
Hard and soft ware discusion.

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Postby afonic » Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:03 pm

From their site:
Swiftfox is an optimized build of Mozilla Firefox for AMD processors including Athlon XP, Athlon 64, Duron and Sempron.

That says it all. In my system (Ubuntu Dapper, k7 kernel, AMD Athlon64 3000+) I noticed that the load times are practically eliminated plus the rendering times are down to the middle if I believe this:

If you are on Linux and have an AMD CPU I really suggest you check it out, you just run it and it uses Firefox's bookmarks, extensions etc. You may want to copy the content from your mozilla plugin dir for ...../swiftfox/plugins for them to work.

Get it here:
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Postby afonic » Fri Apr 14, 2006 5:59 pm

Now builds available for Intel CPUs as well.
Actually the builds are categorized per CPU now for even better perfomance! 8)
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Postby afonic » Thu Sep 07, 2006 9:27 am

Builds for almost any CPU out there today are available!

Even better, there are now Ubuntu .deb install files that install Swiftfox in /usr/lib/swiftox and carries over all Firefox plugins automatically.

If you are using Linux and Firefox, give it a chance, it can be from a little to way much faster depending on your system.
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