[Polarhome] IRC-SE information

Zoltan Arpadffy zoli at redhat.polarhome.com
Tue Apr 27 23:05:51 CEST 2004

Dear polarhome users,

I have two news - as usually, one good and one bad.

The good news is that polarhome got I-line on IRCnet, particularry on 
IRC-SE. It means that every user may have one and only one irc connection 
to IRC-SE servers per ident response. (as you probably know polarhome 
does not allow fake idents etc.)

The bad news is that bots are not allowed and also any violation of rules:
- only one connection per ident towards IRC-SE
- no bots allowed
... will be raported to abuse at polarhome.com and polarhome will take 
necesary steps:
- first occurence : user gets a warning
- second occurence: shell will be disabled

I think that I was clear - as IRC-SE admins with their requirements.

Thank you for cooperation and enjoy IRCnet.


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