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Sun Dec 15 17:00:19 2002

Mailing List "NASIONAL"
Diskusi bebas untuk semua orang yang mempunyai perhatian terhadap
Kejayaan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
11 December 2002



(This list does not include bombings that took place in Maluku or Poso)
I. Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta 19 April 1999
II. Residence of the Philippines Ambassador, Jakarta, 1 August 2000 
(Two died, Fathur Rahman al-Gozi, Abdul Jabar among those believed responsible.)
(Malaysian Embassy, Jakarta, 27 August 2000 (not attributed to JI but should be
(Jakarta Stock Exchange, 13 September 2000 (not attributed to JI but should be
III. Christmas Eve bombings, 24 December 2000 

1. Jakarta
a. Jakarta Cathedral, Lapangan Banteng. Bomb went off between 8:55 and 9:10 pm. It
was placed about two metres to the right of the entrance of the church, apparently
under a car. Caused blue-white smoke and left little trace. A team from the police
forensics lab found another eight kg bomb that had not exploded on the ground near
the front gate of the church. It was equipped with a small alarm clock as a timer. 

b. Kanisius Church, Jl.Menteng Raya, two explosions between 8:45 and 8:50 pm that
wounded five. First caused thick black smoke, second exploded with a red flame.
The explosions took place after the first mass had finished. 

c. Santo Yosef Church, Jl Matraman Raya No.129. Bomb went off at 8:55 pm. It gave
off white smoke that then turned into very thick black smoke. The explosive
contained bits of metal that wounded many of the victims. Four were killed,
eighteen wounded, and there was substantial material damage: fourteen cars, one
foodstall, one cart selling tahu, and one bus stop shelter. The bomb went off
under a tree near the back gate about 20 metres from the Marsudirini convent. The
type of bomb was never identified.

d. Oikumene Protestant Christian Church, Jl. Komodor, Halim Perdanakusuma. Bomb
went off at 9:10 pm while a service was underway, wounding a four-year-old girl.
Not clear where the bomb was placed but the smoke from the explosion came into the
church from under the main door and from a window that had been broken from pellet
shot (not clear when). The bomb left a small crater, about five cm deep and some
45 cm across. One car was destroyed, three others damaged. 

e. Koinonia Church, Jatinegara. Bomb went off between 7:15 and 7:45 pm.
Two men from Polres, one named Sgt. Cipto, were guarding church. Area was fairly
deserted save for a few vendors, a parked car and two cigarette sellers in front
of the church. The bomb was placed in a Microlet with license plate B2955W, that
had been emptied of passengers. The driver died, and a woman named Sumiati
Tampubolon was wounded. The type of bomb was never identified, but it left thick
grey smoke and a crater about 70 cm across. 

f. Anglican Church, Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim, Menteng
2. Bekasi
Protestant church, Jl Gunung Gede Raya. Bomb went off around 9:05 p.m. Two others
bombs were disabled by the Gegana team of the Bekas policei. All three were buried
in the ground in a yard that functioned as a parking lot. The bomb containing
pellets was placed in a box and wrapped with a black plastic bag, then placed in a
hole about 30 cm deep and 50 cm across. The hole was then covered with stones and
trash. A pager was used as a timer. The pellets wounded three bystanders.
3. Bandung
Bomb went off at a ruko (dwelling over a shop) on Jl. Terusan Jakarta, Cicadas,
Antapani about 3:00 p.m. killing three of the would-be bombers.
4. Sukabumi
a. Sidang Kristus Church, Jl. Alun-Alun Utara. Bomb went off about 9:10 pm. 
b. Huria Kristen Batak Protestan Church on Jl. Otista
5. Ciamis
Jl Pantai Pengandaran in front of Hotel Surya Kencana, Dusun Banuasin RT 09/04
Kec. Pangandaran, Kab. Ciamis. Exploded prematurely about 6:20 p.m. 
6. Pekanbaru 
a. HKBP Church on Jl. Hang Tuah
b. Church on Jl. Sidomulyo 
c. Third church, on Jl. Ahmand Dahlan, Gg Horas, Kel. Kedungsari, Sukajadi,
targeted not on Christmas Eve but on 28 December 2002.
7. Batam
a. Protestant Church, Simalungun (GKPS) Sei Panas
b. Bethel Indonesia Church (GBI) Bethany, My Mart Carnival Mall
c. Pentecostal Church of Indonesia, on Jl. Pelita
d. Santo Beato Church, Damian, Bengkong
8. Medan
a. Protestant Church of Indonesia, Jl. Sriwijaya
b. GKPS Stadion Teladan
c. Kemenangan Iman Indonesia Church (GKII) Hasanudin
d. GKII Sisingmanagaraja
e. HKBPChurch Sudirman
f Santo Paulus Church, Jl HM Joni
g. Cathedral Church, Jl. Pemuda
h. Kristus Raja Church, Jl. MT Haryono
i. Home of Pastor James Hood, Jl. Merapi
j. Home of Pastor Oloan Pasaribu, Jl. Sriwijaya
k. Catholic vicarage, Jl. Hayam Wuruk
9. Pematang siantar
a. Home of pastor Elisman Sibayak, Jl. Kasuari
b. Gereja HKBP Damai, Jl. Asahan
c. Home of a pastor in the Kalam Kudus Church, Jl. Supomo
d. Unidentified building on Jl. Merdeka
10. Mojokerto
a. Santo Yoseph Church, Jl. Pemuda. The bombs went off at 8:30. 
b. Kristen Allah Baik Church, Jl. Cokroaminoto. The explosion took place around
8:30 pm
c. Kristen Ebinezer Church, Jl. Kartini, Gg I 
4. Bethany Church, Jl Pemuda

11. Mataram
a. Protestant Church of Western Indonesia (GPIB) Imanuel, Jl Bung Karno. Bomb went
off about 10:05. It had been placed in front of the pastor's house, at the back of
the church on the eastern side near an empty lot. A second bomb was defused by
police. The first gave off a smell of gunpowder and black smoke for about 30
minutes. It left a hole about fifteen cm across.
2. Pentecostal Church Pusat Surabaya (GPPS) Betlehem, Jl. Pemuda No one was around
when the bombs went off. The first bomb went off near the front corner of the
church; the second was near an empty lot in the eastern part of the church
3. Christian cemetery, Kapiten, Ampenan. Bomb went off about 10:05 p.m. 
IV. Bombing of Gereja HKBP and Gereja Santa Ana, Jakarta, 22 July 2001
V. Atrium Mall bombing, Jakarta, 1 August 2001.
(Second Atrium Mall bombing 23 September 2001, not attributed to JI, should be
(Hand grenade thrown into Australian International School in Pejaten, South
Jakarta, 6 November 2001, not attributed to JI at the time, should be re-examined)
VII. Gereja Petra, North Jakarta, 9 November 2001 
VIII. Grenade Explosion near U.S. Embassy Warehouse, Jakarta, 23 September 2002.
VIII. Sari Club and Paddy's Café, Bali, 12 October 2002.


Abbas. One of the aliases of the Atrium Mall bomber, Dedi or Eddy Setiono. See
Abdul Azis Kahar Muzakkar. (Qahhar Mudzakkar). Son of former Darul Islam commander
Kahar Muzakkar; head of KPSI, Komite Pengerakan Syariat Islam (Committee to Uphold
Islamic Law) in Makassar, South Sulawesi. Head of Hidayatullah pesantren in
Makassar, a branch of the main Hidayatullah pesantren in Balikpapan, East
Abdul Aziz alias Imam Samudra. Key suspect in the Bali bombings, arrested 21
November 2002. Born in Serang, Banten, graduated with highest honors in 1990 from
the Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) I in Serang. In 1988, he became head of a
Banten-wide association of madrasahs called HOSMA (Himpunan Osis Madrasah Aliyah).
He was also known within the madrasah association as a religious activist and
reportedly became radicalized by one of the teachers at his high school, former
Darul Islam leader Kyai Saleh As'ad. Abdul Aziz left for Malaysia in 1990. His
parents, Ahmad Sihabudin and Embay Badriyah, were strong supporters of the Muslim
organization, PERSIS. 
Abdul Jabar, suspect in August 2000 attack on Philippines Ambassador's residence
in Jakarta and Christmas Eve 2000 bombings in Jakarta. Married to a woman from
Dompu, Sumbawa, protected by her family, and believed as of late 2002 to still be
hiding in the area.
Abdul Qadir Baraja. Born 10 August 1944 in Taliwong, Sumbawa, former head of Darul
Islam-Lampung in 1970s, former lecturer at Pondok Ngruki. Arrested twice, once in
January 1979 in connection with Teror Warman, served three years, then arrested
and sentenced to thirteen years in connection with bombings in East Java and
Borobodur in early 1985. Founded Khilafatul Muslimin, an organization dedicated to
the restoration of the Islamic caliphate in 1997. Took part in founding of Majelis
Mujahidin Indonesia in August 2000 but is not an active member of MMI.
Abdul Rauf alias Sam bin Jahruddin. Bali bombings suspect, member of JI cell with
Imam Samudra. Born in Cipodoh, Tangerang, West Java, in 1981, he met Abdul Aziz
alias Imam Samudra in 2001 in Bandung through a mutual friend. Rauf at the time
was taking courses in journalism, but he had attended Pondok Ngruki from 1992 to
1997. Reportedly helped make the Bali bombs.
Abdullah Sungkar, co-founder of Pondok Ngruki (Pesantren al-Mukmin) outside Solo,
Central Java and Pesantren Luqmanul Hakiem in Johor, Malaysia. Born in 1937 to a
well-known family of batik traders of Yemeni descent in Solo. Detained briefly in
1977 for urging abstention in national elections, then arrested with Abu Bakar
Ba'asyir in 1978 on subversion charges for alleged involvement in Komando
Jihad/Darul Islam. Fled to Malaysia in 1985, founded Jemaah Islamiyah about 1995,
died in Indonesia in November 1999.
Abdullah Syafi'ie, commander of armed forces of the Free Aceh Movement (Gerakan
Aceh Merdeka or GAM), killed by Indonesian army in early 2002.
Abdurrahman, alias used by Abdul Aziz alias Imam Samudra in Batam bombings of
December 2001.
Abu Bakar Ba'syir. Co-founder with Abdullah Sungkar of Pondok Ngruki, active in
al-Irsyad organization, born in 1938 in Jombang, East Java, fled in Malaysia in
1985, returned to Indonesia after Soeharto resigned. Helped found International
Mujahidin Association (Robitatul Mujahidin or RM) in Malaysia in late 1999, and
Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI) in August 2000. Allegedly inherited leadership
of Jemaah Islamiyah from Abdullah Sungkar when latter died in 1999 but considered
insufficiently radical by JI membership. As of mid-October 2002, under arrest in
Jakarta on suspicion of involvement in terrorist activities.
Abu Dzar, nom de guerre for Haris Fadillah, commander of Laskar Mujahidin forces
in Maluku until he was killed on 26 October 2000 in Siri-Sori Islam, Saparua.
Father-in-law of Omar al-Faruq, father of Mira Agustina. He was of mixed
Makassarese-Malay blood, born in Labo Singkep, Riau.
Abu Fatih, nom de guerre for Abdullah Anshori alias Ibnu Thoyib, alleged to be one
of the top JI leaders. Fled to Malalysia in June 1986, joined Abdullah Sungkar and
Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, reportedly helped recruit volunteers for Afghanistan. From
Pacitan, East Java, he is brother of Abdul Rochim, a teacher at Ngruki.
Abu Hasbi Geudong. See Hasbi Geudong.
Abu Jibril. See Fikiruddin.
Abu Jihad. See Fauzi Hasbi. 
Agus Dwikarna, born in Makassar on 11 August 1964, head of Laskar Jundullah,
detained in the Philippines in March 2002 and convicted on charges of illegal
possession of explosives, suspected of involvement in bombings in Manila and
Jakarta on the basis of information extracted from Fathur Rahman al-Gozi, an
Indonesian also detained in the Philippines. Dwikarna was active in the political
party, PAN, was a former member of HMI-MPO, the hardline wing of the Indonesian
Muslim Students Association. Served as general secretary for the Majelis Mujahidin
Indonesia (MMI) after its founding in August 2000. Also headed the Makassar branch
of KOMPAK, an alleged charitable organisation that made videos documenting
atrocities against Muslims in Poso and Ambon that were used for JI recruitment
purposes. KOMPAK-Makassar was also alleged to have channeled arms to Poso. 
Agus Hidayat. One of the Bali suspects who worked with Imam Samudra. Like Yudi, a
product of the state Islamic school system in Banten. Arrested on 25 November 2002
in connection with the robbery of a goldsmith's shop in Serang, Banten.
Agus Kurniawan, born 9 August 1978 arrested in connection with the Christmas Eve
2000 bombings in Bandung. Sentenced to nine years in prison in 2001.
Ahmad, Ustadz. Associate of Imam Samudra's whom a bomber recruited by Samudra was
supposed to meet to arrange the bombing of a church outside Pekanbaru, Riau in
December 2001.
Akim alias Fadli. Originally from Aceh, Akim was a small-time marijuana and arms
dealer in Medan. Arrested in connection with the Medan Christmas Eve bombing, he
was eventually convicted of marijuana possession. Currently detained of Tanjung
Gusta Prison, Medan.
Akim Hakimuddin alias Suheb alias Asep Akim, about 30, was one of the Bandung
Christmas Eve bombers who died when the bomb went off prematurely. From Cikalang,
rightTasikmalaya, he had lived in Afghanistan between 1987 and 1991, and went from
there to Malaysia, where he met Hambali. Akim also had two tours of duty in Ambon
as a member of the Laskar Mujahidin forces between late 1999 and 2001. He probably
returned to West Java sometime in the late 1990s, and joined a militant group
called Barigade Taliban or Taliban Brigade, led by Kyai Zenzen Zaenal (Jainal)
Muttaqin Atiq. Kyai Zenzen appears on a list of officers of the Majelis Mujahidin
Indonesia (MMI) as a member of the Education and Culture Committee of the
religious council (Ahlul Halli Wal Aqdi).
Ali Gufron alias Muklas/Muchlas alias Huda bin Abdul Haq. From Lamongan, East
Java, elder brother of Amrozi, graduate of Pondok Ngruki in 1982, veteran of
Afghanistan, resident of Malaysia where he taught at the Luqman al-Hakiem
pesantren in Johor. Reportedly took over responsibility for JI operations in
Singapore and Malaysia from Hambali when the international search for Hambali grew
too intense. 
Ali Imron, 35, younger brother of Amrozi, graduate of the Islamic high school
(madrasah aliyah) in Karangasem, Lamongan, East Java, in 1986, joined his brothers
in Malaysia in 1990, lived eight years there (with apparently a one-year break in
1995 studying in Pakistan), studied at the Luqmanul Hakiem pesantren in Johor.
After his return to Indonesia, became a teacher at Pondok al-Islam in Lamongan.
Reportedly drove minivan used in Bali attack from Lamongan to Bali.
Amrozi, 39. Arrested on 5 November 2002 for involvement in Bali plot. Born in 1963
in Tenggulun, Lamongan, dropped out of Islamic high school, left to work in
Malaysia in 1985 for six months, returned to East Java, went back to Malaysia in
1992 and studied with Muchlas at Luqman al-Hakiem pesantren in Johor. Came back to
Indonesia in 1997. In 2000 Abdul Aziz alias Imam Samudra contacted Amrozi, asked
him to help obtain bomb-making materials for use in Ambon. Opened an auto repair
shop in 2001, expert at repairing cars, cell phones, and other equipment. 
Aris Mundandar Right-hand man of Abu Bakar Ba'asyir at Pondok Ngruki. Born in
Sambi, Boyolali, Java, graduated from Pondok Ngruki in 1989 (same year as Fathur
Rahman al-Gozi). Fluent in Arabic and English. Active member of Majelis Mujahidin
Indonesia and director of Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah for Central Java. One of the
founders of KOMPAK, and producer of its video CDs about the conflict in Poso and
Maluku that were used as JI recruiting tools. Said to be a leading figure in the
Jakarta branch of an Abu Dhabi-based charity called Darul Birri. Also active in
Mer-C (Medical Emergency Rescue Center) a Muslim humanitarian organization that
sent assistance to Afghanistan after the American bombing campaign began in late
Arjuna, a Libyan-trained GAM defector from Aceh Pidie whose entire family Arkam
was reportedly wiped out by Indonesian security forces during the Indonesian
army's counter-insurgency operations of the mid-1990s. He reportedly fled to
Malaysia in 1998 and joined forces there with the the breakaway faction of GAM
known as MP-GAM, and began working with Indonesian officials in 1999
Arkam, a native of Sumbawa who reportedly stayed with Amrozi in Lamongan, East
Basuki alias Iqbal bin Ngatmo. Arrested in connection with an attempt to bomb a
church outside Pekanbaru, Riau, in December 2001, on the instructions of Abdul
Aziz alias Imam Samudra.He had been intending to go to Ambon for jihad when
Samudra reportedly persuaded him that jihad was also possible elsewhere.
Batalyon Badar. Islamic group that took responsibility for the church bombings in
Pekanbaru on Christmas Eve 2000. The claim was widely dismissed at the time but it
may be reexamined in the wake of the Bali attack.
Camp Chaldun. Training camp in Afghanistan where many JI leaders reportedly
Daud Beureueh, leader of the Acehnese Darul Islam rebellion from 1953 to 1962,
initially a completely separate movement from that in West Java which bore the
same name. The movements joined forces, at least on paper, in the early 1960s,
shortly before they were defeated by the Indonesian army, and Beureueh became imam
of the movement. He was born in 1899 and died in 1987.
Dedi Mulyadi. One of the West Java bombers for the Christmas Eve 2000 operation,
he was born in 1969 and went to Malaysia as a migrant worker in 1991. He was in
Afghanistan from 1991-92, then returned to Malaysia where he worked until late
1994. He returned to Tasikmalaya and worked as a trader, then moved to Purwakarta
and lived there until 1999 when he moved back to Tasikmalaya. 
Dedi Setiono alias Abbas alias Usman. One of the convicted Atrium Mall bombers,
Dedi was a Maluku veteran. He was from Bogor originally, had lived for many years
in Malaysia, and made his living selling mineral water in Jakarta. Dedi had been
with Hambali in Afghanistan in 1987 and met him again in South Jakarta in October
2000 to plan the Christmas Eve bombings. After his "success" as field commander
for Jakarta of the latter operation, Abbas worked with Imam Samudra to coordinate
the Atrium Mall bombing in early August 2001. 
DDII, Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia, Islamic Propagation Counci, sometimes seen
as Islamic Proselytisation Council. Founded in 1967 by Mohammed Natsir. Close
relations with the Rabitat al-Alam al-Islami, World Muslim League, based in Saudi
Didin Rosman. See Iqbal.
Edi Sugiarto. One of the men convicted of the Christmas Eve 2000 bombings in
Medan. Born on 22 August 1955 in Medan, he was of mixed Javanese-Acehnese
ethnicity. During the army's counterinsurgency operations in Aceh throughout the
1990s, he operated an auto and electronics repair shop or bengkel in Uleeglee,
Pidie, Aceh. The shop became well known as a gathering place for Kopassus forces.
Sometime in the late 1990s, Edi began providing information to GAM and fixing
their electronic equipment. He was accused of making the remote control mechanisms
and timers for fourteen bombs, only one of which exploded. He was sentenced in
2001 to eleven years in prison.
Encep Nurjaman. See Hambali.
Enjang Bastaman alias Jabir. See Jabir.
Fadli alias Akim. See Akim.
Faiz bin Abubakar Bafana. Malaysian JI member currently detained in Singapore.
Reportedly spent his childhood in Tanah Abang, Jakarta. His interrogation
depositions have placed Abu Bakar Ba'asyir at some of the planning meetings for JI
operations. Bafana reportedly worked closely with Hambali and helped him purchase
explosives for the December 2000 bombings.
al-Faruq, Omar alias Moh. Assegaf. Alleged Kuwaiti (although the Kuwaiti
government has denied that he is a citizen) linked to al-Qaeda, whose confession
of activities in Indonesia provided the cover story for Time Magazine, 23
September 2002. See Abu Dzar
Fathur Rahman al-Ghozi. Born in Madium, East Java, he was arrested in Manila in
January 2002 and convicted on charges of illegal possession of explosives. He
graduated from Pondok Ngruki in 1989, studied in Pakistan, spent some time in
Malaysia and has a Malaysian wife. His father, Zenuri, served time in prison for
alleged links to Komando Jihad.
Fauzi Hasbi alias Abu Jihad. Son of Hasbi Geudong, father of Lamkaruna Putra.
Self-styled leader of Republik Islam Aceh (RIA) and Front Mujahidin Born in 1948
in Samudera Geudong subdistrict, North Aceh. He spent much of his childhood (age 7
to 14) in the hills with the Darul Islam guerrilla forces. He joined GAM in 1976
with his father and brother, was arrested in 1979, was released under the guidance
of Kopassus officer Syafrie Sjamsuddin to whom he became close. He started working
against GAM. Through his father, he knew Abdullah Sungkar and became close to many
of the JI members in Malaysia.
Fernandez, Joe. Malaysian state assemblyman from Lunas killed on 14 November 2000
in Bukit Mertajam, Malaysia, apparently by the JI-linked KKM.
Fikiruddin Muqti alias Abu Jibril alias Mohamed Ibal bin Abdurrahman. Born in
Tirpas-Selong village, East Lombok. Became well-known preacher (muballigh) at the
Sudirman mosque in Yogyakarta in the early 1980s. Fled to Malaysia in 1985, later
joined by wife. Arrested by Malaysian authorities in June 2001 and charged with
trying to establish a Southeast Asia-wide Islamic state. Made frequent trips to
Indonesia, appears on a video CD recruiting volunteers to fight in the Maluku
conflict. Became a member of the executive committee of Majelis Mujahidin
Indonesia (MMI) in August 2000.
Fuad Amsyari. Secretary to Abu Bakar Ba'asyir in the religious council of the
Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI). 
GAM, Gerakan Aceh Merdeka. The Free Aceh Movement, started by Hasan di Tiro in
1976. While GAM is the acronym commonly used to describe both the political and
military organization, GAM members themselves use GAM for the political movement
and AGAM for the armed forces. Hasan di Tiro uses ASNLF, the Acheh Sumatra
National Liberation Front as the term for the political movement. "Aceh" is
considered pro-government orthography; "Acheh" is the spelling preferred by the
pro-independence movement.
Haji Aceng Suheri. Scrap iron dealer, late 50's, provided house in Bandung where
Christmas Eve 2000 bombs were constructed.
Haji Ismail Pranoto, see Hispran.
Haji Mansur. Father-in-law of wanted JI member Abdul Jabar, retired army officer,
former village head of Sanio, subdistrict Woja, in Dompu, central Sumbawa.
Hambali alias Riduan Isamuddin. Born Encep Nurjaman in Kampung Pabuaran,
subdistrict Karang Tengah, Cianjur, West Java on 4 April 1964. Second of 11
children of Ending Isomudin (deceased) and his wife, Eni Maryani. Attended
madrasah called Manarul Huda, graduated from Al-Ianah Islamic High School,
Cianjur, in 1984. Around late 1985, he left for Malaysia, saying he wanted to find
work as a trader. Became a protégé of Abdullah Sungkar, spent several years in
Afghanistan. Reportedly directed Christmas Eve 2000 bombings, was head of JI for
Singapore and Malaysia, allegedly replaced in late 2002 by Ali Gufron alias
Haris Fadillah. See Abu Dzar.
Hasan di Tiro. Head of GAM and the Acheh Sumatra National Liberation Front. Based
in Sweden.
Hasbi Geudong. close associate of Acehnese Darul Islam leader Daud Beureueh,
joined GAM in 1976 with two sons, Muchtar Hasbi and Fauzi Hasbi. Arrested in
mid-1980s, moved to Singapore upon his release, then, allegedly after threats from
Hasan di Tiro's men, to Malaysia where he became a neighbor of Abdullah Sungkar.
Close to other DI leaders in West Java, he was considered by some to be the third
imam of DI after Kartosuwirjo and Daud Beureueh. Died in Jakarta in March 1993.
Hendropriyono (Lt. Gen.). Head of National Intelligence Agency (Badan Intelijen
Negara or BIN). In 1989, as head of Korem 043 in Kampung, the Black Garuda
Command, he led an assault on a religious school in Way Jepara, Talangsari,
Lampung that was linked to Pondok Ngruki through Abdullah Sungkar. In 1999 as
Minister of Transmigration, he offered many of the Lampung families affected by
the assault a form of material reconciliation known as islah, and as a result,
some were resettled on shrimp farms in Sumbawa.
Hispran (Haji Ismail Pranoto). Originally from Brebes, former senior commander of
the Darul Islam in East Java, used by Ali Moertopo to reactive Darul Islam as
Komando Jihad in the mid-1970s. Reportedly inducted Abu Bakar Ba'asyir and
Abdullah Sungkar into DI in 1976. Hispran was arrested in January 1977, tried in
1978, and sentenced to life in prison on subversion charges. He died in Cipinang
Prison, Jakarta.
Holis alias Udin. One of the plotters in the West Java Christmas Eve 2000
bombings, still at large as of December 2002. From Desa Leuwianyar Tawang
subdistrict, Tasikmalaya.
Husaini Hasan. Leader of breakaway faction of GAM known as MP-GAM, currently
resident in Sweden. Bitterly opposed to Hasan di Tiro.
Huzrin Hood. Bupati of Kepulauan Riau (Riau Archipelago), alleged to have met with
Omar al-Faruq and his wife in May 2002, reportedly associated with a hardline
mosque in Tanjung Pinang, Riau.
Idris Mahmud, known as Teuku (Tk.) Idris. An Acehnese linked to MP-GAM who
reportedly is part of the inner circle of JI in Malaysia. Reported to be a protégé
of Arjuna (see Arjuna).
Imam Samudra. See Abdul Aziz.
Iqbal alias Didin. Arrested in connection with West Java Christmas Eve bombings of
December 2000. Born Didin Rosman in 1958, a product of Darul Islam-affiliated
pesantrens. Originally from Pasar Ucing, Garut, West Java, Iqbal had studied at
Pesantren Rancadadap in Curug, Garut, then moved to another pesantren, Awi
Hideung. In the late 1970s, he became a trader of palm sugar and other goods that
he sold in the Kiaracondong market in Bandung. Iqbal reportedly kept up his
religious studies with various kyai, including Kyai Saeful Malik, also known as
Acengan Cilik, a former Darul Islam leader. Iqbal was a key local contact for
Jabir and Hambali as the Christmas Eve 2000 bombings were being planned. Sentenced
in 2001 to a twenty-year prison term.
Iqbal alias Armasan alias Lacong. The alleged suicide bomber in Bali was born in
Sukamana, Malimping, Banten in 1980. Member of the cell that included Imam Samudra
and Yudi. 
Irfan Awwas Suryahardy. Born in Tirpas-Selong village, East Lombok, 4 April 1960.
Attended Gontor pesantren. Edited ar-Risalah newsletter in early 1980s, founded
activist organisation called Badan Komunikasi Pemuda Mesjid (BKPM). Arrested on
subversion charges, sentenced on 8 February 1984 to 13 years in prison, served
nine. Head of executive committee of Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI). Brother of
Iswandi alias Herianto, name used by man sought in Medan bombings of Christmas Eve
2000. See Polem.
Jabir. Alias of Enjang Bastaman, JI figure and friend of Hambali killed in Bandung
in Christmas Eve 2000 bombing operation. About 40 years old, he was from
Banjarsari, Ciamis, graduated from Pondok Ngruki around 1990 and continued
education at Perguruan Tinggi Dakwah Islam (PTDI) in Tanjung Priok. Lived in
Malaysia and had trained in Afghanistan, also visited Thailand. In 1996 he
returned to Ciamis to get married, took his wife back to Malaysia that same year.
He returned to Indonesia when his first child was about to be born in 1998 and
stayed in the Bandung area thereafter. In 2000 he reportedly moved to Tasikmalaya
but maintained regular contact with JI people in Malaysia.
Jemaah Islamiyah. Organisation set up by Abdullah Sungkar in Malaysia in 1994 or
1995, not to be confused with the generic term, jemaah islamiyah which just means
"Islamic community." It was formally entered on the United Nations list of
terrorist organisations on 23 October 2002.
Kahar Muzakkar. Leader of the Darul Islam rebellion in South Sulawesi from 1950 to
1965. Born La Domeng in Luwu, South Sulawesi in 1921, he rebelled after the
Indonesian army refused to incorporate his forces as a separate brigade. He died
in 1965 after being shot in a raid carried out by Mohamad Jusuf, later Indonesian
Defense Minister. One of his sons, Aziz Kahar Muzakkar, head of KPSI and Pesantren
Hidayatullah in Malaysia is reportedly close to some JI members.
Kartosuwirjo, Sekarmadji Maridjan. Leader of the West Java Darul Islam rebellion
1948-62. Born in Cepu, West Java, in 1905, died upon capture in 1962.
Inspirational figure for many in Indonesia who advocate an Islamic state,
including JI members.
Khilafatul Muslimin. Organization set up by Abdul Qadir Baraja in Teluk Betung,
Lampung, and Taliwong, Sumbawa.
KMM, Kumpulan Mujahidin Malaysia (Malalysian authorities often use "Kumpulan
Militant Malaysia"). Group linked to JI whose members were associated not only
with a series of bank robberies and explosions but also with a series of meetings
in Malaysia in which one of the 11 September hijackers took part. 
Komando Jihad, name given by Soeharto government to a revived Darul Islam movement
of the mid-1970s that was manipulated by Ali Moertopo, a senior Indonesian army
officer in charge of covert operations, to discredit the Muslim opposition to
Soeharto prior to the 1977 elections.
KPPSI, Komite Persiapan Pengerakan Syariat Islam. The Preparatory Committee for
Upholding Islamic Law was set up in Makassar, South Sulawesi in May 2000. Founders
reportedly saw it as a way of continuing the Darul Islam struggle through
constitutional means. The head was Abdul Aziz Qahhar Muzakkar; Agus Dwikarna was a
prominent member. The organisation later dropped the "Preparatory" and became
simply KPSI.
Kulur. Name of an ethnic group in Saparua, Maluku, whose members served in the
Indonesian army and reported assisted Laskar Mujahidin forces.
Laksar Mujahidin. The umbrella group of armed forces linked to JI fighting in
Maluku and Poso. Total number never exceeded 500 in Maluku. First commander was
Abu Dzar, Omar al-Faruq's father-in-law who was killed in October 2000. Not to be
confused with LaskarJihad, with which there was no cooperation.
Laskar Jundullah. Name given to security wing of KPPSI led by Agus Dwikarna that
sent fighters to Poso and Maluku. The term "Laskar Jundullah" or Army of Allah was
also used by a number of ad hoc units that fought in Maluku and Poso prior to
Laskar Jundullah's formal creation in September 2000.
Ligadinsyah alias Lingga. GAM commander for Central Aceh (Takengon),
Libyan-trained. Tried and convicted in connection with the Medan Christmas Eve
bombings of December 2000 but involvement appears to have consisted of overhearing
a conversation. Serving sentence in Tanjung Gusta Prison, Medan.
MMI, Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia. Organisation set up in August 2000 by Abu Bakar
Ba'asyir and Irfan Awwas Suryahardy to constitute a political front for all groups
in Indonesia working to establish Islamic law. MMI includes many JI members, but
also many others with perfectly legitimate occupations.
Malik Mahmud. Prime Minister of GAM.
Mira Agustina. Wife of Omar al-Faruq, daughter of Haris Fadillah alias Abu Dzar.
Mohamed Syafe'i. Brother of Irfan Awwas Suryahardy, reportedly head of pesantren
al-Banna in east Lombok. Pesantren said to have been disbanded in late 2002.
Mohammed Fawazi. Man from east Lombok being sought in connection with Bali
Muchlas. See Ali Gufron.
Muchtar Yahya Hasbi. Son of Hasbi Geudong, deputy to Hasan di Tiro in GAM after
its founding in 1976 and head of the drafting committee of Republik Islam Aceh
(RIA). Shot and killed in Indonesian army assault on GAM in 1980.
Mursalin Dahlan. Helped found MMI; active in Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia
(Islamic Propagation Council). Former activist student at Bandung Institute of
Technology; imprisoned for six months prior to special session of the People's
Consultative Assembly (MPR) 1978; shared a cell with Darul Islam notable Panji
Gumilang alias Abu Toto; heads West Java branch of a Muslim political party,
Partai Umat Islam (PUI).
Ngruki. Town outside Solo, Central Java, that gave its name to the religious
boarding school founded by Abdullah Sungkar and Abu Bakar Ba'asyir. The school,
whose official name is Pesantren al-Mukmin, is better known as Pondok Ngruki. Many
JI members have attended or taught there or have links to one of the two founders.
NII, Negara Islam Indonesia. Islamic State of Indonesia, name given to the state
that the Darul Islam movement was trying to establish.
Pesantren Luqman al-Hakiem. A religious boarding school in Johor, Malaysia,
founded by Abdullah Sungkar and which many JI members appear to have attended.
Polem. A nickname meaning "elder brother" in Acehnese, Polem had an identity card
in the name of Iswandi. Said to be from Pasar Teupin Punti, Samtalirah Aron
subdistrict, in Lhokseumawe, North Aceh. Had trucking and shrimp farm business,
did business with GAM. Said to be a key figure in the Medan Christmas Eve bombings
of December 2000.
RM, Rabitatul Mujahidin. International Mujahidin Association established by Abu
Bakar Ba'asyir in Kuala Lumpur in late 1999. Representatives of Muslim separatist
organisations from Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Burma attended,
together with several key JI members. The association itself is not particularly
Ramli. Acehnese foodstall owner in Medan who appeared as witness in the Medan
Christmas Eve bombings trials.
Rauf. See Abdul Rauf.
Riduan Isamuddin. See Hambali.
Rony Milyar. Convicted in Bandung Christmas Eve 2000 bombings. See Agus Kurniawan.
Saleh As'ad. Kyai from Banten, former Darul Islam figure, said to have helped
radicalise Imam Samudra.
Shodiq Musawa. Convicted in 1985 Borobodur bombing, relative of Abdul Qadir
Baraja, long-time resident of Malang, East Java. Member of MMI.
Syafrie Sjamsuddin, Major General, spokesman for the Indonesian armed forces
headquarters, arrested Fauzi Hasbi alias Abu Jihad, has maintained close contact
with him ever since.
Syawal, Yassin. Also known as Salim Yasin, Abu Seta, Mahmud, Muhamad Mubarok, and
Muhammad Syawal. Son-in-law of Abdullah Sungkar (married a stepdaughter). Trained
at Camp Chaldun in Afghanistan with Hambali, leading JI figure in South Sulawesi.
Is alleged to have carried out military training at the Hidyatullah pesantren in
Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, together with Aris Munandar and Omar al-Faruq, for
recruits going to fight in Poso and Maluku. Reportedly has strong ties to the
southern Philippines as well. 
Tamsil Linrung. Former treasurer of the National Mandate Party (PAN), arrested
with Agus Dwikarna in the Philippines in March 2002, freed shortly thereafter.
Helped found Laskar Jundullah, also took part in the founding meeting of Abu Bakar
Ba'asyir's International Mujahidin Association (Rabitatul Mujahidin) in late 1999.
Taufik Abdul Halim alias Dani, Malaysian convicted in the JI-linked bomb explosion
at the Atrium Mall in Jakarta on 1 August 2001. Younger brother of alleged KMM
head, Zulkifli bin Abdul Hir.
Umar. Associate of Hambali who had contact with some of the key figures involved
in the West Java Christmas Eve bombings. Resident of Malaysia. May be one of the
Umars being sought in connection with the Bali bombings.
Usman Mahmud alias Musa. Head of a pesantren/ clinic for addicts, gamblers and
thugs in West Java. Gave work to Jabir in 1999.
Wawan. Afghanistan veteran involved in making the bomb that went off prematurely
in Bandung, 24 December 2000.
Way Jepara. Name of Lampung village where 1989 Indonesian army assault on
religious school took place after subdistrict military commander was killed.
Yazid Sufaat. Senior JI member detained in Malaysia, said to be responsible for
the Christmas Eve 2000 bombings in Medan
Yoyo. One of the footsoldiers in the Ciamis Christmas Eve 2000 bombings.
Yudi alias Andri. One of the Bali suspects, part of Imam Samudra's cell in Banten.
Born in the village of Sukamanah, Malimping, Banten in 1980. After going to a
state elementary school, Yudi went to Pondok Ngruki from 1992-1995.Allegedly
helped Abdul Rauf prepare the Bali bombs.
Ayman al-Zawaheri, an Egyptian doctor accused of complicity in the assassination
of Anwar Sadat, now believed to be Osama bin Laden's deputy in al-Qaeda. He
reportedly visited Aceh in 2000, accompanied by Omar al-Faruq.
Zulfahri, Don. Born in Idi Rayeuk, East Aceh in 1960, left Aceh in 1980 and after
some years in the United States, went to Malaysia where he became a successful
businessman. He also became a leader of MP-GAM, the group opposed to Hasan di
Tiro, and was shot dead in Malaysia on 1 June 2000, reportedly by di Tiro's
Zulkifli bin Abdul Hir, Brother of Taufik, above, alleged head of Kumpulun
Mujahidin Malaysia (KMM).
Zulkifli Marzuki. Malaysian alleged to be the "secretary" of JI. 



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