(3) - Notes the changes in a changes structure
XkbNoteNameChanges(3) - Note the changed names in a changes structure
XkbOpenDisplay(3)   - Checks for a compatible version of the Xkb extension in both the library and the server, and initializes the extension for use.
XkbOutOfRangeGroupInfo(3) - Returns only the out-of-range processing information from the group_info field of an XkbSymMapRec structure
XkbOutOfRangeGroupNumber(3) - Returns the out-of-range group number, represented as a group index, from the group_info field of an XkbSymMapRec structure
XkbPtrActionX(3)    - Returns the high_XXX and low_XXX fields of act converted to a signed int
XkbPtrActionY(3)    - Returns the high_YYY and low_YYY fields of act converted to a signed int
XkbQueryExtension(3) - Determines the compatibility of a library at runtime.
XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping(3) - Update the keyboard description that is internal to the X library
XkbResizeDeviceButtonActions(3) - Allocate additional space for button actions in an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
XkbResizeKeyActions(3) - Change the number of actions bound to a key
XkbResizeKeySyms(3) - Change the number of symbols bound to a key
XkbResizeKeyType(3) - Change the number of levels in a key type
XkbSAActionSetCtrls(3) - Sets the ctrls0 through ctrls3 fields of act from ctrls
XkbSAGroup(3)       - Returns the group_XXX field of act converted to a signed int
XkbSAPtrDfltValue(3) - Returns the valueXXX field of act converted to a signed int
XkbSARedirectSetVMods(3) - Sets the vmods0 and vmods1 of act from v
XkbSARedirectSetVModsMask(3) - Sets the vmods_mask0 and vmods_mask1 fields of act from vm
XkbSARedirectVMods(3) - Returns the vmods0 and vmods1 fields of act converted to an unsigned int
XkbSARedirectVModsMask(3) - Returns the vmods_mask0 and vmods_mask1 fields of act converted to an unsigned int
XkbSAScreen(3)      - Returns the screenXXX field of act converted to a signed int
XkbSASetGroup(3)    - Sets the group_XXX field of act from the group index grp
XkbSASetPtrDfltValue(3) - Sets the valueXXX field of act from val
XkbSASetScreen(3)   - Sets the screenXXX field of act from s
XkbSelectEventDetails(3) - Selects or deselects for a specific Xkb event and optionally places conditions on when events of that type are reported to your client
XkbSelectEvents(3)  - Selects and / or deselects for delivery of one or more Xkb events and has them delivered under all conditions
XkbSetAccessXTimeout(3) - Configures the AccessXTimeout options for a keyboard device
XkbSetAutoRepeatRate(3) - Sets the attributes of the RepeatKeys control for a keyboard device
XkbSetAutoResetControls(3) - Changes the current values of the AutoReset control attributes
XkbSetBounceKeysDelay(3) - Sets the BounceKeys delay for a keyboard device
XkbSetCompatMap(3)  - Modify the server's compatibility map
XkbSetControls(3)   - Copies changes to the X server based on a modified ctrls structure in a local copy of the keyboard description
XkbSetDebuggingFlags(3) - Change the values of any of the debug controls
XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat(3) - Sets DetectableAutoRepeat
XkbSetDeviceButtonActions(3) - Change only the button actions for an input extension device
XkbSetDeviceInfo(3) - Modify some or all of the characteristics of an X Input Extension device
XkbSetIgnoreLockMods(3) - Sets the modifiers that, if locked, are not to be reported in matching events to passive grabs
XkbSetIndicatorMap(3) - Downloads the changes to the server based on modifications to a local copy of the keyboard description which will update the maps for one or more...
XkbSetMap(3)        - Send a complete new set of values for entire components to the server.
XkbSetModActionVMods(3) - Sets the vmods1 and vmods2 fields of act using the vmods format of an Xkb modifier description
XkbSetNamedIndicator(3) - Names an indicator if it is not already named; toggles the state of the indicator; sets the indicator to a specified state and sets the indicat...
XkbSetNames(3)      - Change the symbolic names in the server
XkbSetPtrActionX(3) - Sets the high_XXX and low_XXX fields of act from the signed integer value x
XkbSetPtrActionY(3) - Sets the high_YYY and low_YYY fields of act from the signed integer value y
XkbSetServerInternalMods(3) - Sets the modifiers that are consumed by the server before events are delivered to the client
XkbSetXlibControls(3) - Changes the state of the Library Controls
XkbTranslateKeyCode(3) - Translate a keycode to a key symbol and modifiers
XkbTranslateKeySym(3) - Find the string and symbol associated with a keysym for a given keyboard state
XkbUpdateMapFromCore(3) - Update a local Xkb keyboard map to reflect the mapping expressed by a core format mapping
XkbVirtualModsToReal(3) - Determines the mapping of virtual modifiers to core X protocol modifiers
xkeyboard-config(7) - XKB data description files
XKeyboardControl(3) - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
XKeycodeToKeysym(3) - convert keysyms
XKeyEvent(3)        - KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, and MotionNotify event structures
XKeymapEvent(3)     - KeymapNotify event structure
XKeysymToKeycode(3) - convert keysyms
XKeysymToString(3)  - convert keysyms
xkill(1)            - kill a client by its X resource
XKillClient(3)      - control clients
XListDepths(3)      - Display macros and functions
XListExtensions(3)  - list available extensions
XListFonts(3)       - obtain or free font names and information
XListFontsWithInfo(3) - obtain or free font names and information
XListHosts(3)       - control host access and host control structure
XListInstalledColormaps(3) - control colormaps
XListPixmapFormats(3) - image format functions and macros
XListProperties(3)  - obtain and change window properties
XLoadFont(3)        - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XLoadQueryFont(3)   - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XLocaleOfFontSet(3) - obtain fontset information
XLocaleOfIM(3)      - open, close, and obtain input method information
XLocaleOfOM(3)      - open output methods
XLockDisplay(3)     - multi-threading support
XLookupColor(3)     - obtain color values
XLookupKeysym(3)    - handle keyboard input events in Latin-1
XLookupString(3)    - handle keyboard input events in Latin-1
XLowerWindow(3)     - change window stacking order
xlsatoms(1)         - list interned atoms defined on server
xlsclients(1)       - list client applications running on a display
xlsfonts(1)         - server font list displayer for X
XMapEvent(3)        - MapNotify and MappingNotify event structures
XMappingEvent(3)    - MapNotify and MappingNotify event structures
XMapRaised(3)       - map windows
XMapRequestEvent(3) - MapRequest event structure
XMapSubwindows(3)   - map windows
XMapWindow(3)       - map windows
XMaskEvent(3)       - select events by type
XMatchVisualInfo(3) - obtain visual information and visual structure
XMaxRequestSize(3)  - Display macros and functions
XmbDrawImageString(3) - draw image text using a single font set
XmbDrawString(3)    - draw text using a single font set
XmbDrawText(3)      - draw text using multiple font sets
XmbLookupString(3)  - obtain composed input from an input method
XmbResetIC(3)       - reset the state of an input context
XmbSetWMProperties(3) - set standard window properties
XmbTextEscapement(3) - obtain the escapement of text
XmbTextExtents(3)   - compute text extents
XmbTextListToTextProperty(3) - convert text lists and text property structures
XmbTextPerCharExtents(3) - obtain per-character information for a text string
XmbTextPropertyToTextList(3) - convert text lists and text property structures
Xmbuf(3)            - X multibuffering functions
XmbufChangeBufferAttributes(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufChangeWindowAttributes(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufCreateBuffers(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufCreateStereoWindow(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufDestroyBuffers(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufDisplayBuffers(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufGetBufferAttributes(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufGetScreenInfo(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufGetVersion(3)  - X multibuffering functions
XmbufGetWindowAttributes(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufQueryExtension(3) - X multibuffering functions
xmessage(1)         - display a message or query in a window (X-based /bin/echo)
XML::LibXML(3pm)    - Perl Binding for libxml2
XML::LibXML::Attr(3pm) - XML::LibXML Attribute Class
XML::LibXML::AttributeHash(3pm) - tie an XML::LibXML::Element to a hash to access its attributes
XML::LibXML::Boolean(3pm) - Boolean true/false values
XML::LibXML::CDATASection(3pm) - XML::LibXML Class for CDATA Sections
XML::LibXML::Comment(3pm) - XML::LibXML Comment Class
XML::LibXML::Common(3pm) - Constants and Character Encoding Routines
XML::LibXML::Devel(3pm) - makes functions from LibXML.xs available
XML::LibXML::Document(3pm) - XML::LibXML DOM Document Class
XML::LibXML::DocumentFragment(3pm) - XML::LibXML's DOM L2 Document Fragment Implementation
XML::LibXML::DOM(3pm) - XML::LibXML DOM Implementation
XML::LibXML::Dtd(3pm) - XML::LibXML DTD Handling
XML::LibXML::Element(3pm) - XML::LibXML Class for Element Nodes
XML::LibXML::ErrNo(3pm) - Structured Errors This module is based on xmlerror.h libxml2 C header file. It defines symbolic constants for all libxml2 error codes. Currentl...
XML::LibXML::Error(3pm) - Structured Errors
XML::LibXML::InputCallback(3pm) - XML::LibXML Class for Input Callbacks
XML::LibXML::Literal(3pm) - Simple string values.
XML::LibXML::Namespace(3pm) - XML::LibXML Namespace Implementation
XML::LibXML::Node(3pm) - Abstract Base Class of XML::LibXML Nodes
XML::LibXML::NodeList(3pm) - a list of XML document nodes
XML::LibXML::Number(3pm) - Simple numeric values.
XML::LibXML::Parser(3pm) - Parsing XML Data with XML::LibXML
XML::LibXML::Pattern(3pm) - XML::LibXML::Pattern - interface to libxml2 XPath patterns
XML::LibXML::PI(3pm) - XML::LibXML Processing Instructions
XML::LibXML::Reader(3pm) - XML::LibXML::Reader - interface to libxml2 pull parser
XML::LibXML::RegExp(3pm) - XML::LibXML::RegExp - interface to libxml2 regular expressions
XML::LibXML::RelaxNG(3pm) - RelaxNG Schema Validation
XML::LibXML::SAX(3pm) - XML::LibXML direct SAX parser
XML::LibXML::SAX::Builder(3pm) - Building DOM trees from SAX events.
XML::LibXML::SAX::Generator(3pm) - Generate SAX events from a LibXML tree
XML::LibXML::Schema(3pm) - XML Schema Validation
XML::LibXML::Text(3pm) - XML::LibXML Class for Text Nodes
XML::LibXML::XPathContext(3pm) - XPath Evaluation
XML::LibXML::XPathExpression(3pm) - XML::LibXML::XPathExpression - interface to libxml2 pre-compiled XPath expressions
XML::NamespaceSupport(3pm) - a simple generic namespace support class
XML::Parser(3pm)    - A perl module for parsing XML documents
XML::Parser::Expat(3pm) - Lowlevel access to James Clark's expat XML parser
XML::Parser::Style::Debug(3pm) - Debug style for XML::Parser
XML::Parser::Style::Objects(3pm) - Objects styler parser
XML::Parser::Style::Stream(3pm) - Stream style for XML::Parser
XML::Parser::Style::Subs(3pm) - glue for handling element callbacks
XML::Parser::Style::Tree(3pm) - Tree style parser
XML::SAX(3pm)       - Simple API for XML
XML::SAX::Base(3pm) - Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
XML::SAX::DocumentLocator(3pm) - Helper class for document locators
XML::SAX::Exception(3pm) - Exception classes for XML::SAX
XML::SAX::Expat(3pm) - SAX2 Driver for Expat (XML::Parser)
XML::SAX::Intro(3pm) - An Introduction to SAX Parsing with Perl
XML::SAX::ParserFactory(3pm) - Obtain a SAX parser
XML::SAX::PurePerl(3pm) - Pure Perl XML Parser with SAX2 interface
XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader(3pm) - Abstract Reader factory class
XModifierKeymap(3)  - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XMotionEvent(3)     - KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, and MotionNotify event structures
XMoveResizeWindow(3) - configure windows and window changes structure
XMoveWindow(3)      - configure windows and window changes structure
XNewModifiermap(3)  - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XNextEvent(3)       - select events by type
XNoExposeEvent(3)   - GraphicsExpose and NoExpose event structures
XNoOp(3)            - No Operation
XOffsetRegion(3)    - region arithmetic
XOMOfOC(3)          - create output contexts
XOpenDisplay(3)     - connect or disconnect to X server
XOpenIM(3)          - open, close, and obtain input method information
XOpenOM(3)          - open output methods
XParseColor(3)      - obtain color values
XParseGeometry(3)   - parse window geometry
XPeekEvent(3)       - select events by type
XPeekIfEvent(3)     - check the event queue with a predicate procedure
XPending(3)         - handle output buffer or event queue
XPixmapFormatValues(3) - image format functions and macros
XPoint(3)           - draw points and points structure
XPointInRegion(3)   - determine if regions are empty or equal
XPolygonRegion(3)   - generate regions
XProcessInternalConnection(3) - handle Xlib internal connections
xprop(1)            - property displayer for X
XPropertyEvent(3)   - PropertyNotify event structure
xprt_register(3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
xprt_unregister(3)  - library routines for remote procedure calls
XPutBackEvent(3)    - put events back on the queue
XPutImage(3)        - transfer images
XPutPixel(3)        - image utilities
XQueryBestCursor(3) - manipulate cursors
XQueryBestSize(3)   - determine efficient sizes
XQueryBestStipple(3) - determine efficient sizes
XQueryBestTile(3)   - determine efficient sizes
XQueryColor(3)      - obtain color values
XQueryColors(3)     - obtain color values
XQueryExtension(3)  - list available extensions
XQueryFont(3)       - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XQueryKeymap(3)     - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
XQueryPointer(3)    - get pointer coordinates
XQueryTextExtents16(3) - compute or query text extents
XQueryTextExtents(3) - compute or query text extents
XQueryTree(3)       - query window tree information
XRaiseWindow(3)     - change window stacking order
XReadBitmapFile(3)  - manipulate bitmaps
XReadBitmapFileData(3) - manipulate bitmaps
XRebindKeysym(3)    - handle keyboard input events in Latin-1
XRecolorCursor(3)   - manipulate cursors
XReconfigureWMWindow(3) - manipulate top-level windows
XRectangle(3)       - draw rectangles and rectangles structure
XRectInRegion(3)    - determine if regions are empty or equal
XRefreshKeyboardMapping(3) - handle keyboard input events in Latin-1
XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback(3) - open, close, and obtain input method information
XRemoveConnectionWatch(3) - handle Xlib internal connections
XRemoveFromSaveSet(3) - change a client's save set
XRemoveHost(3)      - control host access and host control structure
XRemoveHosts(3)     - control host access and host control structure
XReparentEvent(3)   - ReparentNotify event structure
XReparentWindow(3)  - reparent windows
XResetScreenSaver(3) - manipulate the screen saver
XResizeRequestEvent(3) - ResizeRequest event structure
XResizeWindow(3)    - configure windows and window changes structure
XResourceManagerString(3) - obtain server resource properties
XRestackWindows(3)  - change window stacking order
XrmCombineDatabase(3) - merge resource databases
XrmCombineFileDatabase(3) - merge resource databases
XrmDestroyDatabase(3) - retrieve and store resource databases
XrmEnumerateDatabase(3) - enumerate resource database entries
XrmGetDatabase(3)   - retrieve and store resource databases
XrmGetFileDatabase(3) - retrieve and store resource databases
XrmGetResource(3)   - retrieve database resources and search lists
XrmGetStringDatabase(3) - retrieve and store resource databases
XrmInitialize(3)    - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line
XrmLocaleOfDatabase(3) - retrieve and store resource databases
XrmMergeDatabases(3) - merge resource databases
XrmOptionDescRec(3) - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line
XrmOptionKind(3)    - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line
XrmParseCommand(3)  - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line
XrmPermStringToQuark(3) - manipulate resource quarks
XrmPutFileDatabase(3) - retrieve and store resource databases
XrmPutLineResource(3) - store database resources
XrmPutResource(3)   - store database resources
XrmPutStringResource(3) - store database resources
XrmQGetResource(3)  - retrieve database resources and search lists
XrmQGetSearchList(3) - retrieve database resources and search lists
XrmQGetSearchResource(3) - retrieve database resources and search lists
XrmQPutResource(3)  - store database resources
XrmQPutStringResource(3) - store database resources
XrmQuarkToString(3) - manipulate resource quarks
XrmSetDatabase(3)   - retrieve and store resource databases
XrmStringToBindingQuarkList(3) - manipulate resource quarks
XrmStringToQuark(3) - manipulate resource quarks
XrmStringToQuarkList(3) - manipulate resource quarks
XrmUniqueQuark(3)   - manipulate resource quarks
XrmValue(3)         - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line
XRotateBuffers(3)   - manipulate cut and paste buffers
XRotateWindowProperties(3) - obtain and change window properties
XSaveContext(3)     - associative look-up routines
XScreenNumberOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
XScreenResourceString(3) - obtain server resource properties
XScreenSaverAllocInfo(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverGetRegistered(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverQueryExtension(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverQueryInfo(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverQueryVersion(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverRegister(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverSelectInput(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverSetAttributes(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverSuspend(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverUnregister(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverUnsetAttributes(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XSegment(3)         - draw lines, polygons, and line structure
XSelectInput(3)     - select input events
XSelectionClearEvent(3) - SelectionClear event structure
XSelectionEvent(3)  - SelectionNotify event structure
XSelectionRequestEvent(3) - SelectionRequest event structure
XSendEvent(3)       - send events and pointer motion history structure
Xsession(5)         - initialize X session
Xsession.options(5) - configuration options for Xsession(5)
XSetAccessControl(3) - control host access and host control structure
XSetAfterFunction(3) - enable or disable synchronization
XSetArcMode(3)      - GC convenience routines
XSetBackground(3)   - GC convenience routines
XSetClassHint(3)    - allocate class hints structure and set or read a window's WM_CLASS property
XSetClipMask(3)     - GC convenience routines
XSetClipOrigin(3)   - GC convenience routines
XSetClipRectangles(3) - GC convenience routines
XSetCloseDownMode(3) - control clients
XSetCommand(3)      - set or read a window's WM_COMMAND property
XSetDashes(3)       - GC convenience routines
XSetErrorHandler(3) - default error handlers
XSetFillRule(3)     - GC convenience routines
XSetFillStyle(3)    - GC convenience routines
XSetFont(3)         - GC convenience routines
XSetFontPath(3)     - set, get, or free the font search path
XSetForeground(3)   - GC convenience routines
XSetFunction(3)     - GC convenience routines
XSetGraphicsExposure(3) - GC convenience routines
XSetICFocus(3)      - set and unset input context focus
XSetIconName(3)     - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
XSetIconSizes(3)    - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window's WM_ICON_SIZES property
XSetICValues(3)     - set and obtain XIC values
XSetIMValues(3)     - open, close, and obtain input method information
XSetInputFocus(3)   - control input focus
XSetIOErrorHandler(3) - default error handlers
XSetLineAttributes(3) - GC convenience routines
XSetLocaleModifiers(3) - determine locale support and configure locale modifiers
XSetModifierMapping(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XSetOCValues(3)     - create output contexts
XSetOMValues(3)     - open output methods
XSetPlaneMask(3)    - GC convenience routines
XSetPointerMapping(3) - manipulate pointer settings
XSetRegion(3)       - create or destroy regions
XSetRGBColormaps(3) - allocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure
XSetScreenSaver(3)  - manipulate the screen saver
XSetSelectionOwner(3) - manipulate window selection
XSetState(3)        - GC convenience routines
XSetStipple(3)      - GC convenience routines
XSetSubwindowMode(3) - GC convenience routines
XSetTextProperty(3) - set and read text properties
XSetTile(3)         - GC convenience routines
XSetTransientForHint(3) - set or read a window's WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property
XSetTSOrigin(3)     - GC convenience routines
XSetWindowAttributes(3) - create windows and window attributes structure
XSetWindowBackground(3) - change window attributes
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(3) - change window attributes
XSetWindowBorder(3) - change window attributes
XSetWindowBorderPixmap(3) - change window attributes
XSetWindowBorderWidth(3) - configure windows and window changes structure
XSetWindowColormap(3) - change window attributes
XSetWMClientMachine(3) - set or read a window's WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property
XSetWMColormapWindows(3) - set or read a window's WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
XSetWMHints(3)      - allocate window manager hints structure and set or read a window's WM_HINTS property
XSetWMIconName(3)   - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
XSetWMName(3)       - set or read a window's WM_NAME property
XSetWMNormalHints(3) - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
XSetWMProperties(3) - set standard window properties
XSetWMProtocols(3)  - set or read a window's WM_PROTOCOLS property
XSetWMSizeHints(3)  - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
XShape(3)           - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeCombineMask(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeCombineRectangles(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeCombineRegion(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeCombineShape(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeGetRectangles(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeInputSelected(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeOffsetShape(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeQueryExtension(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeQueryExtents(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeQueryVersion(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeSelectInput(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShm(3)             - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmAttach(3)       - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmCreateImage(3)  - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmCreatePixmap(3) - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmDetach(3)       - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmGetEventBase(3) - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmGetImage(3)     - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmPixmapFormat(3) - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmPutImage(3)     - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmQueryExtension(3) - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmQueryVersion(3) - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShrinkRegion(3)    - region arithmetic
XSizeHints(3)       - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
Xss(3)              - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XStandardColormap(3) - allocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure
XStoreBuffer(3)     - manipulate cut and paste buffers
XStoreBytes(3)      - manipulate cut and paste buffers
XStoreColor(3)      - set colors
XStoreColors(3)     - set colors
XStoreName(3)       - set or read a window's WM_NAME property
XStoreNamedColor(3) - set colors
XStringListToTextProperty(3) - convert string lists and text property structure
XStringToKeysym(3)  - convert keysyms
XSubImage(3)        - image utilities
xsubpp(1)           - compiler to convert Perl XS code into C code
XSubtractRegion(3)  - region arithmetic
XSupportsLocale(3)  - determine locale support and configure locale modifiers
XSync(3)            - handle output buffer or event queue
XSynchronize(3)     - enable or disable synchronization
xterm(1)            - terminal emulator for X
x-terminal-emulator(1) - locale-sensitive wrapper for xterm
XTextExtents16(3)   - compute or query text extents
XTextExtents(3)     - compute or query text extents
XTextItem16(3)      - draw polytext text and text drawing structures
XTextItem(3)        - draw polytext text and text drawing structures
XTextProperty(3)    - convert string lists and text property structure
XTextPropertyToStringList(3) - convert string lists and text property structure
XTextWidth16(3)     - compute text width
XTextWidth(3)       - compute text width
XTimeCoord(3)       - send events and pointer motion history structure
XTranslateCoordinates(3) - translate window coordinates
XUndefineCursor(3)  - define cursors
XUngrabButton(3)    - grab pointer buttons
XUngrabKey(3)       - grab keyboard keys
XUngrabKeyboard(3)  - grab the keyboard
XUngrabPointer(3)   - grab the pointer
XUngrabServer(3)    - grab the server
XUninstallColormap(3) - control colormaps
XUnionRectWithRegion(3) - region arithmetic
XUnionRegion(3)     - region arithmetic
XUniqueContext(3)   - associative look-up routines
XUnloadFont(3)      - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XUnlockDisplay(3)   - multi-threading support
XUnmapEvent(3)      - UnmapNotify event structure
XUnmapSubwindows(3) - unmap windows
XUnmapWindow(3)     - unmap windows
XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback(3) - open, close, and obtain input method information
XUnsetICFocus(3)    - set and unset input context focus
Xutf8DrawImageString(3) - draw image text using a single font set
Xutf8DrawString(3)  - draw text using a single font set
Xutf8DrawText(3)    - draw text using multiple font sets
Xutf8LookupString(3) - obtain composed input from an input method
Xutf8ResetIC(3)     - reset the state of an input context
Xutf8SetWMProperties(3) - set standard window properties
Xutf8TextEscapement(3) - obtain the escapement of text
Xutf8TextExtents(3) - compute text extents
Xutf8TextListToTextProperty(3) - convert text lists and text property structures
Xutf8TextPerCharExtents(3) - obtain per-character information for a text string
Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList(3) - convert text lists and text property structures
XVaCreateNestedList(3) - allocate a nested variable argument list
xvinfo(1)           - Print out X-Video extension adaptor information
XVisibilityEvent(3) - VisibilityNotify event structure
XVisualIDFromVisual(3) - obtain visual information and visual structure
XVisualInfo(3)      - obtain visual information and visual structure
XWarpPointer(3)     - move pointer
XwcDrawImageString(3) - draw image text using a single font set
XwcDrawString(3)    - draw text using a single font set
XwcDrawText(3)      - draw text using multiple font sets
XwcFreeStringList(3) - convert text lists and text property structures
XwcLookupString(3)  - obtain composed input from an input method
XwcResetIC(3)       - reset the state of an input context
XwcTextEscapement(3) - obtain the escapement of text
XwcTextExtents(3)   - compute text extents
XwcTextListToTextProperty(3) - convert text lists and text property structures
XwcTextPerCharExtents(3) - obtain per-character information for a text string
XwcTextPropertyToTextList(3) - convert text lists and text property structures
XWindowAttributes(3) - get current window attribute or geometry and current window attributes structure
XWindowChanges(3)   - configure windows and window changes structure
XWindowEvent(3)     - select events by type
xwininfo(1)         - window information utility for X
XWithdrawWindow(3)  - manipulate top-level windows
XWMGeometry(3)      - parse window geometry
XWMHints(3)         - allocate window manager hints structure and set or read a window's WM_HINTS property
Xwrapper.config(5)  - configuration options for X server wrapper
XWriteBitmapFile(3) - manipulate bitmaps
xxd(1)              - make a hexdump or do the reverse.
XXorRegion(3)       - region arithmetic
xz(1)               - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
xzcat(1)            - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
xzcmp(1)            - compare compressed files
xzdiff(1)           - compare compressed files
xzegrep(1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
xzfgrep(1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
xzgrep(1)           - search compressed files for a regular expression
xzless(1)           - view xz or lzma compressed(text) files
xzmore(1)           - view xz or lzma compressed(text) files
y0(3)               - Bessel functions of the second kind
y0f(3)              - Bessel functions of the second kind
y0l(3)              - Bessel functions of the second kind
y1(3)               - Bessel functions of the second kind
y1f(3)              - Bessel functions of the second kind
y1l(3)              - Bessel functions of the second kind
yacc(1)             - GNU Project parser generator
yes(1)              - output a string repeatedly until killed
yn(3)               - Bessel functions of the second kind
ynf(3)              - Bessel functions of the second kind
ynl(3)              - Bessel functions of the second kind
ypdomainname(1)     - show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
zcat(1)             - compress or expand files
zcmp(1)             - compare compressed files
zdiff(1)            - compare compressed files
zdump(8)            - timezone dumper
zegrep(1)           - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zero(4)             - data sink
zfgrep(1)           - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zforce(1)           - force a '.gz' extension on all gzip files
zgrep(1)            - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zic(8)              - timezone compiler
zipdetails(1)       - display the internal structure of zip files
zipgrep(1)          - search files in a ZIP archive for lines matching a pattern
zipinfo(1)          - list detailed information about a ZIP archive
zless(1)            - file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
zlib(3)             - compression/decompression library
zmore(1)            - file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
znew(1)             - recompress .Z files to .gz files
zsh(1)              - the Z shell
zsh4(1)             - the Z shell
zshall(1)           - the Z shell meta-man page
zshbuiltins(1)      - zsh built-in commands
zshcalsys(1)        - zsh calendar system
zshcompctl(1)       - zsh programmable completion
zshcompsys(1)       - zsh completion system
zshcompwid(1)       - zsh completion widgets
zshcontrib(1)       - user contributions to zsh
zshexpn(1)          - zsh expansion and substitution
zshmisc(1)          - everything and then some
zshmodules(1)       - zsh loadable modules
zshoptions(1)       - zsh options
zshparam(1)         - zsh parameters
zshroadmap(1)       - informal introduction to the zsh manual
zshtcpsys(1)        - zsh tcp system
zshzftpsys(1)       - zftp function front-end
zshzle(1)           - zsh command line editor
zsoelim(1)          - satisfy .so requests in roff input

List of man pages available for Hurd

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